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Everything posted by fiveworlds

  1. Biology Basic Definition of a living organism Chemistry Formation of crystals in a saturated solution
  2. You know the pope used to give titles to people on a single page with a papal seal. If the queen of england made somebody governor of wherever they were given a piece of paper with the queen's seal. Not every governor was well liked hence it was paper. But as far as i'm aware it's actually the teaching trade. With most being school life governors.
  3. Not necessarily I am not 6000 years old therefore I don't know the truth. Now I can be told something is the truth and believe it but without actually knowing it beyond all reasonable doubt I cannot prove it. But the same is true for every religion on the planet. Everybody's a blooming sociopath and everybody lies. We do have a bit of paper though not much and what's paper anyway? It's like a page. I was told that was because it was easy to burn.
  4. It would be the only method I know. If you know of a better method i would be more than willing to learn it. There is also http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Serum_protein_electrophoresis but that involves using blood not mucus
  5. They specified an exact day yep since their trade was founded. Hebrew bible ah no. The hebrew bible may mention the trade but it is a real trade. It says according to our Chronologie or as far as we know. Also when the trade was founded people did have great grand-parents etc so at least 6100 years.
  6. Nope what they said is that it is older than 6100 years old. Not that it couldn't be older. I think they only mentioned it because scientists were saying it was 3000 years old etc being way wrong and it wasn't a book
  7. 1. add to beaker 2, add water 3. add washing up liquid(type matters depending on which you use more of the cell is dissolved into solution pick carefully) 4. stir 5. wait 6. centrifuge 7. chromatography/gel electrophoresis There is also some total protein webpages http://labtestsonline.org/understanding/analytes/tp/tab/test/ that talk about protein electrophoresis. A doctor should be able to distinguish between the proteins.
  8. It's pretty but badly coded
  9. fiveworlds


    Actually my post is a rubic cube game if you can run it. Only I like it because I always messed mine up so all I need to do is reload the cube and it's back to the start
  10. fiveworlds


    import java.awt.*; import java.lang.Math; public final class rubik extends java.applet.Applet { /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = -202493866132165679L; int i,j,k,n,o,p,q,lastX,lastY,dx,dy; int rectX[],rectY[]; Color colList[],bgcolor; final double sideVec[]={0,0,1,0,0,-1,0,-1,0,1,0,0,0,1,0,-1,0,0}; // Normal final double corners[]={-1,-1,-1,1,-1,-1,1,1,-1,-1,1,-1,-1,-1,1,1,-1,1,1,1,1,-1,1,1}; // Vertex co-ordinates double topCorners[],botCorners[]; final int sides[]={4,5,6,7,3,2,1,0,0,1,5,4,1,2,6,5,2,3,7,6,0,4,7,3}; final int nextSide[]={2,3,4,5, 4,3,2,5, 1,3,0,5, 1,4,0,2, 