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Everything posted by nec209

  1. sorry what are you trying to say? Why some people are more attractive to a human eye than other people?If so no one really knows why it probably like saying why do some people love red cars and other people hate red cars, people love walking and other people hate walking , people love the color red ,other people hate the color red. It is likes and dis-likes !! No one really know what causes likes or dis-likes probably your parents,teachers,schoolmates ,frends ,co-worker ,media so on. Your experience and exposure like your parents,teachers,schoolmates ,frends ,co-worker ,media so on..
  2. Well morality is different than cultural norms.In the US and Canada it is a cultural norm to shower ,dress nice , wash your hands before eating or working with food, look nice ,clean food so on.In other countries it could be a cultural norms to walk around dirty and wear rag clothes . This is cultural norms.
  3. I alway thought pleasure seeking people is lack of dopamine in the brain? In other cases it could be a personality? In any case if a person is pleasure seeking type it can be very dangerous has the person can get very addicted to drugs or sex or both.
  4. Well I think alot of things like homosexuality or fetish is a learnt behavior or a trauma experience and has nothing to do with genes.A mental illness is defined if one cannot live a normal life.If one believe he can talk to ghost or talk to lamp post does not make him have a mental illness .But if he cannot go to school,work or the cops get involved it is a mental illness . I also think some things like homosexuality or fetish may be frustration a person has that has a high sex drive and cannot have sex or person that is horny but cannot have sex or look at porn may start to bridge into other things to fulfill the desire. I don't think any of this has to do with genes.
  5. So cancer cells have the same protein marker has normal cells that is why vaccine or antibodies will not work !!Any antibody will go after cancer cells and normal cells has they have the same protein marker. So how does chemo or radiation work than ? What are the drug companies going to do?
  6. What do you mean? Can you or some one here explain this better to me.
  7. So I 'm talking to this guy on MSN and this want he is saying .. Other guy he is saying My quetion why do people oppose chemo or radiation? Has for drugs that can tell cells what to do that does not exit.Cancer and organs going bad is a cellular problem.No drug exit or the know how to manipulate anything at a cellular level. But was reading on new technology called proton radiation very effective and little side effects but way to cosly .Only 2 or 3 places in the US has it do to it is very costly.Other new technology nanowire that is put in the body over the cancer that gives out UV radiation or gets very hot.These are new technology and will not be available for long time. Other people are working on atibodie in the lab. What is your thought on this and what do we do? Related topic http://www.scienceforums.net/topic/50513-dna-repair-scissors-discovered/
  8. Again if you read http://www.imminst.org/forum/index.php?showtopic=40756 They debuck LEPs but point to other energy type .
  9. Wrong alot of people could not live past age 35. The medine in the medieval time was worse than being crude it was superstition and religious .Well science and medical knowledge was surprised by the church.And anyone trying to do science or medical research was a taboo.If the church did not get in the way and people where not so superstition we would be more advance today. That may say it again there is no cure for cancer or organs going bad because it is a cellular problem.No drug exit or the know how to manipulate anything at a cellular level. Well infectious disease are not profitable for the drug companies now.There is not going to be much prograss in the future to there is more of a understand of the cellular level and how to manipulate things at the cellular level or how to tell cells what to do.
  10. What is the problem? There are many books at the library with amazing pictures in both the kid,teen and adult section.Also doing a google image search shows up many amazing pictures too. If you want to see how the lungs work or heart just type lungs or heart in the google image search and you get lots of pictures.There is also alot of CD,s one can get and information on the internet.And national geographic channel has some amazing videos that are 100 times better than books.
  11. Nice but what technology can do that and how does it work? Is it scientifically possible? Most scientist or engineers who claim they have worked on UFO point to element 115 or megnetic propulsion using mono megnetic? There is no mono megnetic on earth .They claim you can manipulate poles and the craft runs on megnetic propulsion . The levitation or anti-gravity did not come from UFO investigator or UFO claims but from people in their house that claim they have made a levitation or anti-gravity device and now every one is wow does such thing exit do to the media hipe.But no university or business have made a levitation or anti-gravity device other than people who claim they made a device in their home . Relativity is saying faster than light is not possable but wormholes or Alcubierre drive (Warp Drive) is loop hole that does not brake the faster than light if in the next 50 or 100 years from now wormholes or Alcubierre drive can be proven to exit and work. It only a theory now.
  12. Rocket science has not made much prograss from the 60's.to now .And airliners trying to go very fast died with the concorde jet.There is no incentive to invest money in a new concorde or a new concorde that can go 2 or 3 times faster. Has for virus that can mutate or virus with different strains there is no incentive to invest money for a drug that works for 5 or 10 years than you have to come up with a new drug do to the virus mutated or you have so many strains. Look at antibiotics and bacteria resistant.It is a losing battle where the pharmaceutical companies are not making money.Do to new strains of bacteria resistant the superbug and flesh eating bacteria. Has for computers say thanks to the invention of the transistor and IC or there would be no computers in people home or laptops only computers running on big vacuum tubes and a computer 2 or 3 times bigger than your car. Has for drugs that can tell cells what to do that does not exit.Cancer and organs going bad is a cellular problem.No drug exit or the know how to manipulate anything at a cellular level.
