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Everything posted by Acme

  1. Are you by chance conditioning your work on Sokal? source: >> http://www.physics.nyu.edu/faculty/sokal/transgress_v2/transgress_v2_singlefile.html
  2. Belief has nothing to do with Polaris or the identification of the constellations. Here is a site dedicated to astronomy for children. >> http://www.kidsastronomy.com/astroskymap/constellation_hunt.htm
  3. As I earlier related, the field both decreases and increases over time, as well as reverses polarity. Just keep telling yourself that. Talking about science and doing science are two entirely different things. I do not do that term, there is always something. Just keep telling yourself that too.
  4. I suspect this thread and the comic were prompted by my recent comment to a poster in the Trolling thread. Love the cartoon in any case.
  5. This is known as the 'species problem'. source: >> Species problem @ Wiki http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Species_problem All Homo sapiens can breed and produce breeding offspring, therefore they are all of one species. The work is in progress, but no definitive answers have been forthcoming: source: >> Speciation @ Wiki http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Speciation It is not controversial unless you have in mind to promote racial discrimination.
  6. Hi! Yes; the scientific term is turtle. turtle shell @ Wiki >> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turtle_shell
  7. To be clear I gave the monkey business because it makes as much sense as all you have said; which is to say non-sense. There is no 'problem'. Earth's magnetic field is in constant flux and there is nothing people can do about it or any reason that suggests they should try. Perhaps; but you do need to be a scientist to do science.
  8. You're welcome. As to the big bang, take that up in the appropriate threads.
  9. Hm... that is really interesting. So what your saying is that the planets go around the sun but they don't stay in any constellation at all because they can't stop moving? Correct. The Zodiac refers to the ancient division of the skies into 12 parts and each part is associated with a constellation. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zodiac Note I bolded the word ecliptic. This is the line -more a band- along which all the planets, the Sun, and the Moon move along as seen from Earth. In the Northern Hemisphere the ecliptic band is always to the South; sometimes high, sometimes lower depending on the season. All Zodiac constellations lie along the ecliptic and as the planets circle the Sun in their orbits they move along the ecliptic (as viewed from Earth) and they pass through the different zodiac constellations. Don't worry about how much there is to learn. Start slow by just getting out and looking up. When you see something you wonder about make a note of when and where you saw it and then you can later go & research what it is. Next time you see it you get more familiar and so on. As you have already found out, Polaris is an important place to start. Get it down pat and then move on from there.
  10. Not exactly. If you have a source saying that, I would be happy to challenge it. There is no current way to predict the condition of Earth's magnetic field so far into the future. Since our Sun is a prime candidate to turn into a red giant and swallow the Earth in 5 billion* or so years, the state of the magnetic field will be of little consequence to humans or charge-carrying monkeys. *http://science.nasa.gov/science-news/science-at-nasa/2012/25oct_friedplanets/
  11. Good! It will be monkey-small Faraday cage traps to neutralize the electromagnetic charges, save on rocket costs, protect the monkeys from their brains getting eaten, settle how you perceive, keep you from getting caged, keep the monkeys from running around in trees, and create a thermodynamic stasis that we can all live with.
  12. When the arguments fail, try style? ... It is my opinion that the proposed travelling wave reactor doesn't work. I don't need other sources for that. ... Touché.
  13. Rather than humans creating a faster equilibrium, doesn't it make sense that's it's monkeys because of the static electric charges on their fur generated as they move around in trees trying to escape people? From your link: Where there are more poor people there are more monkeys running from them. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monkey Do you agree that we should be sending more monkeys into space like we used to do so they intercept the cosmic rays and then the mantle won't ionize to the core?
  14. There are products available that spray out like a paint sprayer sprays. You do any required shaping after it dries. >> http://www.amazon.com/Fomo-Products-Inc-Handi-Foam-Insulation/dp/B00901ONRQ/ref=sr_1_1/188-4043830-4754942?ie=UTF8&qid=1397852973&sr=8-1&keywords=Spray+Foam+Insulation+Kits Here's a link to the company site. >> http://fomo.com/products/default.aspx
  15. Earth is not in a constellation and the planets move through all constellations of the Zodiac except Trollae, and all planets go around that constellation.
  16. Mercury is ever only observable just after Sunset or just before Sunrise and always very low to the horizon. It is not visible this month at all because it is too close to the Sun from an Earth perspective. Here's a site telling you what is visible, when it is visible, and where. >> http://www.nightskyinfo.com/
  17. Polaris will be the brightest of all the Little Dipper stars and the only one that holds its position as the hours pass. Keep looking up and you'll get the hang of it. Here's a full sky star map for Winter in Northern Hemisphere to help you get oriented. source: >> http://csep10.phys.utk.edu/astr161/lect/time/maps.html
  18. Congratulations on the new telescope. The Moon rises 50 minutes later each day so it won't help you locate the stars. Once you have found the Big Dipper, look to the 2 stars that make up the side of the 'pot' opposite the handle. (These stars are named Dubhe & Merak on the map below.) Now imagine a line through them like connect-a-dot and follow that line toward the North. The brightest star your line runs into is Polaris, the North Star. Polaris is the end star in the handle of the Little Dipper. Here's a couple sky maps to help out. Big Dipper (also called Ursa Major; Bigger Bear in Latin) source: >> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big_dipper Polaris & Little Dipper (little Dipper also called Ursa Minor; Smaller Bear in Latin) source: >> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ursa_Minor
  19. So is there a 2 where the question mark is? No. Therefore 2 is missing. Do you mind explaining why the answer is supposed to be 3?
  20. Blah blah blah yada yada yada. You guys offer nothing but a bunch of handwaving and unsupported unscientific suppositions. Good luck with that.
  21. Memory is a mental faculty and the term does not properly apply to non-mental phenomena. Applying the term to non-mental phenomena such as materials or computers is a bastardization just as with entropy being used to refer to order. Patterns in nature are not clever. The impression that they are clever is an epiphenomenon arising from your remembered collection of human behavior attributed with cleverness. And yes, your collection is accidental.
  22. Bravo for Bloomberg and the moms in this effort. Jolly well time as well for dads to insist we stop shooting our children to death in such numbers and with so little regard for them as well as so little regard for what the whole of the Constitution stands for. Full article @NPR >> http://www.npr.org/blogs/itsallpolitics/2014/04/16/303772324/bloomberg-seeks-to-alter-gun-debate-with-50-million-and-moms?ft=1&f=
  23. I'm not pretending; you & Mike have it wrong. There is not. As you have already conceded, you have not made your case. No it is not obvious. No, it is not silly. Cleverness is well defined & I much earlier gave evidence of it. It's called a dictionary. Yes Really. Repeating your assertion over and over ad nauseum does not make it so. Again, you have failed to make your case with these examples. You are correct; it has nothing to do with it.
  24. It certainly is to me. As already noted and approved above, my reducing the Universe to randomness is no degradation. All the more amazing what we witness when realizing it is born of chance. I think it was this thread that I earlier quoted from the Deteriorata, and now paraphrasing, that whether you know it or not, you are a fluke of the Universe and it is laughing behind your back. The Deteriorata of course is a lampoon of the Desiderata and knowing what the Desiderata says is paramount in understanding the humor in the lampooning. source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Desiderata As they say in show business, leave them laughing. source: http://www.joke-archives.com/poetry/deteriorata.html
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