1,5,0,3, 2,0,4,1}; final int mainBlocks[]={0,3,0,3,0,3,0,3,0,3,0,3,0,3,0,3,0,3,0,3,0,3,0,3}; final int twistDir[]={-1,1,-1,1, -1,1,-1,1, 1,1,1,1, 1,-1,1,-1, 1,1,1,1, -1,1,-1,1}; final int colDir[]={-1,-1,1,-1,1,-1}; final int circleOrder[]={0,1,2,5,8,7,6,3}; int topBlocks[],botBlocks[]; int sideCols[],sideW,sideH; int dragReg,twistSide=-1; int nearSide[],buffer[]; // Which side belongs to dragCorn double dragCorn[],dragDir[]; double eye[]={0.3651,0.1826,-0.9129}; // Initial observer co-ordinate axes (view) double eX[]={0.9309,-0.0716,0.3581}; // (sideways) double eY[]; // (vertical) double Teye[],TeX[],TeY[]; double light[],temp[]={0,0,0},temp2[]={0,0,0},newCoord[]; double sx,sy,sdxh,sdyh,sdxv,sdyv,d,t1,t2,t3,t4,t5,t6; double phi,twistangle=0,Cphi,Sphi,currDragDir[]; boolean naturalState=true,twisting=false,OKtoDrag=false; Math m; Graphics offGraphics; Image image; public void init() { image=createImage(120,120); // Double buffer offGraphics=image.getGraphics(); rectX=new int[4]; rectY=new int[4]; newCoord=new double[16]; // Projected co-ordinates (on screen) dragDir=new double[24]; dragCorn=new double[96]; topCorners=new double[24]; // Vertex co-ordinate storage botCorners=new double[24]; // for sub-cubes during twist topBlocks=new int[24]; botBlocks=new int[24]; buffer=new int[12]; nearSide=new int[12]; light=new double[3]; Teye=new double[3]; TeX=new double[3]; TeY=new double[3]; currDragDir=new double[2]; eY=new double[3]; vectorProduct(eye,0,eX,0,eY,0); // Fix y axis of observer co-ordinate system normalize(eY,0); colList=new Color[120]; for (i=0;i<20;i++) { colList=new Color(255,255,255); // White colList[i+20]=new Color(0,0,205); // Blue colList[i+40]=new Color(255,0,255); // Red colList[i+60]=new Color(50,255,50); // Green colList[i+80]=new Color(255,255,0); // Yellow colList[i+100]=new Color(255,140,0); // Orange } sideCols=new int[54]; for (i=0;i<54;i++) sideCols=i/9; bgcolor=Color.lightGray; resize(125,125); repaint(); } // Various vector manipulation functions public double scalProd(double v1[],int ix1,double v2[],int ix2) { return v1[ix1]*v2[ix2]+v1[ix1+1]*v2[ix2+1]+v1[ix1+2]*v2[ix2+2]; } public double vNorm(double v[],int ix) { return Math.sqrt(v[ix]*v[ix]+v[ix+1]*v[ix+1]+v[ix+2]*v[ix+2]); } public double cosAng(double v1[],int ix1,double v2[],int ix2) { return scalProd(v1,ix1,v2,ix2)/(vNorm(v1,ix1)*vNorm(v2,ix2)); } public void normalize(double v[], int ix) { double t=vNorm(v,ix); v[ix]=v[ix]/t; v[ix+1]=v[ix+1]/t; v[ix+2]=v[ix+2]/t; } public void scalMult(double v[], int ix,double a) { v[ix]=v[ix]*a; v[ix+1]=v[ix+1]*a; v[ix+2]=v[ix+2]*a; } public void addVec(double v1[], int ix1,double v2[],int ix2) { v2[ix2]+=v1[ix1]; v2[ix2+1]+=v1[ix1+1]; v2[ix2+2]+=v1[ix1+2]; } public void subVec(double v1[], int ix1,double v2[],int ix2) { v2[ix2]-=v1[ix1]; v2[ix2+1]-=v1[ix1+1]; v2[ix2+2]-=v1[ix1+2]; } public void copyVec(double v1[], int ix1,double v2[],int ix2) { v2[ix2]=v1[ix1]; v2[ix2+1]=v1[ix1+1]; v2[ix2+2]=v1[ix1+2]; } public void vectorProduct(double v1[],int ix1,double v2[],int ix2, double v3[],int