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Posts posted by Endy0816

  1. 6. I have never understood the need for the electoral college system in a simple election across the entire Nation. There probably are good reasons for it still existing; but everyone is voting for a President and each vote should have the same weight - so why not just count the votes? We cannot do that here in UK as we do not elect our head of state and our head of government is elected by the party that forms the government. But the USA seems tailor made for a simple head count - whoever gets the most votes gets the keys to the big white building on Pennsylvania Avenue



    The founders wanted to limit the chance of both mob rule and rule via a small group.


    Has been modified over the years though. A number of states have requirements that their electors vote based on who wins the popular vote.

  2. I would say there was probably an initial leader who may have answered to that name during his lifetime.


    Basing this on how other religions developed historically and more recently. Most have a central figure heavily involved in the founding.


    That statement from the FDA is a bit over the top.


    I just thought the link provided a good overview. I'm sure they published it mainly to ease fears and that impacted the wording.


    We have only just succeeded in cloning mice that do not suffer from shortened life-span - to call it a "Myth of..." as if it is palpably and obviously false is an exaggeration. Scientists are perplexed over the cloned cows that have increased telomeres - just as much as they are over Dolly; it is unsettled science and to pass off a concern as a "Myth of ... " is suspect.


    Not a huge puzzle. One of the subsequent cells used telomerase to lengthen its telomere and passed the longer telomere on. Now why some do this and others do not and how that relates to development in general is probably well worth studying. I just see telomere length as a solved issue as far as cloning itself is concerned.


    Depending on planned lifespan of the clone and on how old the original is, you choose to lengthen or not prior to starting. If you are talking about cattle which are going to end up on the table in a couple of years it might not be worth it. If you are talking about a human it is probably worth the trouble.


    The bigger issue is likely the DNA not being on quite the right step of the process. You see similar issues with mammal parthenogenesis.

  4. I think introducing new brain cells might be the better option. Not terribly hard. We know it happens naturally, whether or not we can manage it deliberately yet. More practical than dealing with all the problems and risks involved with a brain transplant.


    @Fiveworlds: http://www.fda.gov/AnimalVeterinary/SafetyHealth/AnimalCloning/ucm055512.htm#Myth6


    and note we can lengthen the cell's telomeres prior to starting the whole process. They don't always or probably often bother, but speaking for myself, if I were shopping for a body upgrade I would go for the full package.


    If you read an article it usually says something like light moves slower through water when explaining the refractive index. As a massless particle which speed is said constant this doesn't make sense to me unless I assume that c is the speed of light in a vacuum, and that it's speed can be slower in a more dense medium, and that in that same medium it's speed will be constant throughout that medium because it is interacting at a fairly constant rate.


    Yeah, Light's speed in a vacuum should be what is said to be constant(an unchanging numerical value). We tend to erroneously call c the speed of light and leave off the "in a vacuum" part of the definition.


    Might want to think of light's velocity in terms of c/n(speed of light in a vacuum / refractive index). Keeping in mind that information transfer will always be at c or less.

  6. Crap movie.

    Maybe it was a publicity stunt to generate interest in a bad movie, that spiraled out of control; now they all look like idiots.

    Really ? North Korea hopes to destroy America by attacking Hollywood ?


    lol, I've been hearing that one a few times as well.


    I was kind of thinking it might be an attack directed by China against a Japanese company, with the movie providing a superficial reason. I mean it might be because of a movie poking fun at NK's leader and potentially undermining his cult of personality, but I doubt that is the sole reason. If anything the attack called more attention to the movie than it would have received otherwise(which might lead one to speculate another country's reason for the attack).


    and yeah, I do think it is a poor premise. It is like the CIA plotting to attack the shy kid at school. I don't think friendship is the answer to every problem, but in this case seems like it could work wonders.

  7. Ok, I am a language student so admittedly don’t know anything about physics and I explain everything with colorful metaphors, etc., but over a few too many espressos this week, I starting reading up on mathematics… seems to me that numbers are simply ideas, and math is the grammar that ties them together. So it is akin to a language to describe the relation between things, and thus a man-made construct. That drew me into looking at physics; physics is something else. It is an instrument: the opposite of dogma, it is like a chisel in the hands of a great sculptor, chipping away to reveal a deeper truth. Rodin once said he did not create, but that the form was already there in the stone: he was simply freeing it. One theory does not build upon the next but chisels it away as Einstein did to Newton.


    So in that spirit, I have written an espresso-soaked text with five points below for your consideration/critique. Please rip them apart in the name of my intellectual progress! Correct me, write in sarcastic comments and condescending asides in colored font as you please! Science and I will be the better for it.

    1. I always thought physicists were united in seeing the universe as basically an explosion that created all the matter and energy in the first place. thus, the universe can be seen as a hand grenade that has gone off and we are the shrapnel. However, as the matter gets more and more scattered, the energy slowly fades in a process we call entropy. However, I understand that now a deeper understanding of the universe has led us to the view that there is no entropy: what we are looking at is actually ‘harmonization’. All matter is not losing its energy but simply harmonizing with its surroundings. And the real question is ‘why were we out of harmony in the first place?”. If this is the case, then I think the next big breakthrough will be by looking at the universe as information. Every speck of matter (and anti-matterJ) is information. All is tending toward some type of harmony. If we can describe this on a quantum level, theoretically could we not build a computer to plot the past and the future?

    In the same way, with the imposing force of gravity nullified by the lack of mass, other laws come into sharp focus: harmonization, an innate predilection for unity, and who knows what else….


    So we are not in a shrapnel analogy… we are actually in a Nirvana analogy. Everything is tending toward some type of celestial harmony…? Or am I hopelessly simplifying the problem?


    Well the physical state of maximum entropy is in one sense a very organized state. It is also a state without any life. Applying our purely human labels to Universe states can be problematic at best.


    Honestly I'm personally doubtful that such notions as beginning and end are even applicable. May continually progress through different phases instead.



    If we can describe this on a quantum level, theoretically could we not build a computer to plot the past and the future?


    Not in real time or not at the same level of detail as the Universe itself.


    "the map is not the territory" -Alfred Korzybski

  8. It helps to remember that other countries did not/do not have an embargo on Cuba like the US (in fact, the UN has been urging the US to lift the Cuba embargo for years), ergo there already is and has been international investment in the country and often in substantial amounts.


    The challenge primarily for Cuba is that significant portions of this investment came from Russia and Venezuela, both of whom are suffering great economic hardship right now given the rapidly dropping oil prices and their great reliance on high oil prices for both liquidity and power.


    But neither contributes a great number of visitors(US actually outdoing Russia). We could reasonably expect upwards of 800,000 additional American arrivals. Honestly based on proximity and our population size I would expect that number to go well over a million.

  9. There would almost have to be substantial international investment. Most everything is in too poor condition to receive any kind of volume. Hotels, docks, airports, transit systems, assorted monuments, etc. Partially church restoration which resulted in the Popes' involvement starting all this.


    Basically the full embargo was the end result of repeated economic volleys fired back and forth between America and the USSR, with the Containment Doctrine playing a starring role.


    IMO business interests will probably play a role again via assorted means of campaign financing(and representatives actually seeking what is best for the job creators in their regions).

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