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Everything posted by iNow

  1. Hi synaesthesia, Anything you wish to discuss can be discussed here. You really shouldn't ask people to email you, as that opens them up to phishing scams. Good luck with your project.
  2. There seems to be an issue since you upgraded to the latest version of vBulletin. I've noticed the exact same issue on another forum which also just upgraded. Here is an example. In this thread, there are 374 posts: http://www.scienceforums.net/forum/showthread.php?t=6390&page=19 However, when looking at the summary of that thread from the Astronomy and Cosmology forum page: http://www.scienceforums.net/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=15 ... it shows 385 Replies. This is causing the system to show 20 pages within the thread, even though there are only 19. So, you click the 20, and nothing happens, it directs you back to the same page you're on (page 19). I've tried to illustrate this with my screenshot below. [ATTACH]1821[/ATTACH]
  3. Wiki does. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lady_bugs
  4. Just a note... All of those references are a decade old (or just under). It might be good to get something more current.
  5. I think I've said this in another thread recently, but I find it unfortunate that we are so focussed on selecting a VP based on what they will provide in the general election, instead of choosing a VP that is best for the job and who we want to help support the mission, goals, and projects of the president. There's a reason that the person who takes second place in the general election is no longer the VP... like they did right after the first few votes in this country. It's because the gridlock and butting of heads prevents goals from being achieved.
  6. I am very much aware of that. I should have said it differently. I was trying to keep it as simple as possible since the user asking the question appeared not to speak english as a first language, so I "dumbed it down." The problem was, I dumbed it down so much that I made myself look like a dumbass in the process. Thanks for keeping me honest though. So, have you heard about this new dihydrogen monoxide conspiracy where they're adding this chemical to all of our reservoirs, lakes, and products? .
  7. I just knew I was going to be nailed for that. I should know better. To your second question, you'll notice that I reminded the person asking that it was "off-topic" in my own post. You know... it's not a chemical because it's not "chemically." Stupid poor word choices early in the morning.
  8. iNow


  9. Hi chemeng, It's not really a chemical which makes the popcorn kernel pop, it's just water. When the water heats, it creates pressure. However, since your question is a little off topic for this thread, I'll give you the link below so you can read more for yourself. Enjoy. http://www.nasa.gov/audience/forkids/home/popcorn.html
  10. iNow

    Carl Sagan

    Sorry, just remembered... I also read The Dragons of Eden several years ago. It was okay, but it's sometimes nice to incorporate fiction into our lives so Contact would be my first choice.
  11. Oh... now your dissing Iowa. I see how it is.
  12. iNow

    Carl Sagan

    Contact was a very fun read. SO MUCH better than the movie (which I really enjoyed also). It even had a slightly different story line, which I liked. Contact and the two you listed above are the only three of his I've read, so I'm afraid I cannot suggest anything further. Btw... when I got done with Contact, I read 2001, 2010, and 3001 by Arthur C. Clarke.
  13. Can you elaborate? I don't necessarily disagree, but I've always seen the VP as more of a figure head, one who can't even vote unless it's to break a tie.
  14. And that's just ONE example. Elas - Arguments from incredulity and ignorance won't get you very far.
  15. Don't get me wrong, I actually like all three of them (Obama, Clinton, McCain) for various reasons. I just don't think having Clinton as the VP will achieve anything more than the amelioration of electoral angst. Sure, choosing her to e Obama's running mate will help in the general election, but after that, I don't think she'd be good in the role of VP. She's clearly a better executive.
  16. Correction: Majority of people who self-identified as Dems and who participated in the poll. Not necessarily an accurate cross section of the population. Either way, though... I find it rather distressing that it's as high as it is even with the above caveats.
  17. Further, I would be interested to see one that shows the speed of light to be relative... aka not invariant in all reference frames.
  18. No, you moron. New Zealand is just what they call the northeastern part of the United States... You know, Maine, Vermont, Massachusetts, and the like.
  19. I ignored most of your post since it's all speculative mind dancing where your logic is based on faulty premises. Either way, I couldn't help but correct the above. It's "Ockham's razor," and that's NOT what it says. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Occams_razor
  20. The stagnation in our Congress is downright disgusting sometimes. http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2008/06/06/MN2Q114L06.DTL Don't they realize that it doesn't matter how much money people make or are able to keep if there is no place left on earth to spend it? [/exasperation]
  21. Your best source will be the governmental office in charge of this: http://www.bia.homeoffice.gov.uk/
  22. I think it would be fun to see your results, Ozone. Definitely. However, it doesn't really address the question of the OP, since you are comparing organic versus inorganic milk (specifically, the constituent compounds), instead of directly studying the effect of bovine milk itself on the human body post adolescence.
  23. I am, unfortunately, not able to proffer wisdom of my own, but here is one of those threads for which you searched: http://www.scienceforums.net/forum/showthread.php?t=29304 Good luck, regardless the path you folllow.
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