ix3) { v3[ix3]=v1[ix1+1]*v2[ix2+2]-v1[ix1+2]*v2[ix2+1]; v3[ix3+1]=v1[ix1+2]*v2[ix2]-v1[ix1]*v2[ix2+2]; v3[ix3+2]=v1[ix1]*v2[ix2+1]-v1[ix1+1]*v2[ix2]; } public void cutUpCube() { boolean check; for (i=0;i<24;i++) { topCorners=corners; botCorners=corners; } copyVec(sideVec,3*twistSide,temp,0); copyVec(temp,0,temp2,0); scalMult(temp,0,1.3333); scalMult(temp2,0,0.6667); for (i=0;i<8;i++) { check=false; for (j=0;j<4;j++) if (i==sides[twistSide*4+j]) check=true; if (check) subVec(temp2,0,botCorners,i*3); else addVec(temp,0,topCorners,i*3); } for (i=0;i<24;i++) { topBlocks=mainBlocks; botBlocks=mainBlocks; } for (i=0;i<6;i++) { if (i==twistSide) { botBlocks[i*4+1]=0; botBlocks[i*4+3]=0; } else { k=-1; for (j=0;j<4;j++) if (nextSide[i*4+j]==twistSide) k=j; switch (k) { case 0: { topBlocks[i*4+3]=1; botBlocks[i*4+2]=1; break; } case 1: { topBlocks[i*4]=2; botBlocks[i*4+1]=2; break; } case 2: { topBlocks[i*4+2]=2; botBlocks[i*4+3]=2; break; } case 3: { topBlocks[i*4+1]=1; botBlocks[i*4]=1; break; } case -1: { topBlocks[i*4+1]=0; topBlocks[i*4+3]=0; break; } } } } } public boolean mouseDrag(java.awt.Event evt, int x, int y) { boolean check; double x1,x2,y1,y2,alpha,beta; if ((!twisting)&&(OKtoDrag)) { OKtoDrag=false; check=false; for (i=0;i<dragReg;i++) { x1=dragCorn[i*8+1]-dragCorn[i*8]; x2=dragCorn[i*8+5]-dragCorn[i*8+4]; y1=dragCorn[i*8+3]-dragCorn[i*8]; y2=dragCorn[i*8+7]-dragCorn[i*8+4]; alpha=(y2*(lastX-dragCorn[i*8])-y1*(lastY-dragCorn[i*8+4]))/ (x1*y2-y1*x2); beta=(-x2*(lastX-dragCorn[i*8])+x1*(lastY-dragCorn[i*8+4]))/ (x1*y2-y1*x2); if ((alpha>0)&&(alpha<1)&&(beta>0)&&(beta<1)) { currDragDir[0]=dragDir[i*2]; currDragDir[1]=dragDir[i*2+1]; d=currDragDir[0]*(x-lastX)+currDragDir[1]*(y-lastY); d=d*d/((currDragDir[0]*currDragDir[0]+currDragDir[1]*currDragDir[1])* ((x-lastX)*(x-lastX)+(y-lastY)*(y-lastY))); if (d>0.6) { check=true; twistSide=nearSide; i=100; } } } if (check) { if (naturalState) { cutUpCube(); naturalState=false; } twisting=true; phi=0.02*(currDragDir[0]*(x-lastX)+currDragDir[1]*(y-lastY))/ Math.sqrt(currDragDir[0]*currDragDir[0]+currDragDir[1]*currDragDir[1]); repaint(); return false; } } OKtoDrag=false; if (!twisting) { dx=lastX-x; copyVec(eX,0,temp,0); scalMult(temp,0,((double)dx)*0.016); addVec(temp,0,eye,0); vectorProduct(eY,0,eye,0,eX,0); normalize(eX,0); normalize(eye,0); dy=y-lastY; copyVec(eY,0,temp,0); scalMult(temp,0,((double)dy)*0.016); addVec(temp,0,eye,0); vectorProduct(eye,0,eX,0,eY,0); normalize(eY,0); normalize(eye,0); lastX=x; lastY=y; repaint(); } else { phi=0.02*(currDragDir[0]*(x-lastX)+currDragDir[1]*(y-lastY))/ Math.sqrt(currDragDir[0]*currDragDir[0]+currDragDir[1]*currDragDir[1]); repaint(); } return false; } public boolean mouseDown(java.awt.Event evt, int x, int y) { lastX=x; lastY=y; OKtoDrag=true; return false; } public boolean mouseUp(java.awt.Event evt, int x, int y) { int quads; double qu; if (twisting) { twisting=false; twistangle+=phi; phi=0; qu=twistangle; while (qu<0) qu+=125.662; quads=((int)(qu*3.183)); if (((quads % 5)==0)||((quads % 5)==4)) { quads=((quads+1)/5) % 4; if (colDir[twistSide]<0) quads=(4-quads) % 4; twistangle=0; naturalState=true; colorTwist(twistSide,quads); } repaint(); } return false; } public void colorTwist(int sideNum, int quads) { int i,j,k,l=0; k=quads*2; for (i=0;i<8;i++) { buffer[k]=sideCols[sideNum*9+circleOrder]; k=(k+1) % 8; } for (i=0;i<8;i++) sideCols[sideNum*9+circleOrder]=buffer; k=quads*3; for (i=0;i<4;i++) { for (j=0;j<4;j++) if (nextSide[nextSide[sideNum*4+i]*4+j]==sideNum) l=j; for (j=0;j<3;j++) { switch(l) { case 0: buffer[k]=sideCols[nextSide[sideNum*4+i]*9+j]; break; case 1: buffer[k]=sideCols[nextSide[sideNum*4+i]*9+2+3*j]; break; case 2: buffer[k]=sideCols[nextSide[sideNum*4+i]*9+8-j]; break; case 3: buffer[k]=sideCols[nextSide[sideNum*4+i]*9+6-3*j]; break; default: break; } k=(k+1) % 12; } } k=0; for (i=0;i<4;i++) { for (j=0;j<4;j++) if (nextSide[nextSide[sideNum*4+i]*4+j]==sideNum) l=j; for (j=0;j<3;j++) { switch(l) { case 0: sideCols[nextSide[sideNum*4+i]*9+j]=buffer[k]; break; case 1: sideCols[nextSide[sideNum*4+i]*9+2+3*j]=buffer[k]; break; case 2: sideCols[nextSide[sideNum*4+i]*9+8-j]=buffer[k]; break; case 3: sideCols[nextSide[sideNum*4+i]*9+6-3*j]=buffer[k]; break; default: break; } k++; } } } public void paint(Graphics g) { dragReg=0; offGraphics.setColor(bgcolor); offGraphics.fillRect(0,0,120,120); if (naturalState) fixBlock(eye,eX,eY,corners,mainBlocks,0); else { Cphi=Math.cos(phi+twistangle); Sphi=-Math.sin(phi+twistangle); copyVec(eye,0,Teye,0); copyVec(eX,0,TeX,0); switch(twistSide) { case 0: // z Teye[0]=Cphi*eye[0]+Sphi*eye[1]; TeX[0]=Cphi*eX[0]+Sphi*eX[1]; Teye[1]=-Sphi*eye[0]+Cphi*eye[1]; TeX[1]=-Sphi*eX[0]+Cphi*eX[1]; break; case 1: // -z Teye[0]=Cphi*eye[0]-Sphi*eye[1]; TeX[0]=Cphi*eX[0]-Sphi*eX[1]; Teye[1]=Sphi*eye[0]+Cphi*eye[1]; TeX[1]=Sphi*eX[0]+Cphi*eX[1]; break; case 2: // -y Teye[0]=Cphi*eye[0]-Sphi*eye[2]; TeX[0]=Cphi*eX[0]-Sphi*eX[2]; Teye[2]=Sphi*eye[0]+Cphi*eye[2]; TeX[2]=Sphi*eX[0]+Cphi*eX[2]; break; case 3: // x Teye[1]=Cphi*eye[1]+Sphi*eye[2]; TeX[1]=Cphi*eX[1]+Sphi*eX[2]; Teye[2]=-Sphi*eye[1]+Cphi*eye[2]; TeX[2]=-Sphi*eX[1]+Cphi*eX[2]; break; case 4: // y Teye[0]=Cphi*eye[0]+Sphi*eye[2]; TeX[0]=Cphi*eX[0]+Sphi*eX[2]; Teye[2]=-Sphi*eye[0]+Cphi*eye[2]; TeX[2]=-Sphi*eX[0]+Cphi*eX[2]; break; case 5: // -x Teye[1]=Cphi*eye[1]-Sphi*eye[2]; TeX[1]=Cphi*eX[1]-Sphi*eX[2]; Teye[2]=Sphi*eye[1]+Cphi*eye[2]; TeX[2]=Sphi*eX[1]+Cphi*eX[2]; break; default: break; } vectorProduct(Teye,0,TeX,0,TeY,0); if (scalProd(eye,0,sideVec,twistSide*3)<0) // Top facing away? Draw it first { fixBlock(Teye,TeX,TeY,topCorners,topBlocks,2); fixBlock(eye,eX,eY,botCorners,botBlocks,1); } else { fixBlock(eye,eX,eY,botCorners,botBlocks,1); fixBlock(Teye,TeX,TeY,topCorners,topBlocks,2); } } g.drawImage(image,0,0,this); } public void update(Graphics g) { paint(g); } // Draw cube or sub-cube public void fixBlock(double beye[],double beX[],double beY[], double bcorners[],int bblocks[],int mode) { copyVec(beye,0,light,0); scalMult(light,0,-3); addVec(beX,0,light,0); subVec(beY,0,light,0); for (i=0;i<8;i++) // Project 3D co-ordinates into 2D screen