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JFK Assassination


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Fascinating. We should not forget, however, that Hunt was something of a Walter Mitty character, given the opportunity to live out some of his fantasies. I find his claims plausible, but not convincing.

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in the operation of governing, many things go on, which we the people should not be aware of for reasons of stability to the whole and to maintain the senses of well being. to what extent i would rather not speculate.


however as G. Gordan Liddy has said, "the only way three people can keep a secret, is when two are dead". conspiracy theories, from Lincoln to FDR and Pearl Harbor, Spaceships in NM, JFK, Dianna and all the rest make interesting reads and generate millions for the people so inclined to further this interest.

no doubt some things per change could be correct, but the interesting question would be, what difference would it make?


JFK was an inspiring figure for some reason to many people. Youth, good looking, articulate and all the things people mistakenly look for in a leader.

Johnson, would have been correct and his chances to become president would have been over, if JFK had lived. just as true Nixon, may not have made a comeback. remember JFK, was for all practical purposes today Conservative Republican and Johnson the father of todays welfare systems.

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however as G. Gordan Liddy has said, "the only way three people can keep a secret, is when two are dead". conspiracy theories, from Lincoln to FDR and Pearl Harbor, Spaceships in NM, JFK, Dianna and all the rest make interesting reads and generate millions for the people so inclined to further this interest.


I'll see your G. Gordon Liddy and raise you a Deep Throat. More than one person kept that secret for many years. And probably the location of Jimmy Hoffa is/was known by more than one person, and there are very likely many more examples.

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I'll see your G. Gordon Liddy and raise you a Deep Throat. More than one person kept that secret for many years. And probably the location of Jimmy Hoffa is/was known by more than one person, and there are very likely many more examples.


interesting point; i avoided naming, J. Edgar Hoover, when referencing what we need not know about and you bring up Mark Felt. if there ever was any one person on this planet that could keep a secret it was Hoover. he died May 2, 1972. business as usual stopped for much of Washington. Felt was overlooked and kind of a flunky as Hoovers second in command. Bob Woodward first denied his declaration and G. Gordan said "it was not true". the break in for political reason was done on June 17, 1972. IMO we would never have known anything about the entire subject, had Hoover lived...if you want to build on conspiracy in this case, keep Hillary Clinton in mind. she did play a small roll....or was it small???

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Hi, I didn't really read much of the previous posts so this is probably kind of out of context but, I was just wondering, what was jfk up to at the time he was assassinated, was he doing something or planning something that would take power or wealth away from powerful or wealthy people? all i really know about him is his mission to put man on the moon. thx.

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Hi, I didn't really read much of the previous posts so this is probably kind of out of context but, I was just wondering, what was jfk up to at the time he was assassinated, was he doing something or planning something that would take power or wealth away from powerful or wealthy people? all i really know about him is his mission to put man on the moon. thx.
He was against going to war in Vietnam. He wanted to keep the US involvement covert because of China's interests. He authorized Robert McNamara's plan to stage sabotage raids and high-level kidnappings in North Vietnam but didn't want to commit to an invasion.
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A policy which worked out really well when applied to Cuba, didn't it?


There are a number of things you can point at. None of them really make much sense in the long run. If motivations were needed, there was a ready supply.

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hmmm ya not committing to the war in vietnam i could see as being reason enough. What could other motives be? other than just some psycho or someone with personal issues. The US seems to have a history of good people being assassinated by unknown "psychos" when they support good ethics and morals but bad greed with loud voices. Most other countries that practice this behavior just send men wearing the right uniforms.

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The US seems to have a history of good people being assassinated by unknown "psychos" when they support good ethics and morals but bad greed with loud voices.


I don't understand this statement at all.

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Jfk was assassinated it would seem because he wanted to prevent a war in Vietnam, john Lennon was probably assassinated for the same thing in New York City, Lincoln was assassinated because he wanted to free slaves robbing a lot of people of a lot of wealth, Malcolm X was assassinated, Tupac was another revolutionary assassinated, Martin Luther king. These people, i believe, were not just assassinated for what they believed in but also because they had the power to actually influence the way things were, they spoke loudly. Freedom to speak so long as nobody listens? I'm just saying that you never know, the US has political style of making things not seem like the government is doing it like bay of pigs and the controversy that started the war in Vietnam, so i wouldn't put it past a lot of wealthy people with a lot of power that would have also government affiliations or are the government or prospective government or maybe not government at all and just stinking rich, hiring people to assassinate key figures for the sake of greed and have it seem like some random occurrence. Revolutionaries are rare you don't need entire armies to silence them, just a faceless pistol. Unless of course they reside in a whole other country. But that still won't stop them. It just makes it more obvious.

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First of all, that's not what Phi said at all. He wasn't talking about JFK trying to prevent a war in the sense that the anti-war crowd means (e.g. leave other countries alone). He was talking about JFK trying to influence foreign regime change by way of covert instead of overt means. Kennedy had about as much in common with the anti-Vietnam demonstrators of the latter half of that decade as Rush Limbaugh has in common with Cindy Sheehan. I tried to drop you a hint by mentioning the Bay of Pigs, but I guess it didn't take.


You are welcome to believe whatever you like, but we have a standard of evidence for factual statements around here. This is a SCIENCE board. Not a popular or politically-correct beliefs board. Further speculations on this subject will be relocated to the Pseudoscience and Speculations subboard, where you can trade theories with the 9/11 conspiracy crowd.

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