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Everything posted by dimreepr

  1. It's the thin edge of the wedge and can only benefit those, currently, in power.
  2. My point is, it's potential is available to both sides, who know's what's going to trend next? It could be one of our statements from this very thread... All we can really do is hope our words, of reason, can reach the right ears.
  3. You're already doing everything you can, that's why I don't watch/read/listen to the news, other than by accident.
  4. Indeed, that's the fundamentals covered...
  5. No worries, probably my fault, I'm prone to mistakes.
  6. You're conflating what religion has become with what politics always is...
  7. What about the ones Australia hasn't accepted, you know... the leftovers
  8. You too, though on reflection it strikes me as a badge of honour.
  9. Well done Australia, you've monetised humanity, what do you do with the leftovers? I got one too, strangely at roughly the same time, this thread was exhumed.
  10. Then why didn't you ask a relevant question?
  11. That's a strawman, but since you ask yes; people don't choose to be forced from their homes, but when they get here <insert location> they improve here and it's only your fear (as evinced in your question/strawman) that interrupts this natural process.
  12. Are you? Well, if that's a joke it went way over my head, please don't explain it, I really don't care...
  13. It can if you want it to, I really don't care; but why do you care what I believe? It's like saying, I'm not allowed to enjoy a bacon sarnie because you don't, to which there's an obvious answer...
  14. I should've turned it off , I knew it was a risk; sort of worth it though, that's a hall of fame-r (worth a new keyboard too), I'm still chuckling.
  15. Well, colour me intrigued...
  16. Do you? Well, let's take a quick straw poll, who here agrees with this statement?
  17. But ignoring the answers, so what's the point? If you want to learn you have to listen.
  18. Everyone has: To quote Jim Jefferies "Have the magic man, don't have the magic man; I don't give a fuck"; why do you?
  19. Faith is nothing more than wishful thinking, in your case, and there's nothing you can say that's going to persuade anyone on this site otherwise. That much must be obvious to you so why do you keep trying?
  20. The truth is only viewable by those that can see...
  21. Ever had that moment? you know the one, the moment you realise you should have just shut TFU; well, maybe not at the time but certainly the following morning when you log in.
  22. Sorry missed that, ask again, please...
  23. LMAO, literally everyone has countered/destroyed your arguments, it's only the faith in your superiority, that blinds you to the truth...
  24. Intent, agenda, warm fuzzy feeling knowing you're better than 'them' etc... So what's your intent, agenda, teddy bear...
  25. Then why are you so keen to establish a difference?
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