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A lingual theory of everything

Mike Smith Cosmos

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Interesting. ...

Regards, TAR2

Equally interesting you bring up the point about , " what is there " like galaxies and " what is not there" like voids


And then of course the subject of dark matter. , which appears to influence the visible universe by GRAVITY.


If we take the proportions of visible matter to invisible dark matter, currently given as 5 per cent visible , with dark energy and dark matter making the other 95 per cent . Dark matter 27 percent dark energy 68 percent .


This means that the dark matter is either around outside, or at the core of these threads. And it is 5 times heavier than normal matter. I bet the gravity field lines , that dark matter creates in the universe make some interesting patterns


No wonder it is shaping the universe


Link. http://science.nasa.gov/astrophysics/focus-areas/what-is-dark-energy/


Possible Distribution of dark Matter. (A)


Or as strings (red) in the web of galaxies with (blue) dark matter outside.


If the Dark matter is on the outside of galaxies or clusters it maybe look as illustrated above (A). if you could see it, which we can not. )

--------------------- ---------------------- ------------------ ---------------------


Or Alternative distribution of dark matter


If on the other hand, dark matter exists as a high density central thread (dark blue), yet still 5 times the mass of normal matter.Then. The high density thread of dark matter will be attracting the normal matter (red) , inward to the thread core ,following the line of the thread/grid . as illustrated below (B)






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Well how about if the dark matter and energy is the ping pong balls. When I built the model I pictured a few posts back, a central ball touches 12 other balls. Six around the equator, three above and three oppositely below. So the threads of the galaxies would be in the areas between the balls. Now in your first picture above the halo of dark matter was concave around the visable matter. Could it be instead convex, and visible matter is squeezed out from where neighboring areas of dark matter are close into the areas where they are not so close? It seems in some sense, that such a squeezing would "look" like additional gravity, and being as it was not "in" the galaxies it was affecting, it could add to motion, from the outside.


It could still be that dark matter and energy make up 95 percent of the universe.


I dont know the math, but I wonder how much of the volume of my ping pong balls consists of air inside of balls as opposed to air outside the balls. Do you think it could be anywhere close to 95 percent?


Regards, TAR2

I guess I could force it under water and see how much it displaces...but that might loosen the glueohmy.png

Might be interesting to study the evolution of the shape and size of the areas between galaxies 6 billion years ago, 5 billion years ago, 4 billion years ago, 3 billion years ago, 2 billion years ago, one billion years ago and a million years ago, "locally", and see how the stuff has evolved.

I suppose areas of dark matter wouldn't have to be of a consistent shape and size, even during a particular epoch and densed packed ping pong balls would be like expecting grains of sand on a beach to be all of the same size and shape and nicely lined up.

post-15509-0-22906200-1390537493_thumb.pngHey Mike,


I was inspecting the areas between the ping pong balls, and noticed, if I held it to the light, I could see 6 points of light, THROUGH the figure. Channels of opportunity. And I could see the same 6 points from 12 different angles, putting each of the balls around the center ball directly infront of the center ball. I have additional balls attached from the original 13 ball starting figure to extend the lattice. But I figured if I had something thin and straight I could put it through the "tubes" of opportunity.


6 parralel tubes, 6 times (being semetrical I was looking at the opposite end of each parcel of six tubes around each of the twelve balls) But 36 strands of spagetti are all touching the center ball on their way through. It got a little crowded at some of the "galaxy" points so the last group of 6 coming in from the left, I did not push all the way through their channels, so you see them hanging out the left, and not hanging out the right.

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Well how about if the dark matter and energy........

It could still be that dark matter and energy make up 95 percent of the universe. up.[/i]

I must say the first time I saw the overall image ( in red ) that they produced of the whole universe, I did think it all looked a bit like a massive foam bath, made up of ga-trillions of bubbles, and thought of the opposing tensions and pressures present in bubbles.


There( in real bubbles) air pressure inside the bubbles is pushing out, and surface tension and other pressures and bubbles are pushing in !

This sort of fits with the dark energy pushing out and the dark matter pushing in, and the visible matter being the walls of the bubbles. ( the galaxies )


Maybe someone should take a bath in a warm swimming pool and put a goodly helping of liquid soap in it , and get 100's of people to jump in ,and thrash about a bit, and see what it looks like. Oh! and some red coloured dye.



. yippee ! here we come !




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Well how about if the dark matter the ping pong balls.





