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Phi for All

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Everything posted by Phi for All

  1. I'm going to sticky this now because I've just read it and still lost it a minute later. Can an Admin move this down the sticky list so Introduce Yourself is still at the top? I don't think I can do that.
  2. No. The argument is that because alcohol is legal, pot should be legal. What you suggest is a strawman. The argument is also that alcohol is legal and growing hemp, even for making fabric and paper and rope and oil, is illegal. There are those who claim that our old friend Big Oil is once again to blame, since prior to it's being outlawed in 1937, hemp was used for many markets that petroleum coveted. I think alcohol's deleterious effects are quite well known, and by a majority of people. The attitude seems to be that since it's legal it's OK, even though it kills or destroys the lives of tens of thousands of people worldwide every year. Ultimately, it boils down to the fact that we could use hemp again. It's stronger and less harmful than cotton to the environment. We could stop cutting down trees to make paper. We could have renewable oil supplies (I'm pretty sure IC engines could be made to run on a derivative of hemp oil). I've imbibed alcohol and cannabis in the past, but don't use either anymore so I feel I can say without too much bias that there are no reasons why we shouldn't have both if we have one. I can live without both but why should I dictate what everyone else can or can't put inside themselves?
  3. Not really. It's primary function should be to provide order. From there it can establish ways to resolve conflicts (including how best to protect the people) but order should be the prime directive, imo. How does hemp compromise our ability to protect ourselves? And again, do you drink alcohol? And even if you personally don't, why should alcohol be legal while marijuana is not?
  4. There's a great custom user title! I, for one, didn't see any abuse of power in Pangloss' post. He was asking a poster to dig a little deeper. He does the best job of walking the tightrope between participation and moderation, imo.
  5. Self-medication to avoid your responsibilities can be done in many ways, and not all require that you abuse a substance. Too much time on the computer, too much reading, too much exercise and too much TV are popular choices as well. The fact that some drugs, like alcohol and nicotine, are legal while others are not is more of a political situation than a medical one. I think legalizing hemp in all its forms would be a good experiment to see if other industries and society as a whole would survive. But I agree that Obama will most likely not address the issue formally. I wonder if he can use the unofficial pressure system Bush used on various departments (like having Parks downplay geology and evolution angles in places like the Grand Canyon and Yellowstone) to "suggest" to law enforcement that pot possession prosecution needs to be curbed.
  6. [moderation] moved from Homework Help to General Discussion. Newbies: don't post here with links or we will assume you are joining to advertise. Please don't make this thread your first post! [/moderation]
  7. If it lacerates your mouth, you should sue the spork makers.
  8. [moderation] Then please say so and either point out where you did, use the quote feature to make it clearer, or rephrase instead of reiterate (because you obviously didn't make yourself clear to the people you're talking to). [/moderation]
  9. [moderation] Am I correct in saying that all your references in posts #22 and #24 to "above" and "again above" mean "agreed"? If so, please don't do this again, just say "agreed". Agreeing shouldn't be so disagreeable that you have to mask it in confusion. [/moderation]
  10. Actually, the spork wars will be the salvation we've all been looking for. Half the population will lacerate their mouths trying to eat, sue the spork makers, and then go blind while starving to death trying to read the fine print that will eventually cover each spork. The resulting increase in intelligence in the species and reduction in consumption of resources will allow us to stop producing reality TV and actually fund science education.
  11. Google helps a lot, and sometimes you just have to reword the sentence, or take smaller bits, like between Mars and Jupiter will give you one answer.
  12. After reading about Bush's little Wall Street loophole, I change my mind about the shoes. Wear your greed-seeking steel-toes and let fly.
  13. These are the same people you see in movies who meet someone in a bar, order a drink, talk for two minutes, then throw a tenner on the bar and leave a whole drink behind practically untouched. I guess there was just no chemistry.
  14. That's absolutely disgusting. I take back all the kudos about Bush's humanitarian efforts in Africa. He probably had an angle. Time to buy some heavier shoes, with cleats.
  15. Keep your shoes on your feet, dude.
  16. Oh wonderful. So we have companies deemed too big to fail, and now that we've bailed them out they're buying competitors to become even bigger.
  17. As part of an ongoing campaign to make our threads searchable by everyone interested in an answer to the same question, I have retitled this thread. I hope the OP doesn't mind.
  18. It's OK if you have something pertinent to add. It's not OK if you're just reading the OP only and then posting without reading the whole thread.
  19. The riddle says "stuff" is taken out. We take fish out of the ocean. But even if it's the ocean itself, the ocean is taken out by evaporation, and then replaced through precipitation.
  20. Works for both a hole and an ocean. Works for an ocean, since an ocean can be filled but never gets full. Doesn't work for a hole, which when full is no longer, by definition, a hole. An ocean is one answer that works.
  21. Phi for All


    An objection which has squat to do with the premise of the question posed in the OP. And if you *are* talking about value, as DrP points out, 0.625kg is quite a bit when you have to factor it as part of the payload of a Moon trip.
  22. That just means it can't be the answer. As you say, if it's filled it ceases to be a hole that can be filled. It has to be an ocean. You can take stuff out of it, but if you keep filling it it never gets full, just bigger.
  23. Well, let's close this now that Tom Vose/Graviphoton/Tsadi has been banned again.
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