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Everything posted by fiveworlds

  1. Proof? http://www.cancer.net/navigating-cancer-care/cancer-basics/genetics/genetics-cancer Mutations (changes) in genes, either inherited from your mother and father or from damage that occurred during a person’s life, contribute to the growth and development of cancer. A baby should be perfectly healthy yet cancer can be inherited.
  2. cancer http://www.cancerresearchuk.org/cancer-help/about-cancer/what-is-cancer/cells/how-cancer-starts I think you are assuming a mutation won't propagate without any proof. Chocolate was poison. We have mutated to allow us to eat chocolate over time.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theobromine_poisoning caffeine too. Does anybody have any idea of what a primordial sample of human DNA actually looks like?
  3. http://physics.about.com/od/quantumphysics/f/schroedcat.htm According to the quantum physics wave function, after one hour the radioactive atom will be in a state where it is both decayed and not-decayed. Once a measurement of the atom is made, the wave function will collapse into one state, but until then, it will remain as a superposition of the two quantum states. If you read http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schr%C3%B6dinger_equation you will see Schrodinger was talking about the quantum wave function of an electron. Performing an observation is an act of measurement. The amount of energy an electron has is based on its position within the quantum wave function. Therefore changing its state change the amount of energy the electron has.
  4. The idea was that the act of observing an atom alters the amount of energy the electron has and therefore there was no way of observing the electron in its original state.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Observer_effect
  5. Have you tried applying to the electricity company? Here you need to have a high IQ and they take you on as apprentices.
  6. Don't know the exact figure I was told can't remember An enormous number. A large amount actually do nothing. 92% of the total genome I'm pretty sure the human genome project uses thousands if not millions of different samples not just one human. It is technically not a copy we cut the DNA into the chunk we want using drugs. This is why the human genome project uses so many samples. Creating human clones would be an ethics violation. At the moment we use genetics to create drugs say somebody couldn't produce some drug they needed to survive. We would use genetics to change the DNA structure of sheep or flies or whatever. Then they produce the drug we need where they originally didn't. Though they still aren't clones. Cloning is really rare there is a few sheep like dolly but the clones tended to die. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_Genome_Project
  7. I have to design a website advertising Transdermal drug delivery systems. Can somebody explain abit about what they are and their uses.
  8. Yes but you can maintain a website by browser I do it all the time. No facebook wasn't down http://www.skillseewfaweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeefagdagfwhetdbwsgaagtae.com/ is what down looks like it was being maintained.
  9. I find it disturbing Politically incorrect Its a ruler
  10. Yeah they do that try a different browser. They maintain different browser separately so when one is down the others aren't. Torch
  11. http://www.gigs4gags.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/Thats-Why-I-Left-Your-Planet.jpg?955250
  12. Not my cockups. I'm just expected to learn them.
  13. http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2010/02/11/copper-pipes-in-your-home-may-cause-heart-disease-and-alzheimers.aspx http://water.epa.gov/drink/info/lead/ http://www.enlight-inc.com/blog/?p=47 http://www.who.int/water_sanitation_health/dwq/chemicals/iron.pdf
  14. copper http://drlwilson.com/articles/copper_toxicity_syndrome.htm plastic http://www.breastcancer.org/risk/factors/plastic metal http://emedicine.medscape.com/article/815213-overview Actually it makes salt by desalinating water.
  15. You can culture bacteria on waste water. Certain parts can be sold. There is also http://www2.arnes.si/~kppomm/frames/english/salt_pan.htm if the locality is warm enough. Not for drinking water though. Basically you spread salt water over a shallow cement pool and it evaporates.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salt_evaporation_pond#mediaviewer/File:Marakkanam_Salt_Pans.JPG
  16. i'm nearly 21 and realistically speaking here i'll still be studying when i'm 26-27. But to me that seems like most of the best of my life is spent in a classroom.