Had a go at a drawing with dark matter including dark energy in the same location ( ping pong balls ) 95 Per cent , drawn in dark blue


Visible ordinary ( Baryonic) matter ( galaxy strands ) drawn in pinky red 5 percent


Looks a fairly good correlation to the computer simulations of the universe at large.

Where dark blue equals black and red equals pink.




So we now need to reason ? Is the dark matter pushing into the real matter and squashing it into strands , or pulling it out into threads ?


And is the dark energy pushing everything out wards from the same location ?


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Well we might have to rethink the whole thing, since we have to throw twenty times the stuff we thought we had, into the mix. The areas that have the photon emitting and absorbing type matter, might work on different principles than the areas that don't. Much of the formulae for special relativity and the like are built off of Maxwell's equations based around magnetic and electric fields and even quantum mechanics is based on the amount of energy that it takes to make a photon or absorb one.


If we are talking about some stuff that does not seem to trade with the currency of a photon, the equations built around a photon, might not be appropriate to describe it.


But, the idea of channels, or tubes of opportunity betwixt and between the stuff still seems to work. And like you say surface tension and other characterisics of a substance, make each entity partially something that is being acted on, and partially something that is acting back.


Like the question of how much dirt is in a hole in the ground three foot in diameter, perfectly cylindrical and three foot deep, the answer is NONE.


Regards, TAR2

AND it does not have to be a simple answer. After all hydrogen, a simple normal matter and normal energy thing was able to evolve into heavier elements in several generations of star development and explosions over the 13.6 billion years the universe has had to evolve. There is nothing against giving dark matter and energy the same latitude and expecting it to be somewhat complex in nature, with "entities" and identities that could be cataloged in a "table of elements" of matter of a different sort than we previously have limited the universe to. Things we could name on different scales, with different characteristics and properties, once we get to know the stuff.

I know this is not a dark matter thread, but it seems required that even very mildly interacting things that have been around each other for 13.6 billion years, MUST have something to do with each other. Whether the one is the by product of the other, or the one is formed by the other, pushed or pulled, squeezed or squeezing, attracted or repulsed...still in terms of the lingual theory of everything, it is easier, more pleasant, and more likely for the child to run down the hall than into the wall.

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Well we might have to rethink the whole thing,.............still in terms of the lingual theory of everything, it is easier, more pleasant, and more likely for the child to run down the hall than into the wall.

I do think we need to think what we have got ....... and what we have not got .


Dark matter and dark energy are so much of an unknown at the moment, it might be better to keep them in


one of the " Black boxes " I spoke of earlier.


We know only their effect or output or transfer characteristics. 95 % dark matter and dark energy


The universe we know much more about ( even with much limitations ) 5 % ordinary universe




Sorry a bit cropped


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Well perhaps, but that would make the TOE only a 5% theory. Shouldn't it attempt to explain everything?


While I am all for black box thinking, and grain shifts of all varieties, it's important that everything adds back nicely. That is, you can take an overall perspective or a perspective from here or there, or then or now or later, but when something does not add up, from a single perspective its probably because you have not carried your multiplier or divisor consistently through to the other perspective you are considering.


Things that are true, make sense in more than one way. That is more or less my litmus test. If it doesn't fit, it doesn't belong in the model. If it does fit, its likely to fit in a multitude of ways, and have consequences on many different levels and from many different perspectives.


Long ago, or at least earlier on in my life, I began to consider things as entities. Each entity was both a component of a larger entity, and was made up of smaller entities. This calls into question one of your concepts "if left to their own devices", when considering the actions or disposition of a thing. It seems if my enitiy concept is to be true, that any enitity is somewhat beholding to the components that make it up, as well as to the entities that it is a component of, for any "devices" it may have.


When considering the smaller entities one can feel a kind of mastery, that quickly moderates, when considering the larger entities which would command the same mastery of you, if mastery was in play.


So, in the tubes of opportunity realm, I am thinking that there is always a reciprocity, between the tube, and the tuber.


And dark energy and dark matter are not "strangers" to the universe, just because we have just noticed they have been around the whole time.


Regards, TAR2

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Well perhaps, but that would make the TOE only a 5% theory. Shouldn't it attempt to explain everything.....



Regards, TAR2



. Yes! Quite!


But I need you to open ONE of the boxes ! . And the beauty of black box principles is it does not dismiss anything but enables you to think in manageable chunks. Dealing with one aspect at a time while keeping the whole system running, as you visit one thing at a time.


