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In what year will the whole world become a cemetery?

Mr Rayon

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With a booming human population, high birth rate and 100% human death rate cemeteries are growing rapidly!


Some people have resorted to high rise cemeteries to save more space for other things.



My question, when will we run out of space on Earth to build further establishments?

When will we run out of space to build further cemeteries?

When will the whole entire Earth become a cemetery? Is there a solution to this?


Does anyone know whether any possible solutions are being proposed?

...because people are going to keep dying and then they have to be buried. This takes up much space and we will all soon run out of space (as there is only a limited amount)!

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There is always the possibility of cremation. This can generate useful heat. Recently the question of using the heat to raise the temperature of swimming pools has been mooted. With a plentiful supply of "fuel" I see no reason why factories and power stations could not run on dead bodies! :- http://www.guardian.co.uk/environment/2011/jan/24/crematorium-heat-swimming-pool-redditch

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I think we should cryogenically preserve human bodies in pods and ship them to other planets in other galaxies in hopes of starting whatever form of life there . . . . when they arrive they can thaw and provide some sort of life soup!

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Personally, I'm attracted to natural burial and the concept of the mushroom death suit.


I'd essentially like to be composted in a way that deals with mercury and other potentially hazardous substances in my corpse. If people were naturally buried, instead of embalmed and entombed, space could be reused very regularly if necessary. I'd prefer to be buried naturally in a forest set aside and managed for that purpose. A tree or other natural landmark, and GPS coordinates would mark my burial site.


The idea of conventional burial pisses me off and cremation has its problems. There are recent technologies that are an improvement on cremation, but the natural approach appeals to me personally. Composted and consumed like nature intended. Woot!

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