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is there one true love?


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has it been proven by science that there is only one person that it perfect for someone, the rest may be good but not as good?or is the opposite really true? i always belied that thats what my parents taught me, but many other people I talk to have a different opinion. they think that there are many people that work equally well with someone.

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I'd think one could know many, many people and find none perfect. You didn't actually say, but the question implies a perfect spouse. I think it is a figment of ones lust that makes us conclude a person would be a perfect spouse, because a large portion of marriages end in divorce. Marriages that last inevitably result in some conversations that end in fights. Thus, IMO there is no one perfect, we just do the best we can. However, knowing this does not mean you wont fall in lust and think you have found the perfect person.

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has it been proven by science that there is only one person that it perfect for someone, the rest may be good but not as good?or is the opposite really true? i always belied that thats what my parents taught me, but many other people I talk to have a different opinion. they think that there are many people that work equally well with someone.


This is not a question science can answer. But it can analyse what the result would be if this were true. It would not be good: https://what-if.xkcd.com/9/

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It seems obvious we aren't talking about perfection. We're talking about a mate that matches you to a tee in all the important areas. That person doesn't have to be perfect in a general sense.


But I'm with Strange. You have too many variables to get any meaning from a scientific explanation, but it seems obvious that it would be horrible if true. Humans are about adaptability to circumstances, and I don't think this is an area where that changes significantly.

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I don't think that science has an answer to your question, but there are some things that you might want to consider.


has it been proven by science that there is only one person that it perfect for someone, the rest may be good but not as good?or is the opposite really true? i always belied that thats what my parents taught me, but many other people I talk to have a different opinion. they think that there are many people that work equally well with someone.


You talk about this "one person" as if people were static, unchanging. This is not so. You are not the same person that you were five years ago, and you will be different in many ways five years from now. So even if you could find a person who matched you perfectly, would that person match you perfectly in ten years? In twenty years?


As we grow, we change physically, mentally, and emotionally. We adapt to the circumstances of our lives, and the "one person" is also adapting to the circumstance of life. If some event in your life causes you to emotionally mature in order to deal with it, babies often bring this about, then will your one person also magically mature just because you did? Not necessarily. This circumstance can often cause people to state that they are "growing apart".


I am old and can tell you that over years of marriage, people fall in and out of love more than once. This is caused by the changes. There will be times when the one person is behind you in some aspect of your development, and there will be times when that one person is ahead of you in some aspect of development. It is the commitment of the parties that gets them through these times, while waiting for the perfect match to again match perfectly.


So look for what appears to be your perfect match, then work to help that perfect match maintain itself as you both grow. Bonds and love are things that grow, so be a good gardener and care for the relationship. A person who has learned how to be part of a perfect match, will often be able to again build a perfect match if something destroys the first -- such as a premature death. This second match will be different, but not necessarily less perfect. imo



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