So let's deal something. I did make a claim in my first part of this thread 20 odd pages ago , that I found this TOE did work with everything and I still hold to that. Else it would be a nonsense. However I have been exploring openly with others, including your good self some of the details both on and off the forum.


Perhaps it is an inevitable destination of the human mind that we all revert to " the beginning " bit, " yes ,but how did that sequentially come about " ...... The chicken and the egg ! We still have to go back to the black box ,sometime and try to fathom it out.


If you want to do that right now ! Then so be it ? It might come out and bite us on the nose !



The other issues of tubes and paths of least resistance are fairly easy by comparison, and an enjoyable exercise, like looking at the details of a pretty flower. But the original black box , boxes are the subjects that many are examining currently.


Hoopla recently opened one of the black box on MATHS. Whoosh ! There is chaos, infinity, logic strange attractors flying everywhere . I have been reading Mike Tegmarks book on maths, but got a bit bogged down in multiverse 's ! However all very interesting .


. --- Let's open one of the BOXES in the context of a lingual theory of everything. Which one do you want? -------







Ps I sort of opened one of the black boxes , a few posts ago by bringing up the subject of dark matter and dark energy , and look what happened ,I got poked in the eye with a lot of sharp straws and red baths of foam and ping pong balls everywhere ! I am still trying to clear up!

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if the visible matter is making up 5% of this universe, perhaps the extra gravity from dark matter can be accounted by the existence of other universes each contributing a roughly equal amount of gravity force, making up the balance of the total gravitational effects observed. This would tend to infer a finite number of co-universes only interacting gravitationally, but otherwise ignoring one another....It seems possible that there are other commonalities to look for, and gravity is the most obvious one...the latest pictures of the "dark matter" threads as lensed by the quasar are fantastic.....edd

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Well, perhaps one black box at a time is the way to go. Impossible really, for me to keep up with all the advances in all the areas which human endevour has succeeded in unraveling mysteries.


Hoola, with the quasar lensing, brought in a little stronger in my mind, I thought I had with the bubbles and the "channels" between the ping pong balls. Might not the areas of the universe, that are inhabited by "normal" matter and energy, be tubes of opportunity for photons? Straight lines, after all, are hard to come by with the gravitational lensing that goes on out there. Its hard, on two levels to point to a distant object and say "that's where it is". In the one sense the photons could be put off a straight path by the gravity of dark matter, other shiny matter, the heliopause and the Earths atmosphere and magnetic field. On another level, the thing we see is by virtue of its distance, arguably, NOT where and how it was when the photons left it, on their way here.


So it would be a little difficult to say with certainty, as one points to a distant object, that there is not a ping pong ball of non photon friendly stuff, between here and there, which the light has simply been channeled around.


Analogy wise, I am thinking of a large ball of tangled (and merged at the intersectiions) glass threads embedded in an opaque material. Light could get through and reveal an image on the other side, with the photons NOT traveling exactly in a direction whose path tracked exactly backward would point you to the actual object that emitted the light.


Regards, TAR


Or perhaps water flowing around a rock in a stream.

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Well, perhaps one black box at a time is the way to go. ...........hoopla said with the quasar......


To see what tar and hoopla said : link to post 260 is http://www.scienceforums.net/topic/72758-a-lingual-theory-of-everything/page-23#entry788979


One such very well researched example of this :- is the background Photon radiation from approx 300,000 years AFTER the Big Bang, when the temperature had fallen to a point where all atoms( mainly hydrogen and helium ) took on board their necessary Electron/s ( recombination) and photons of light/radiation shone out. This background photons of radiation as seen looking from earth now :-


link http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cosmic_microwave_background





What seems strange, and has always made me wonder, when it was first explained By Prof Smoot, was that everything ( photons ) are arriving from all directions within as near as so many decimal places the same value . apart from the slight differences shown by the different colours (english ) . So those photons are all arriving from approx 13,600,000,000 years ago from that same time (approx 379,000 years after the big bang. ) stretched in wavelength from (approx 3000 degrees K) temperature light to microwaves at much lower temperature, ( approx 3 degrees K). They have traveled 13.6 light years and all arrived at the same time ? That would make the earth the center of the Universe, (well maybe it is ) or are we at the center of a sphere whose surface is 13.6 light years away and something goes beyond that. But then again the images coming from deep space show a much older universe ( deep field, gamma ray bursts, supernova from first generation stars , quasars exploding galaxies etc ). Or space has been shooting away or expanding away from the earth at a phenomenal speed (say near to the speed of light ) and in so doing has stretched the wavelength of the light photon so it appears 3 deg temperature of microwave rather than 3000 degrees temperature of light. But if that is the case , the light has not traveled from the far depths of space ? Just appears to have come from there. And we are still at the center of the universe., with everything speeding away from us at high speed so as to produce this effect ? The Hubble telescope or the Plank Telescopes is looking up to further and further depths like 13,000,000,000 light years distance , or what appears so ! Have the photons really traveled that distance, over all that time? that just all appear to be arriving at the same time with near as dxx it, the same temperature ? ( apart from the quantum fluctuation )


. It all looks the same from every direction ! That's Interesting !





