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Phi for All

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Everything posted by Phi for All

  1. Run a forum search for mousetrap catapults and trebuchets.
  2. Planetary acne? Marzit?
  3. If you go to jail it's all Bill's bladder's fault. At least you have the smarts not to act outraged. I've heard so many people in similar straits raging against the police that they have nothing better to do than pick on harmless teenagers with, you know, weapons. "I *told* the cop we were just having some fun and weren't threatening anybody, but he still wouldn't believe me!" If I were you, I'd learn my lesson, do the mature thing and just put this incident behind me... after I Super Glued by brother's butt to a toilet seat.
  4. Oh, yeah? Well, you... you... UKes can't prove that with any degree of certainty.
  5. I remember a writer from the National Lampoon describing sex with a skinny fashion model as being "like riding an English bicycle down a set of railroad tracks, and you don't even get to honk the horn." Had to have been 20 years ago I read that but it stuck with me. British sex on a tractor reminded me of it again.
  6. Don't you mean, "The coolest peoples' [sic] birthedays [sic] are on May 13th"?
  7. I just noticed it's also 5614's birthday! My virtual gift to you is a 100GHz voive-activated wristwatch computer with a 500TB hard-drive, 10GB RAM, a retinal laser display, and a wireless satellite uplink (with extra monthly international long-distance minutes!). It only weighs 3 ounces but the user manual will need to be lifted into your backyard by crane!
  8. While I still believe it's more a combination of factors, I do agree with SkepticLance about the sedentary lifestyle. I think it's probably the largest factor in the equation. There's computers and stereos and home theatres and 500 channels of cable TV and video games and cell phones with video games to name a few. All of this is usually more interesting than walking around a neighborhood full of identical houses.
  9. You could almost forgive him if he didn't know what a true brain-teaser was, but it was all the gloating and "I can't believe no one's gotten it yet!" dung that sets my teeth on edge. I can't believe I let that go on for a month and three pages. He had a thread in the Mods forum almost from the day he arrived and none of us had a good feeling about him. We try to give people the benefit of the doubt but there's always people like him that make you want to just go on a banning warpath to save the membership months of drivel. I apologize for not being stricter, people.
  10. Lady of Pain, we adore you! (beheads accordion player) I thought it would be nice to start a thread so everyone can give you virtual gifts! Here's mine: a really cool leather Vertical Top Zip Backpack/Shoulder Bag for school. It features many cool compartments for books, supplies, handcuffs, lunch and a laptop, plus it's got a weighted bottom for swinging at the heads of inferior classmates who question the theory of evolution and a special zip-line garotte pulls right out of the shoulder strap to strangle students who's too-high hairdos block your view of cute professors.
  11. I don't ban people for wasting a month and three pages of thread time... much. theMaharajah was banned for opening up a second account to reply to all his old posts. The guy was a total troll.
  12. ... aaaaaaaaaand we're done.
  13. I voted Both or Other. To say we definitely will or definitely won't survive either or both is far too conclusive at this point. Having come as far as we have technologically in the last thousand years, who could definitively say for certain what we might be able to accomplish ten million or a hundred million or a billion years from now?
  14. And since your buddy and plenty of others are spending $12 each for lunch, how quickly do you think they're going to do that? Plus McNasty's and others get to hide behind that wonderful illusory phrase, "natural flavor". So much of why fast food has an appealing taste is due to company's like IFF (International Flavors & Frangrances) that put a "natural flavor" into the cooking oil used in fried foods. All the big fast food chains have proprietary formulas of chemicals used to give the proper flavor and smell. And chemicals occur in nature, so they're "natural", right?
  15. Wow. Just... wow. I'll have to run a report and see just how many members put theMaharajah on their Ignore List today.
  16. If you could get the backing of the medical community as a safe product that really worked, I'd say you could give Bill Gates a run for *his* money in the next 15-20 years. In the US, if it's a medication formula, a utility patent in your name will protect you for a period of time, but you are responsible for enforcing it. A utility patent gives you the legal rights to your formula but it's not like the Patent Office or the courts are going to hunt down transgressors for you. If you think you have something that can meet the requirements for a non-provisional utility patent, you should see a patent attorney. It's expensive, but worth it in the long run if you're serious. One of the ways you can raise capital to afford not only the patent but start-up costs as well is to find an investor and sell the foreign rights. A US patent will only protect you in the US, so you're not really giving anything up. Or you could present your ideas to a venture capital partnership and, for a big chunk of the pie, they will raise the money and set up a board of directors and off you go. [/simple version]
  17. Most definitely. I love hiking through the woods. Another factor is that age and experience hopefully makes you smarter. You learn to put things that need to go back downstairs in a pile and take it all down at once instead of making five trips up and down. You learn to keep the remote controls in a basket next to your chair so you're not popping up to search for them all the time. You learn to put the coffee filters and the coffee in the cupboard *above* the coffee maker to save yourself some steps in the kitchen. As you get older and wiser you figure out lots of ways to save energy. Add all those little things up and you're expending a lot less energy, you're being super-efficient, but you're also not getting as much exercise. Unfortunately, you usually end up rewarding yourself for being so smart with an extra scoop of ice cream.
  18. But dimensions are not worlds or universes. They merely give a perspective for measuring what already exists. Theoretically, you could use a fourth spatial dimension to travel from here to another galaxy with a single step? but you couldn't live on that dimension any more than you could live on length or width. Perhaps I misunderstand dimensions. That's entirely possible.
  19. A big part of the fast food dilemma is that it's *too* fast. It's eaten so quickly the body's normal "I'm full" responses don't have time to kick in. Flavor enhancers like MSG help this process as well.
  20. Oh, yes, no doubt about it, you've hit the nail on the head, you're spot on, that's exactly what I mean.
  21. This thread is so off-topic it's pathetic. And the topic, If man is in God's image then who's image were the dinosaurs in, was pathetic to begine with. It slipped back into man in God's image and now we're into the afterlife and reincarnation. Even for Speculations this is a weird thread. Pretender, as the thread starter we look to you for direction. Please figure out where you want this to go, rambling doesn't work for me.
  22. There are so many factors here. Restaurants, trying to increase per ticket sales, increase the size of the portions so that every meal is like two meals (look at the people leaving, most every party is carrying a take-away container). Food is grown and processed with consumerism, distribution and profits in mind, not with health in mind. For instance, Iceberg lettuce is more profitable to grow and sell for several reasons, but it contains a lot less vitamins and minerals than green leaf lettuce. Stress is a factor because so much marketing is out there telling you your day is hectic and stressful so you need all these products to relax, relax, relax. We relax so much we don't get enough exercise. There are too many interesting things to do that are sedentary. Western medicine ends up fixing symptoms rather than causes. Any doctor worth his licence will work with you on good nutrition and best health practices but most realize that people just want the quick fix of a pill or a shot rather than investing in the behavior modification they really need.
  23. If a class III society relies on energy collected from the galaxies, wouldn't the Big Freeze be and end to that energy? What could possibly feed our need for energy if there is none?
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