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Posts posted by Endy0816

  1. Book looks like it would be decent. You might also find project kits to be of interest. Little Bits and Arduino come to mind though there are a number of different types out there.


    Mental Note: Take less time to type...

  2. I read a book ( patanjali yoga sutra ).... at one point of mediation ... time freeze...and the person become independent of time......since this is topic of time.. i thought of posting it....no hard feeling ... but a food for wise minds...I really don't understand how that could happen....possible ?


    Your brain can determine your perception of time, though not time's actual progression.



    cross-posted with SwansonT :}

  3. You could use a hydraulic ram instead and lift water partially up that way(still with zero electricity cost).


    Mostly I think your desires are too ambitious for what a water wheel can reasonably be expected to manage.


    If you still wish to proceed, this may help: http://www.fao.org/docrep/010/ah810e/AH810E05.htm


    Very complete reference on the subject of water lifting devices past and present(with handy numbers and rough efficiency ranges). May give a better sense of the relatively low heights most types were concerned with. Only the Persian Wheel is really practical in this scenario and would still require a source of power.

  4. Well, the physical aspects science clearly has the potential to do something about. Death, sickness, pain, etc.


    I do suspect some level of unsatisfactoriness would yet remain. Interesting food for thought at any rate.


    I'll take a look at Nagarjuna, but as for him being ignored; Science is premised upon nonacceptance until something is proven true. Put another way it doesn't matter that nobody can disprove that an invisible, intangible truck passes by my house each night. What matters is that I cannot prove my claim.

  5. Can't say I'm familiar with this particular philosopher, but his work does at least sound interesting.


    Broadly I view science and philosophy to be intermingled. Anyone know Zeno, Aristotle, Pythagoras? Jumping to closer to modern, Ernst Mach?


    Now some are just building castles in the air or offering complete bunkum for one form of gain or another. That is not so useful.



    I view the elimination of causes of suffering as valid, but reject the notion that suffering is eternal or absolute in this world. Mostly founded upon the world not being all that bleak overall and advancing scientific knowledge towards eliminating the causes of unavoidable suffering.

  6. If deadly force was authorized and justified then one should have a clear conscience about having employed it. Save your sympathy for the living, perhaps regret the circumstances but not the act itself. Within reason you will have acted to the best of your knowledge in the fashion your society at some macro level desires. Honestly, it probably was an unwise statement, but maybe we need an honest expression of feelings instead of the balm of political correctness we've been using. We've made a great deal of social progress, but we still have these negative undercurrents.


    Honestly I'd like the DA's to grow a pair and stop allowing these reverse show trials to occur. Be frank with people about the situation and let it move on to civil proceedings. Let that be justice and maybe people won't feel that vigilante justice is the answer.

  7. my sister has several stores she manages in st louis area.

    she was not affected by the aftermath but there is definitely enough tension to cut it with a knife.

    the situation just keeps getting more and more polarized.

    she was talking to a customer who was a young educated black lady recently who said she is tired of all the crap and is moving out.

    this is the opposite of what ferguson needs.

    but what do you do with it?


    Same thing occurred after the Rodney King riots. :/


    At least these weren't as bad, only good thing you can say about it though in light of the potential long term consequences. Ideally we see some form of political change, though barriers might prevent this.


    The shooting was magnified by the stupid explanation that Ofc Wilson gave. He had a long time to rehearse this long-awaited statement and he could not fit a tiny phrase of sympathy for Brown's family. He could easily have said that he felt he had no choice but to use deadly force against Brown, but he WISHED that he didn't have to. He could have said "I'm sorry it happened the way it did, and I hope his family and friends could forgive me." But like the huge idiot that Ofc Wilson is, he had to sound totally indifferent, satisfied he killed a raging beast, he did not care in the least, and therefore he will be the target in a civil case, and will face death threats for the rest of his life. What a fool. His career as a cop on the beat is terminated by putting his foot in his mouth at a most critical moment.


    Honestly, I would be fresh out of sympathy after almost being indicted for murder. Considering everything altogether he would probably be facing the same troubles either way. We've already got people being arrested for plotting to kill the prosecutor and police chief.

  8. Agen stream of ether. :)


    The light or whole superclusters aren't actually being moved though. The distance alone is all that is increasing.


    I've yet to find a really good analogy to use for this. You can imagine adding a meter, 10 meters, 100 meters, and then a kilometer between you and something you are looking at, that is probably the simplest thought experiment. Still not accurate for actual expansion but gives a sense of things anyways.

  9. It sounds like the 'tesseract room' is supposed to explain how the speed of light limit is bypassed. Might be easier understood as Cooper's mind interpreting a temporal wormhole, or at least the options that even a small one would allow.


    In the normal fashion once you are past the event horizon

  10. We could definitely use it in the case of colonization or if a significant portion of the world's population were wiped out. More or less artificial hermaphrodite behavior would be incredibly efficient at creating a population surge.


    We need to at least have the capability, though we certainly shouldn't go crazy utilizing it during more normal times. Even if the more practical problems were fixed, you could still end up with a dangerously homogenous population.

  11. Traversal via conditional statements would work.


    Another option might be to create a list of all the options and refine your results from there.





    A B C

    D E F

    G H I


    Find all possible combinations of A-I without repeats, remove all those over 5 letters long, remove all those which don't start with A, remove all those without B or D as the second letter, remove all those without C,E,G as the third letter, etc.


    at the end map your results to your grid and sum the results.




    Looks like best bet would be to look up self avoiding walks. May be able to find a better solution out there.

  12. 2. Studiot goes on: “We are talking about heavier than air’ craft which unlike a helium balloon do not benefit from positive buoyancy forces”.


    In the old days, 250,000 Europeans flew to America in gas filled airships. In order for their passengers to disembark the airships had to descend, and they could only do this by becoming heavier than air.


    "becoming" being the key word here.


    Your words actually supports what Studiot was saying.

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