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Tar said


----------------------- ------------------ ----------

" Tubes of opportunity for photons? Straight lines, after all, are hard to come by "

----------------------- ------------- -----------

Things do not have to go in straight lines to be " ways of least resistance or least energy" or even No resistance . If the steering field lines give a preferred trajectory which is loop de loop all well and good. As with the nasa used trajectories from planet to planet. Or the monkey in the wood.


"Surf the universe," it's perhaps the best thing you could do in life. We concluded one night in a bar by the river with a rock and roll band playing . " Surf the Universe "








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One such very well researched example of this :- is the background Photon radiation from approx 300,000 years AFTER the Big Bang, when the temperature had fallen to a point where all atoms( mainly hydrogen and helium ) took on board their necessary Electron/s ( recombination) and photons of light/radiation shone out. This background photons of radiation as seen looking from earth now :-


link http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cosmic_microwave_background





What seems strange, and has always made me wonder, when it was first explained By Prof Smoot, was that everything ( photons ) are arriving from all directions within as near as so many decimal places the same value . apart from the slight differences shown by the different colours (english ) . So those photons are all arriving from approx 13,600,000,000 years ago from that same time (approx 379,000 years after the big bang. ) stretched in wavelength from (approx 3000 degrees K) temperature light to microwaves at much lower temperature, ( approx 3 degrees K). They have traveled 13.6 light years and all arrived at the same time ? That would make the earth the center of the Universe, (well maybe it is ) or are we at the center of a sphere whose surface is 13.6 light years away and something goes beyond that. But then again the images coming from deep space show a much older universe ( deep field, gamma ray bursts, supernova from first generation stars , quasars exploding galaxies etc ). Or space has been shooting away or expanding away from the earth at a phenomenal speed (say near to the speed of light ) and in so doing has stretched the wavelength of the light photon so it appears 3 deg temperature of microwave rather than 3000 degrees temperature of light. But if that is the case , the light has not traveled from the far depths of space ? Just appears to have come from there. And we are still at the center of the universe., with everything speeding away from us at high speed so as to produce this effect ? The Hubble telescope or the Plank Telescopes is looking up to further and further depths like 13,000,000,000 light years distance , or what appears so ! Have the photons really traveled that distance, over all that time? that just all appear to be arriving at the same time with near as dxx it, the same temperature ? ( apart from the quantum fluctuation )


. It all looks the same from every direction ! That's Interesting !






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Nice Sheever, Thank you.




Well, if you think about it, when the universe first became transparent, in the first second, the farthest you could see would be 196,000 miles, so you would be in the center of a clear view sphere 392,000 miles in diameter. Anybody, any observer at that time, anywhere in the universe would see the same thing, transparent universe, clearing up outward at the speed of light, as the first photons from those far away places reached us. Everybody would be in the center of their observable universe. And the only way you would know you are seeing to the end of the universe is when the farthest thing you could see began to age. Then you would know the whole universe was transparent and within your view.


Regards, TAR


Cosmologist seem to think that the universe is getting away from us. I'm rather of the other opinion that it is still clearing up, and our view of it is getting larger, as our viewable sphere expands at the speed of light. After all a quasar we figure is 3 billion years old, was not in our observable universe 9 billion years ago when we were 4.7 billion years old. We couldn't see that far yet. It first appeared to us as cosmic background radiation, just emerging from it's non transparent state, 3 billion years ago,when we were 10.7 billion years old, and we have watched it age for 3 billion years.

Where that area of space that was a quasar is now, as a 13.7 billion year old galaxy structure is really not important. We can't say its outside our obserable universe, because there is only one instance of that area of space, and we are looking at it, now.

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Your Video . The model of the UNIVERSE



AT 14 mins 20 Seconds This video shows a Great Attractor sucking in from a void far away. What actually is going on.?