  13. One of the main reasons Physics debuck UFO's is no propulsion exist today that can do the things UFO can do.A UFO that can hover, fly over a city for hours , fly very slow than go at speeds nothing humans have invented that come close to that speed.A UFO that makes no noise or very quiet!! A UFO that cause all electronics to shutt off and cause cars to stop running and planes to shut off. And reports of some UFO crashes where by Physics debuck that advanced Alien race that can go from one star system to other and is millions of years advanced technology would not crash. No propulsion system can do any thing the UFO can do chemical propulsion,ion propulsion ,plasma propulsion ,laser propulsion ,ramjets or nuclear . Well fusion ,antimatter,negetive energy,levitation,anti-gravity,element 115 or megnetic propulsion is fringe science.Most Physics say any device that shut down electronics stuff or cause cars to stop running , planes to shut off would have to be a EMP ( Electromagnetic pulse) or a craft running on mono megnetic propulsion. To there is mass of UFO landing ,government disclosure, UFO bodies or technology that turn up or a revolution in fringe science UFO will be debuck . I understand shows like UFO hunter or UFO Files make some hot claims and get close to the smoking gun but that put it this way no propulsion we have or know about or working on can do the things the UFO can do. The only propulsion that are talk about are fringe science but we have no idea how it works ,what it would do or if is real or not.Or what it is . On last note if UFO are real it clearly they are monitoring humans ,controlling ,doing experiments or have sub law of not connecting humans.Has it would make no sense that a alien race would fly in UFO and not connect anyone.
  14. It does not say if everyone has protein FAN1 or if the protein FAN1 that gets damage what will happen. And I do not think they understand how the protein FAN1 works.
  15. I got it!!!! Every thread I made. Why did it not show up when I clicked on my profile next to the status updates next to the posts icon and topic icon ?
  16. Yes there is some icons one is topics and other posts but when I click on it well it only shows a week log file of my posts or thread.It is hard to explain you would have to look at it. Has for the status updates next to the posts icon and topic icon no idea what the status updates do.
  17. Doctors failing to spot severe superbug infections in children: Survey http://www.canada.com/health/missing+superbugs+kids+Survey/3237893/story.html I know there was some talk some years ago how some people believe the AIDS virus and superbug flesh eating bacteria may go airborn and be worse than the common cold that is how many people will get it.
  18. This is not good when they bring doctors to Canada or the US and they have to get a job working at walkmart do to we think they are not true doctors. http://www.readersdigest.ca/mag/2004/08/doctors.html Long post of doctors who cannot work has a doctor in Canada.
  19. My name is on the left and there is no drop down menu , Also I have no small profile picture like you do on your right. When I click on my profile it seems to be so different and only show week log file of my activity. What does the watch this topic icon do at the top of this thread next to the reply icon and start new topic icon?
  20. With this new layout you cannot look at your old posts and threads .It is not easy to use .I'm use to so many vBulletin software .Has so many message board use vBulletin . Well phpBB is not bad but I like vBulletin look and feel.It clean and simple to use and once you go to one web site that use vBulletin and you go to other web site that use vBulletin it has the same look and feel. ]
  21. If the airway is 2 inches wide and the food is 2 inches or more you can choke.I know some times drinking water or some food if it goes down the wrong way I want to vomit and start to choke.Most of the time this will put it on the right track.If it does not and you are choking and cannot beath you have to call 911 ASAP. Normaly food should not go down the airway, because if it is big it can block the airway and you cannot beath. Well you would think vegetables would be worse than plastic in terms of getting stuck has your body cannot digest it and you know how some vegetables can be stringy or crumped up.But really the stomach acid should turn the plastic into almost nothing.
  22. Well the only other thing I can find on it is. Canada's shortage of doctors to worsen: study http://www.ctv.ca/servlet/ArticleNews/story/CTVNews/20030319/doctor_shortage030319?s_name=&no_ads= Wow What about the 70,s and 80,s ? Why just the 90,s? And why worse now?
  23. Some people do not have a memory problem but have a retention problems.Meaning information must come slow so your brain can process it.If the information is coming fast you will not get it. When reading books read slow and stop and think about it so your brain can process it. Well people who have ADD/ADHD seem to have memory problem .
  24. I watch a show on TV of a person who swallowed toothbrush and the person was not choking (how can this be )but the ER doctor did not treat it has a emergency. Other show a person swallowed plastic pen cap other kid a plastic toy very small the size of a pen cap ( not choking strange ) .The doctor said it come out going through the bathroom and if not than come back. I thought plastic is bad ? And is a emergency? Why did these people not choke ? Other show on TV a person cannot go poo and the doctor was saying drink lots of water!! How does water help? One last question a friend I know was saying if food goes down the wrong way you can get fluid on the lugs, pneumonia or bronchitis.If so why did those other people not ger fluid ,pneumonia or bronchitis?
  25. I hear about long wait times in the ER and long wait times to find a doctor where by people have to go to the ER or medical clinic do to they cannot find a doctor or long wait time.And the ER is very busy. The only thing I can dig up on this topic is this. Severe doctors' shortage predicted in Canada. http://www.caribbeanmedicine.com/article7.htm I hear the UK is worse than Canada.
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