ones { newCoord[i*2]=(60+35.1*scalProd(bcorners,i*3,beX,0)); newCoord[i*2+1]=(60-35.1*scalProd(bcorners,i*3,beY,0)); } for (i=0;i<6;i++) { if (scalProd(beye,0,sideVec,3*i)>0.001) // Face towards us? Draw it. { k=(int)(9.6*(1-cosAng(light,0,sideVec,3*i))); offGraphics.setColor(Color.black); for (j=0;j<4;j++) // Find corner co-ordinates { rectX[j]=(int)newCoord[2*sides[i*4+j]]; rectY[j]=(int)newCoord[2*sides[i*4+j]+1]; } offGraphics.fillPolygon(rectX,rectY,4); // First draw black sideW=bblocks[i*4+1]-bblocks[i*4]; sideH=bblocks[i*4+3]-bblocks[i*4+2]; if (sideW>0) { sx=newCoord[2*sides[i*4]]; sy=newCoord[2*sides[i*4]+1]; sdxh=(newCoord[2*sides[i*4+1]]-sx)/sideW; sdxv=(newCoord[2*sides[i*4+3]]-sx)/sideH; sdyh=(newCoord[2*sides[i*4+1]+1]-sy)/sideW; sdyv=(newCoord[2*sides[i*4+3]+1]-sy)/sideH; p=bblocks[i*4+2]; for (n=0;n<sideH;n++) // Then draw colored fields { q=bblocks[i*4]; for (o=0;o<sideW;o++) { rectX[0]=(int)(sx+(o+0.1)*sdxh+(n+0.1)*sdxv); rectX[1]=(int)(sx+(o+0.9)*sdxh+(n+0.1)*sdxv); rectX[2]=(int)(sx+(o+0.9)*sdxh+(n+0.9)*sdxv); rectX[3]=(int)(sx+(o+0.1)*sdxh+(n+0.9)*sdxv); rectY[0]=(int)(sy+(o+0.1)*sdyh+(n+0.1)*sdyv); rectY[1]=(int)(sy+(o+0.9)*sdyh+(n+0.1)*sdyv); rectY[2]=(int)(sy+(o+0.9)*sdyh+(n+0.9)*sdyv); rectY[3]=(int)(sy+(o+0.1)*sdyh+(n+0.9)*sdyv); offGraphics.setColor(colList[20*sideCols[i*9+p*3+q]+k]); offGraphics.fillPolygon(rectX,rectY,4); q++; } p++; } } switch (mode) // Determine allowed drag regions and directions { case 0: // Just the normal cube t1=sx; t2=sy; t3=sdxh; t4=sdyh; t5=sdxv; t6=sdyv; for (j=0;j<4;j++) { dragCorn[8*dragReg]=t1; dragCorn[8*dragReg+4]=t2; dragCorn[8*dragReg+3]=t1+t5; dragCorn[8*dragReg+7]=t2+t6; t1=t1+t3*3; t2=t2+t4*3; dragCorn[8*dragReg+1]=t1; dragCorn[8*dragReg+5]=t2; dragCorn[8*dragReg+2]=t1+t5; dragCorn[8*dragReg+6]=t2+t6; dragDir[dragReg*2]=t3*twistDir[i*4+j]; dragDir[dragReg*2+1]=t4*twistDir[i*4+j]; d=t3; t3=t5; t5=-d; d=t4; t4=t6; t6=-d; nearSide[dragReg]=nextSide[i*4+j]; dragReg++; } break; case 1: // The large sub-cube break; case 2: // The small sub-cube (twistable part) if ((i!=twistSide)&&(sideW>0)) { if (sideW==3) // Determine positive drag direction if (bblocks[i*4+2]==0) { dragDir[dragReg*2]=sdxh*twistDir[i*4]; dragDir[dragReg*2+1]=sdyh*twistDir[i*4]; } else { dragDir[dragReg*2]=-sdxh*twistDir[i*4+2]; dragDir[dragReg*2+1]=-sdyh*twistDir[i*4+2]; } else if (bblocks[i*4]==0) { dragDir[dragReg*2]=-sdxv*twistDir[i*4+3]; dragDir[dragReg*2+1]=-sdyv*twistDir[i*4+3]; } else { dragDir[dragReg*2]=sdxv*twistDir[i*4+1]; dragDir[dragReg*2+1]=sdyv*twistDir[i*4+1]; } for (j=0;j<4;j++) { dragCorn[dragReg*8+j]=newCoord[2*sides[i*4+j]]; dragCorn[dragReg*8+4+j]=newCoord[2*sides[i*4+j]+1]; } nearSide[dragReg]=twistSide; dragReg++; } break; default: break; } } } } }
  11. Beats me I automated my cv still can't get a job 10000 applications later. Apart from chef.
  12. Well I'm not British just to clarify we do actually celebrate independence day here
  13. Naa they skip the fourth and move on to the fifth
  14. It may be because July 4th isn't British Thanksgiving.
