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Moontanman last won the day on May 30

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About Moontanman

  • Birthday 01/23/1955

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  • Location
    South Eastern North Carolina
  • Interests
    I enjoy surf fishing, beach combing, scuba, aquariums, native fish breeding, and writing. Here is a audio book of a short story I wrote.
  • College Major/Degree
    some statistical analysis but no other higher education.
  • Favorite Area of Science
    Astrobiology, evoluntionary biology, space travel, nuclear power,
  • Biography
    I live near the ocean, I am a science junkie and just another bundle of ignorance trying learn.
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  1. Big bang and evolution is incompatible with The Word of God. Therefore big bang is fake. When the Torah was Written by Moses under Jesus' instruction, The Creation was very carefully worded so as not to allow 'insertion' of extra time. So there was evening and morning dividing each of the six 24 hour days of Creation.

    Ask yourself, "How did The Lord know that in the 20th Century, Satan would trick 'scientists' into believing the big bang and evolution nonsense?".

    The Lord knows all things past and future, and clearly states that anyone who does not accept Jesus as their personal Saviour will have eternal death. So being a very 'clever' big bang secular scientist believer is actually proving they are 'fools'. That's why nothing works out for the cosmologists who merely become tangled in Satan's web of lies. Satan wants you DEAD to Jesus, and as Jesus is the Life, you are therefore 'lost'. So are the scientist clever?? No they are simply 'lost fools'. David  70.98047

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    2. Phi for All

      Phi for All

      So you want to keep it scientific, but only under the narrow restraints you think you understand, and we're just supposed to have blind faith in your god. Sorry, but that's not reasonable. 

      If you weren't afraid of criticism, you'd probably start a thread on this instead of hiding in the limited messaging system. And you've been shown where you're wrong already. Pretending those replies don't exist is intellectually dishonest.

    3. David Hine

      David Hine

      Moontanman. With respect, that is no answer. You are hiding behind others guesses. Have you seen the universe acceleration rate expanding. NO, neither has anyone else. At least you admit this is not your thing, so that's honest of you.

      Perhaps you could throw this to someone here that has the answer? The whole legitimacy of the 'big bang' depends on this Hubble equation being disproved. If it cannot, then the big bang is a false notion. It's that important, and so needs to be properly dealt with in a scientific way. Accepted 'procedures' in science have sometimes proven wrong, such as with Maxwell's equations and light speed C, and later, Relativity. That one disproved Newton, David 

    4. Phi for All

      Phi for All

      Alright, subtlety is wasted on you. STOP posting your arguments in a private message and start a thread. This is a science discussion forum. You're abusing the messaging system. If you continue to force unsolicited messages, you'll be suspended.

      Just start a thread if you think you can be scientific about it.

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