This is a still shot of the region of space I am speaking about




It would appear that a part of the universe is being dragged slowly 'hook line and sinker' into the Great Attractor ! Is this what really is happening or is there some other interpretation ?:





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Well I think what's going on here, is on a different scale than what is going on in Sheever's link.


So probably what it tells us, is that the universe has been busy over the last 13.6 billion years, doing a variety of things, mixing it up, on every scale, from subatomic particles, to great walls of galaxies and even they are mere components in some larger event, happening on some different time scale than we can readily consider.


I am reminded of Men in Black, where they open the locker and a whole civilization and world is in there.


It is good to remember that it takes light 100,000 years to cross even our tiny milky way, so "what is going on here" in regards to Sheever's link, is not actually an immediate concern. Even if the great attractor IS sucking in galaxies, it is not like we are going to be consumed before suppertime. In fact I would consider we are well insulated from stuff happening at that scale, by both time and space. I think we are safe from cosmic disaster, until at least next Tuesday.


Regards, TAR2

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It is good to remember..."


Regards, TAR2

Keeping things simple, we could consider an " anything" as being one part of an " everything" .


Now take any point in the entire universe ,if there is an "anything" there it will either be, or not be subject to a force.

This force may be derived by its position in a whole manner of field influences ,invisibly or otherwise represented by field lines .


The " anything" ,no matter what complexity of multiple field lines , will I believe nonetheless , be subject to either


PUSH. PULL or TURN . Or ( nothing at all) .


So the "anything" , ' possibly ' finding itself in one of these 'tubes of opportunity ' where the field lines produce such a tube , will move in the direction of the resultant. Push or pull , with or without some form of turning or spin. No matter how complex the field , the "anything" should be moving , spinning or not , up/down/along, the tube. If there is a tube configuration at this location.


post-33514-0-73079400-1391039439_thumb.jpg. OR


This image care of sheever




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here is the pic Mike you asked.


Keeping things simple, we could consider an " anything" as being one part of an " everything" .

Now take any point in the entire universe ,if there is an "anything" there it will either be, or not be subject to a force.
This force may be derived by its position in a whole manner of field influences ,invisibly or otherwise represented by field lines .

The " anything" ,no matter what complexity of multiple field lines , will I believe nonetheless , be subject to either


So the "anything" , finding itself in one of these 'tubes of opportunity ' where the field lines produce such a tube , move in the direction of the resultant. Push or pull , with or without some form of turning or spin. No matter how complex the field , the "anything" should be moving , spinning or not , up/down/along, the tube.

attachicon.gifimage.jpg. OR. http://www.scienceforums.net/uploads/monthly_01_2014/post-33514-0-28768500-1390923999.png


spin allowed simply by superposition.it doesnt mean opportunity but it requires a potential.and for potential you need momentum.momentum involves causation.



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here is the pic Mike you asked.



spin allowed simply by superposition.it doesnt mean opportunity but it requires a potential.and for potential you need momentum.momentum involves causation.

Not too sure what you are saying with reference to Spin ?


"Opportunity " is just an expression I have used in this lingual theory of everything, to indicates a condition that " anything " might find itself in , or position itself in , so as to take advantage of a " clear way" that is present at that moment and position. With the opportunity of a required " possible " . The region of minimal resistance between the two " opportunity and possible " being the " tube ", probably bounded by field lines,( fields ) of various sorts.


Eg Nasa May position a craft in a Lagrange point where an " opportunity tube" May be present by taking a particular trajectory out of the Lagrange point , so as to travel very efficiently, without extra ENERGY to Jupiter .( next Lagrange point ).


Which brings us to your next point " Potential " Which is Energy (Potential energy).


With the idea that ' Energy Makes Things Happen' ......pause for breath !



There is some form of potential from one end of the universe to the other .. An energy potential and the whole shaboodle is running down ! Entropy !




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very nice artistic Mike smile.png

i mean more like this




What am I looking at here? What numbers are being crunched here in X,Y,Z

Is this the positions of particles, Stars, galaxies, or just a random set of numbers ?


And which is the bottom [to come up from ], and which the top[ to come down from. ]


My understanding of the Top down is the existing universe at a more macro [universe } level

and the bottom is the micro~quantum~atomic level to come up from .




A] The bottom up is more causal, mathematical, number crunching based at the atomic level




B] The top down is more function based, if it works good, if it does not work it is no use, emergent, probabalistic.The mold as I think of it based at, and spans, the whole universe level




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