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Everything posted by iNow

  1. I saw both the 60 Minutes interview AND the Daily Show comedy last night. I learned from both, and took different understandings away from each. Coupled with everything else I've read and seen on the subject, both presentations allowed me to form a more robust concept all by myself. Where exactly is the problem again? Are we really arguing about which is a news show (the one on FOX news channel) and which one presents information in a way that makes people laugh (the one on the Comedy Central channel)? I'm pretty sure that's not why this thread was opened, nor how that even matters, but okay.
  2. It's likely calculuated. It's not as if her publicist didn't know that dumb asses like Bill O'Reilley would be talking about it. She gets mountains of free publicity, and simulataneously achieves what I will call the "Allyssa Milano" effect, where a few "dirty" pictures make the world realize that she's no longer a little girl and is to be taken seriously. Frankly, what disturbs me most is not only that so many people actually care, but that so many people get down right enraged about such ridiculous nonsense. Remember, we have real problems to fix, people... Let's stop trying to stuff puritanical square pegs through 21st century round holes.
  3. It seems silly to transport energy over long distances if the option exists to generate it locally... This idea applies regardless of which technology is responsible for that generation. I see localized energy generation via multi-modality techniques being a very powerful way to help us out of this abysmal situation in which we currently find ourselves with our reliance on earth destroying grossness. (yes, that's the technical term).
  4. I think it's become clear that she cannot win on her own merit, and can only pull this one off by deficating all over Obama... with the help and support of republicans who also too afraid to face him in November.
  5. What about the definition used in the links which I posted in post #56 do you deem "not scientific?" http://web.mit.edu/newsoffice/2001/abstractthought.html
  6. The idea for people to remember is that video games DO have an impact, but there are a multitude of other factors at play which can either supplement or negate that impact.
  7. I was not using such a narrow definition of the abstract concept.
  8. IA was not talking about copy/paste. When you reply to a post, you have the option of attaching a file in full. If you attach a file, then ALL codes which are part of that file get attached. Your "exponents, subscripts, and Greek letters" would NOT disappear. If you are doing something wrong, someone here can help you. Also, you can use LaTeX. There are several options for properly displaying equations. Where exactly are you struggling? You are three posts in, don't understand the functionality of the site, and your tone is not one of someone who truly seeks answers to questions and intelligent discussion. This is just an observation, presented in hopes that it will improve your style.
  9. iNow

    An Atheist's Creed

    I have to agree with doG here. Even though many of the words in the piece were resonant with me, doG has more accurately framed the issue with his post above.
  10. Unfortunately, nothing that was longer than one or two minutes turned up on a YouTube search. It only aired for the first time a few days ago, so it's not likely yet been uploaded en total by anyone. Sorry. Since PBS is publically funded, they probably limit their programming to folks who actually have the option of funding them (i.e. within the US). It's really too bad since their programming is so often so well done. Keep checking google video, and if anyone else turns up a link which presents the program outside the confines of the PBS player, perhaps they will be so kind as to share it here.
  11. I think the more important question is, what did he have to gain from it. Since that is next to nothing, I can understand why agreeing to yet another debate would favor Hillary and should have been avoided. I saw a poll on Sunday which said that only 10% of voters in remaining states are "undecided." This means that 90% of people have already made up their minds. Like I said, nothing to gain from a debate so it's not worth it. Spend time and energy trying to connect with people face to face.
  12. What makes you think we are unable to communicate with chimps?
  13. iNow

    An Atheist's Creed

    We need to be cautious not to turn this into another discussion on the source of morality. The creed definitely resonates.
  14. See, but now you've moved the goal posts away from abstract thought and toward the ability to engage in conversation. This would then imply that mute people are not "persons." You're slipping further and further away from your original point. Like I said. I'd urge you to reconsider your position: http://web.mit.edu/newsoffice/2001/abstractthought.html http://www.msu.edu/user/marablek/whal-int.htm http://pin.primate.wisc.edu/news/inthenews/cognition.html Well, I'd like to point out that here you've moved the goal posts again. First, from abstract thought, then to conversation, now to multiplicative mathematics. Either way, my urge to you for reconsideration of your point remains: http://research.duke.edu/five-questions-on-monkeys-and-math/ http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articlerender.fcgi?artid=2140091 http://www.dukenews.duke.edu/2005/10/brannonpnas.html I posit that, since the machinery is the same as in humans, then so will be the process. Much like youngsters, once the basic arithemetic is mastered, there is no reason to presume that multiplication abilities would not follow if teaching continued. I could pretty easily find more if the above do not quench your intellectual thirst.
  15. Well, as we all know, when somebody is suffocating, the best thing to fix it is a kitchen knife. I think this one is more to do with proving darwinian evolution.
  16. Humans are the product of genes and experience. Experience shapes who the person becomes after the genes lay the foundation. Experience fills in the details of the outline. If one has experience fantasizing about killing and disassociating from the act itself, detaching themselves emotionally from these acts which are counter to social codes, they will be more likely to engage in the act of killing beyond the confinements of the video game. I am, by no means, against video games. I quite enjoy them. I'm simply showing that it's not hard to show that practice in fantasy doesn't take much to evolve toward execution in reality. Disclaimer: The above blatantly ignores the "pressure valve" effect, whereby expression in fantasy provides relief of urges so they don't ruminate and explode beyond control, ultimately getting expressed in reality.
  17. I'd urge you to reconsider your position that "chimps are lacking the ability to have generalized, abstract thought." Further, the particle physics discussion doesn't help, as 98% of the people with whom I interact everyday couldn't talk about this in an intellible way, so that would imply (using the logic above) that they are not "persons" either... which, clearly, they are. Either way, chimps are capable of generalized, abstract thought. If you need me to, I can spend some time tracking down studies which support this assertion. We continue to run into challenges using "intelligence" as a definition, since a clear and applicable set of parameters for the intelligence concept are so consistently absent.
  18. I find that to be some rather curious rhetoric, if only because, from my perspective, this "loathing" has actually been on the decline in recent years. Can you please elaborate?
  19. Yeah... I suppose we could all waste more of our time discussing that completely irrelevant stuff which is only there to distract us. Sure. Who cares about the real issues we need to solve like the economy, the war, and the environment? How much longer until gay marriage comes up? That one is always fun and gets the hornet's nest ratted. Maybe we can find an atheist politician and burn him at the cross on Fox News. My repetition of my previous quote about the level of our dialogue being disgraceful was not directed at you, agentchange. It just needed repeating. Our level of political discourse in the United States is both embarrassing and disgraceful.
  20. Solar coupled with high energy density battery banks.
  21. Tell me, sir. How is that you've managed to train your ear to "hear" skin color over the radio? Seems like quite an interesting trick, and I'd like to learn how you do it.
  22. iNow

    Junk DNA

    Hmmm... I'm not sure. My comment was in response to Agentchange who commented on his concerns about aging too quickly.
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