  15. 62-Core Xeon Phi 5,000,000,000 2012 Intel 22 nm Thats 5,000,000,000 transistors on one chip same company it's not a recent count but you can have a look http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transistor_count They'll be making single atom transistors fairly shortly. See they had this law Moore's Law that the power of computers would double every set number of years because nanotechnology would advance but it doesn't get much smaller than an atom.
  16. Here's a different question give me one example of where a modest income person would ever be able to use this. Think rationally here the cache is on the processing chip. The processing chip is made by robots. When will you be able to afford robots?
  17. The planet grows because rocks and space debris hit the planet all the time not because the planet itself grows. The planet is just a big rock and we happen to live on the surface of it. https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20080814171105AATK6TJ Again there is no such thing as a perfect system.
  18. Organism: An individual living thing that can react to stimuli, reproduce, grow, and maintain homeostasis. It can be a virus, bacterium, protist, fungus, plant or an animal. The planet does not reproduce therefore is not classified as a living organism. It also doesn't grow etc. ps There is no such thing as a perfect system
  19. It certainly wasn't taught to me. In fact we were kinda taught the opposite like to stop google translate translating this page you add <?php echo " <script> if(window.location != \"http://{$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']}{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}\") { location.assign(\"http://{$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']}{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}\"); } </script> "; ?> to the top of a webpage. Some of the sites go further ie if your system clock and the allowable clocks for the site don't match you cannot view the page. This <p id="demo"></p> <script> document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = Date(); </script> retrieves system date. It'll give things like the year too. Say for instance all allied nations use a standardised date on their servers then all non-allied nations couldn't view their pages. Now they wouldn't use a day but they might use a year or seconds from a perticular date. Now very rarely we might change all 6 values maybe if we were at war but not usually.
  20. I saw a post online about it. But seeing a video I'm wondering is the whole thing just copper wire in a hydrogen filled bell jar + current or have I missed something?
  21. I didn't you'll notice I left a huge amount blank with really only one working example.
  22. Bank or Company. I would be the company in this instance. At the moment I have a form I run once a month but I want the form to run dynamically.
  23. I want to create an online form to automatically setup direct debits for my clients. How can this be done?
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