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Everything posted by iNow

  1. The stagnation in our Congress is downright disgusting sometimes. http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2008/06/06/MN2Q114L06.DTL Don't they realize that it doesn't matter how much money people make or are able to keep if there is no place left on earth to spend it? [/exasperation]
  2. Your best source will be the governmental office in charge of this: http://www.bia.homeoffice.gov.uk/
  3. I think it would be fun to see your results, Ozone. Definitely. However, it doesn't really address the question of the OP, since you are comparing organic versus inorganic milk (specifically, the constituent compounds), instead of directly studying the effect of bovine milk itself on the human body post adolescence.
  4. I am, unfortunately, not able to proffer wisdom of my own, but here is one of those threads for which you searched: http://www.scienceforums.net/forum/showthread.php?t=29304 Good luck, regardless the path you folllow.
  5. Sorry. I got lazy and didn't use the Quote function. It was to the post immediately prior to my own.
  6. I'd like to see some empirical evidence of those claims before I take them as anything more than your (potentially seriously mistaken) personal opinion.
  7. Don't we only have 8 planets now anyway (+1`planetessimal)?
  8. I understand your point antimatter, but the test which we DO have is quite problematic. I think the deeper issue is that we're missing a consistent and multi-contextual definition of intelligence itself. I mean, how doth one test something they cannot even adequately define?
  9. in other words, it doesn't "slow down," it just traverses a greater distance.
  10. Antimatter (and others): It may be useful to familiarize yourself with the "Criticisms and Views" section of this page (and the rest, too, if you're a true academic!): http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IQ
  11. I think you either meant "psychononsense" or "pseudoscience." Either way, both seem to apply.
  12. Alex - I'd personally advise you to disregard post #2 and wait for a serious response to your question.
  13. In what peer-reviewed journal was your article published, and what issue so we can go read it?
  14. I'll tell you what. I'll take you seriously when you provide a few reputable sources supporting this claim. Until then, all readers should consider it unproven garbage from an unknown person. Ooohh... time for another Hot Pocket and some popcorn.
  15. My summarized opinion? I drink scotch and smoke cigars. Milk is not exactly high on my list of health concerns.
  16. I just tried several different searches in PubMed and didn't find anything negative.
  17. Do you have a university or college nearby? Often, you can find these articles in their libraries.
  18. I've never turned down a friendship request from a 'sexy bitch' before in my life, and I'm sure not inclined to start now. :) Cheers.

  19. This thread should be closed before it gets out of hand.
  20. It's a bit like asking "what is the temperature of happy."
  21. Unless, of course, there is something new and consistent and plausible to offer. However, to the tone of your post, we have not yet seen any such thing here.
  22. Okay. And since the big bang was literally the beginning of time and space, the concept of "before" the big bang is completely meaningless. Are you just arguing for the sake of arguing, or are you truly not understanding my point? If the latter, please explain and I'll try to find a way to meet you in the middle.
  23. I agree. However, the issue here was somewhat more complex than a simple "language barrier." This user was confrontational, ignored evidence which discounted his views, and seemed strangely obcessed with saying the word "Jew" in every post. If you have a point, then share it. Otherwise, I say again, leave it alone.
  24. Kyrisch... your post comes across as "word salad." Can you please try to rephrase that? Maybe offer a link or two which reference the specific ideas you're trying to convey? Thanks, and cheers.
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