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Everything posted by geordief

  1. Can that "energy of the system" principle be extrapolated to encompass all connected systems? (there are no isolated systems ,are there?) Is it possible that the energy of the entire universe (to include the (unobservable part) is theoretically zero at all times?
  2. thanks, i will have a look. btw. can you remind me again of that Bensen (?) book you recommended to me a few months ago (it was a historical account of the leadings up to modern Relativity ) i can't find it now without fine tooth combing my posts and I want to order it on ebay or Amazon. ps no chance of an (understandable) example of a waveform with just 2 components, I suppose.(since you imply they can be finite in number)
  3. Thanks . I wonder what determines the make up of the composite waveform. Are there a finite amount of these component parts? (is everything smooth? ) What about my idea that the detecting object also has its own set of waveforms which also collapse when the detection event occurs ? Is this actually part of the model (just that I have not come across it explicitly stated ) ?
  4. An object is apparently in some sort of "suspended animation" as it crosses "empty space" and then when an "observation " is made the "waveform collapses" and its probable location is "set in stone" (this is exemplified ,it seems to me in the double slit experiment) Is it possible to say with more detail what "collapsing the waveform" actually means? Or do we just have to say "well this is what happens and that is how we describe the phenomenon with words" ? As a side thought ,is there any mileage in the idea that when any "observation" is made , we are looking at two probability waveforms meeting/interacting/superimposing (that of the object and also that of the detector) ?
  5. I thought I avoided struggling with "Reality" ,although the title to the OP is very bad ,
  6. Well,to rephrase it in a practical sense ; when researchers are trying to formulate a successful theory for quantum gravity might it be the parts of the theory already "locked up " in quantum theory that are more likely to survive than GR? If quantum theory theory is refined can it perhaps subsume the areas of application of GR whilst the opposite cannot be said? No matter how far GR is refined it can never perhaps explain phenomena that are now or will later be accounted for by "quantum theories" ? Is that what you thought I was trying to say?
  7. Yes ,I see that(even in terms of the meaning/usage of the word ,that is not what a hierarchy is.I am not sure what one might call a hierarchy with just top and bottom. But since quantum and classical phenomena do interact (occupy the same space in various -even all?- scenarios) then perhaps my description was not as black and white as I ,probably mistakenly made it. I have to keep drawing attention to the obvious fact that my understanding of what I am asking about is extremely basic and pop sci.......
  8. I am aware that our tools to describe and understand the various physical scenarios are models and not to be substituted (confused with?) what we are imagining them to describe. That said, these models can be separated (perhaps) into macro models (classical) and micro models (quantum mechanics) I understand there is overlap in the models and that the atomic scenario ,for example is described with the help of Special Relativity. So ,with those strong caveats ,is there any sense in which we can say that the realities described by the micro models have any sort of hierarchical precedence over those described by macro models? To get metaphorical (and wishy washy) ,is there something like an arrow of time that connects the physical "micro realm" and our every day "macro world" ? I was told before that "micro world" and "macro world" are unhelpful descriptions ,so perhaps that undercuts my question (which should perhaps really be in the philosophy forum,I suppose)
  9. Saw that post of yours. Didn't think it would happen. Thought this one was a joke till I looked at the the fake news.
  10. I don't think an impeachment would necessarily lead to Trump's removal from office. One man's prediction ,while welcome is just one man's forecast I would feel.
  11. I suspect you would be in a tiny minority and at risk from vilification(if you were voicing support for such a statue) . I could be wrong but I am not aware of any reason Rommel (I feel no inclination to give him his title) would even be deserving of recognition in the UK regardless of his having participated in the Nazi war machine. Other "German" statues might be more welcome (and deserving) I imagine.
  12. Did you also misunderstand me ? I said the creed was violent.
  13. Don't know who would suggest that (Trump raised the suggestion ,for what reason I am not sure -strawman?) In any case their creed is a violent creed per se.. Join the line of those who haven't actually addressed my points .I am done with arguing with you.
  14. I was asking/suggesting he /anyone was dumb enough to believe those Neo Nazi groups came to protest against the removal of the statue .It was and is a pretext to find an issue to rally around and show their brute force (as they admit) Still ,if the cap fits. btw to be biased against neo Nazi groups is not a characterization that offends me.
  15. It was a question.The answer will be apparent.
  16. Where did I say that? (and what "certain ideology " do you mean?
  17. I don't think they came to protest (unless one is naive). They came as a show of strength and find support in numbers. (are you so dumb?) Apparently they had metal under their gloves and we all saw the heavy weaponry they were carrying as their latest fashion statement. Their slogans were incitements to violence which decent people hoped never to hear again. And by the way do we not know who the Nazis were?What they have done in recent history.? Oh ,not to forget that they support Trump which on its own is hardly a character reference. Someone downvoted me .I wonder why.
  18. Imagine that and stare into the abyss. Still ,it makes me question his allegiance to the Russian meddling. He seems equally "loyal" to these Nazi scum so maybe we need to wonder why he is that way. Is "you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours" some kind of a prosthetic for what struggles to exist in most of us as some kind of a moral compass?
  19. Have there been any theories as to what might happen in any of those 10^-43 seconds? Or cannot this be approached piecemeal?
  20. Yes,I had forgotten that technique.I will give it another go and see how useful it is.
  21. Is there any way to get around that? Among other reasons, I like to know what people in different parts of the world see when they look for the same thing as myself . EDIT: I have been told that DuckDuckGo is good on that count but can I also make google do it? Can I hide my IP address from google or "ask" it to disregard it?
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