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Some people need to change their avatars so my parents don't think i'm looking at porn when i'm on the forums.

Plus they aren't even sexy--

yourdadonsomethin's girl is transexual (broad shoulders)

Molocule man's has blimp boobs. Which me and Phi shake our heads at very violently. Anyone who does not share our taste in women deserves bloody castration.


If you are going to have a girl, at the least let her be attractive. Bloodhounds pics of the asian girl are approved, pictures of Natalie Portman are also approved. A more complete list of approval will be released shortly.

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castration isn't all that bad. it gives u a chance to focus on life's other intricacies

are you friggen serious? hmmmmmm.


The bastard card is cool, but you should be able to get any picture to work. Just make sure its 75 by 75 pixels. Lamely enough i run on windows, if you do you can do this in paint by going to image attributes (first make sure you have your picture isolated with no white space). Just edit the number of the largest dimension to 75, it will be pretty close to the square. I bet any other system has image editing programs default available that you can do this with.


Apologize for trying to control the world. Well now that you know i'm sorry i can keep on doing it so i wont apologize ever again. :D

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Shouldn't that be 'Die Gerblimpenbooben sind verboten!' ?
Not in pseudo-German. Funnier when inaccurate.


Diene neues Avatar ist toll, btw.


I wanted to qualify this. There is a big difference between large, natural breasts and amplified, augmented, unnatural, surgically enhanced uber-boobs, the really largest of the implants, the ones that make it difficult for a woman to drive a car. You know the ones I mean. To me, those are just a pitiful attempt at recognition, and it pains me that some guys like that, because women will keep busting up to that size as long as some men keep drooling over them.

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I wanted to qualify this. There is a big difference between large, natural breasts and amplified, augmented, unnatural, surgically enhanced uber-boobs, the really largest of the implants, the ones that make it difficult for a woman to drive a car. You know the ones I mean. To me, those are just a pitiful attempt at recognition, and it pains me that some guys like that, because women will keep busting up to that size as long as some men keep drooling over them.


Well, women need to be aware that having Gerblimpenbooben leads to Gerblimpenboobendroopen later in life, for one.

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Don't worry. I don't take offense to anything. I thought it was rather funny that the two threads both started talking about two different Jordan's and figured someone would get confused. I did myself when you first mentioned it.

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