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Status Updates posted by too-open-minded

  1. The more you know, the more you realize you don't know.

    1. MonDie


      How do you know you know how to know?

    2. MonDie


      great, now there's a tongue in my face.

  2. The one who fallows the crowd will usually go no further than the crowd. The one who walks alone will usually find himself in a place no other has ever been before.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Ben Banana

      Ben Banana

      I'm entertained by the idea of keeping your mind open by inventing characters who like different things, and "interacting" with them.

    3. Ben Banana

      Ben Banana

      Essentially by being crazy...

    4. too-open-minded


      If only I had the ability to do that lol. I wish.

  3. The only person you should try to change is the person you were yesterday. In changing yourself you can set an example for others.

  4. the true colors of someones heart are shown when times are rough, anyone can seem friendly when times are good.

    1. Ben Banana

      Ben Banana

      Moose and Llama.

    2. Phi for All

      Phi for All

      If you've been rough enough that you can see the true colors of my heart, there's no time when that seems friendly.

  5. Their is a difference between wanting to make a point and having a point to make.

  6. Time reborn = good book

  7. Very few are people that feel with their own hands and see with their own eyes.

    1. Phi for All

      Phi for All

      What about if you feel people looking at you?

    2. too-open-minded


      People can look at me all they want, but do you mean if people were to do as I do? I would prefer people to conduct themselves as an individual.

  8. We have evolved love to prolong the survival of our fellow species, the fact we can love another species and want it to survive amazes me.

  9. We have only scratched the surface scientifically of what our illusions allow us to grasp.

    1. Phi for All

      Phi for All

      My illusions allowed me to grasp a diamond-coated scalpel, so I was able to put a pretty big incision in the surface scientifically.

    2. too-open-minded


      I see what you did their.

  10. We really do need to try and change the way we live. If we stop caring about the future and put off trying to make it possible, our problems will become our children's. Don't put these things off, small change can have a big impact when lots of people are doing it.

  11. Went to New Orleans for the weekend. Lots of fun. Bayou boat tour, Cemetery walk, lots of creole and seafood. Experienced bourbon street..... Overall it was alot of fun. Oh, and I got my first tattoo!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. zapatos


      "But it's a real beauty. A Mexican cutie. How it got there I haven't a clue.


    3. too-open-minded


      No lol, it's one that I've put a lot of thought into and won't be finished for probably at least 2 years.

    4. arc


      . . . and 200 beers.

  12. What if being created in gods image is a metaphor, and the universe is god?

    1. Lightmeow


      Some people think about it like that, but most Christians think that god is a man

  13. When you talk about the economy, if you only put Americas economy into perspective your leaving out the big picture. I'm not talking economics like GDP or what they teach you in economics class, I'm talking why goods are produced and what their chain reaction relation is to all other goods. From raw material to processed goods, when you look at the worlds economic system as a whole it at first seems almost repulsive. How much is taken away from the planet to how much is spewed out for...

  14. Work hard and live life to the fullest. You'll have plenty of time to rest when you're dead.

    1. imatfaal


      Exactly. Life is what happens whilst you're making other plans.

  15. Working on my BSE to teach middle school science!

    1. imatfaal


      Brilliant - good luck

  16. Yes, I am dropping a massive dump in my profile picture.

  17. Yes, I am dropping a massive dump in my profile picture.

  18. Yes, I am dropping a massive dump in my profile picture.

    1. Moontanman


      i thought you were a massive dump...

    2. too-open-minded


      That sir, is an understatement.

  19. You can tell the essence of a man by what makes him angry.

    1. arc


      Them are fight'n words! Put'em up!

    2. DevilSolution


      The essence of humans is deeper than anger

    3. too-open-minded
  20. you have nothing to be sorry about broski

  21. You keep up that abstract thinking! Nobody discovered anything amazing by listening to everyone elses bullshit, good luck. If you need any help or just want a honest opinion don't hesitate to hit me up :)

  22. You've nothing to be sorry about broski

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