  17. 1 and 8 are numbers or operands. / is often used as a numerical operator. The binary for it tells the computer oh I have to divide. Then there is division using subtraction. Remember learning division in primary school? Computers have subtraction and addition. Numbers only go to z bits of precision depending on computer. Also the computer language you use and the complexity of your function makes a difference. http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/3b1ff23f.aspx //Floating point quotient: 2.33333333333333 14 bits of precision.
  18. Yup the tapeworm eats your food then grows bigger inside your body. This causes you to gain weight because tapeworms can be very big and heavy. You tend to eat more when you have a tapeworm. You get hungrier because most of your food feeds the worm.
  19. One thing I forgot to mention boiling water needs no electricity. You could use geothermal energy.
  20. Be careful about the piping you use no ceramic, no lead, no copper, no plastic. no metal lead, copper, plastic.metal are poisonous ceramic tends to break Though as an added bonus you could probably make some hydroelectric power stations. We use them here basically water pumped up high as potential energy and in times of peak electricity usage you can release the water and generate electricity. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pumped-storage_hydroelectricity How that works is simple. You pump water uphill when the cost of electricity is low. Then you generate electricity when the cost of electricity is high. Making money by selling back to the grid. One way of moving water uphill would be to boil it. You need to desaliante it anyway. When the water gets to the top it falls into a freshwater reservoir. Essentially though not having enough plants is the problem. Once it is raining reasonably often it should look after itself. With emphasis on should.
  21. Of course an aqueduct moves by gravity you shape the landscape around the aqueduct so that the flow of water isn't interrupted. Your town might be two miles above the aqueduct but that's okay. So you pump water from the aqueduct to the town using a pump. But the aqueduct does not use a pump it uses gravity. If you were to pump water from the coast all the time that would use loads of electricity.But an aqueduct uses none.Then you need to desalinate the water. Then you need to irrigate plants. It sounds harder than it is dig at the beach. Make a trench up the beach. Ensuring that water flows along it. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-_JmyIKngM28/Ti9njKLWaRI/AAAAAAAAA44/dEKqcmli7aA/s1600/IMG_3400.JPG See here http://static.guim.co.uk/sys-images/Guardian/Pix/pictures/2012/10/8/1349695654090/Desert-highway-in-Pecos-T-010.jpg http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:A_view_across_the_desert_landscape_of_Big_Bend_National_Park,_Texas.jpg essentially you need to plant trees and grass.
  22. Correct and to make the rain you need plants. To take enough water to where you need it you need aqueducts or loads of electricity and since you need it to run for say 1000 years + you need aqueducts. See to make enough plants you need an massive amount of water. To bring everywhere. You can desalinate it in a town. However you need enough water there to do that. gravity. It has to be gravity. No electricity at all. No pump. If there is land in the way you dig that simple. http://welldonestuff.com/panama-canal/ Though you don't need ships. It's an aqueduct very small compared to what you need.
  23. Yeah I have a freshwater spring here the water comes from the sea and filters through earth and rocks before it gets to the spring. Water that is on the ground can evaporate. evaporation causes rain. It cannot evaporate if it isn't there. You never read the aqueduct article. aqueducts are built to use gravity. "It used the gravitation force as the method of moving the water over a sloped channel - starting from the higher source and reaching a lower target." They don't start with the geography we build it. http://www.biblewalks.com/info/Aqueducts.html Many don't You also need vegetation and trees. It is a huge amount of work. Essentially you need to terraform. You won't get much rain without plants. It has already been shown that one plant in a jar makes rain. Get it? plants make rain.
  24. I agree but salt water is still water. They try to do this here too people don't like it. maybe the problem is not all people are so idealistic. They will cause problems where none exist simply because they can. Look at israel they could be solving problems instead they fight. Nobody is any different. Do you really trust people not to fight because I don't and they don't deserve to be trusted. Did you ever think that the most simple solution would work. We have lowered water tables. Why not raise them? I.e pump saltwater inland and release it underground. I doubt you would need to use electricity at all. The romans didn't. One of the things the romans would do is build aqueducts "Most were buried beneath the ground" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roman_aqueduct Italy had lots of deserts.
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