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Everything posted by jackson33

  1. Pangloss, I'm going to assume you misunderstood something I said. Walker has told the administration to butt out and is one of 25-26 States suing Government to get out of Healthcare. In turn Christie stopped an underground tunnel to NYC, your Governor has refused funding for Rail Service and Arizona is in constant combat with Washington and I'm sure there will be more. If your referring to my comment "Reagan/AT Controllers", we are talking about Unions and both are with National Unions, can be addressed by the President and under enforcement of National Law, can act.
  2. rigney that quote came from Captain Panic, an articulate European Poster and the entire post was on the first page, this thread. Hopefully, you noted that in commenting to him, I understood the difference between our generations and Countries, expressing my opinions from that perspective. Your childhood experiences are not much different than my own or many of the kids I hung around with and they were in a different time and in my opinion those experiences didn't hurt any of us. At about 11, I was setting bowling pins (semi-automatic machines) and if your have ever been in the back of a bowling alley, those pins can fly outside the pit. I did get paid though, think 5 cents per line or so and most the setters were much older, 13-16, which kind of set up my work ethics for life. There was nothing I wouldn't try doing and tried many things including buying a Bowling Alley in Benson, Arizona at age 23 and with my Dads help. By the way I quit a job with GM to try that...As I recall, you lied about your age at one time, joining the service and it seems you have worked most your life, which are good work ethics and pretty darn honorable, IMO.
  3. In all probability there were laws broke and frankly if you throw in conspiracy, by several groups' 1- The Union leaders had to play a roll in the incident....If so, they broke their own contract which was first set up and agreed to, prevent this very type of incident. 2- The teachers must have either organized or been incited in some manner for a thousand to call in sick. Which not only a legal problem (breach of contract), but possibly a wilful act to disrupt. If the teachers also asked or as some students suggested, were told to attend the Demonstrations, that would also be a violation of Teacher privilege, without the consent of the parents. 3- The 14 State Democratic Senators also involved by wilfully fleeing the State, to avoid a vote, they knew about and were liable to be at that session. Since this identical procedure was used in Texas about 7-8 years ago over a redistricting dispute, going to Oklahoma for four days, there must be some law they were trying to evade. I'm personally more concerned with the FEDERAL Administration becoming involved or not demanding the teachers to return to work either directly or by way of the Union. Reagan made such an order, during the Traffic Controllers strike. I understand he is a former Community Organizer, has very strong ties to Organized Labor and is dependent on them for Campaign Funding, but he is the President of all the people and a majority placed Walker into office, for campaigning on this issue and should be supportive of THEM, too. rigney; This is NOT something we should want for our kids (my great grand kids) and is setting up a very poor example/precedent for them to follow or for that matter anybody who might have the same problem in other States as they try and bring Organized labor back down to some kind of fiscal reality.
  4. swansont, what industrial products are produced for world consumption, has nothing whatsoever to do with population of a Nation or is it relative to per capita statistics. It would be relative to consumption and I'm sure we're near the top there, as well. The US produces that 21% of products with the highest productivity/efficiency (far less labor) rate on the planet (or was), starting from Ford's assembly line and has lead in productivity for generations. You can probably blame organized labor over the past 50 years for making robotics more practical and that productivity increase, but that's for another thread... ParanoiA; I rarely comment on a post I like, and in this case appreciate, or do I mess with Rep Points, but your post #27 is one of the best I've read on this forum....
  5. Josh; In short the Government of Iraq or any Country cannot directly revalue or devalue their currency, but they can influence the value by any number of ways. Try this; If there are -X- dinar's in circulation and their GDP is 10TD on day one, then one year from day one, the GDP hits 20TD, while the available dinar's remains the same and price of goods and services had remained stable, the value per would have doubled. Since currencies are traded on margins (I'm not up to date on current regulations) say 10%, that 2-3-4K$ would likely have doubled and since on margin or controlled 10 times the investment. If sold then, your 4K$ investment would be worth 40K$. If your still with me, then the value of your currency had decreased on the World Market (important) then the purchasing value of that 40K$ would be in the current. Said another way if you believe your money will decrease in value (US$ down over the past ten years about 20%, depending on source of information), it's a hedge against that inflation. As mentioned, the combination of a Democratic Government and growth in GDP* in Iraq, while certainly questionable, it's also potentially explosive. Based on US$, from 2005 to 2009 it more than doubled, if they continue on a positive pace and we already know they have the second highest estimated oil reserves**, the long term potential is worth some study... * http://www.google.com/publicdata?ds=wb-wdi&met=ny_gdp_mktp_cd&idim=country:IRQ&dl=en&hl=en&q=iraq+gdp ** http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oil_reserves I must also re-emphasize, there are other and less risky ways to invest in the future of any emerging market. Here is a good list to go over, including the dinar, penny stocks and ETF's... http://www.investorsiraq.com/showthread.php?138553-Is-Iraq-The-Next-Major-Emerging-Market-Iraq-ETF-Coming Forex, mentioned by mississippi, also has a practice format or you can play with a very low dollar amount, think 100.00 or so. One thing to remember though, on margin also works in reverse and once your invested amount goes down your investment money is lost. Even in other markets where putts/calls, longs/shorts or margins are involved, you really need to be a professional trader, to play. http://www.ac-markets.com/?utm_source=3&utm_term=forex+practice+account&gclid=CPa31IjXj6cCFYtS2goduTqqfQ&utm_medium=banner
  6. CP; So you don't misunderstand anything I'm saying, a child working should be the decision of the parent, at the request of the child. To carry this forward, it's none of any Government's business, State, Federal or otherwise.
  7. Josh; As most National Currencies do, the dinar is traded on the open currency markets and yes probably for three/four years it's been of interest to speculators. The thought as I recall, started about the time Iraq was found to have a great deal of oil reserves, said to be second only to Saudi Arabia. In combination with what was thought to be a fledgling Democracy (of sorts) this would make a very good case for speculating on their economy. Personally, I would not invest (bet) on any currency, for a variety of reasons, among them the probability of manipulation and lack of confidence. What I might suggest first is to find an ETF that follows currencies in the Middle East or better yet, business in Iraq or the area.
  8. The Missouri State Bill 222, is completely with in the authority of that State, as it would be any State. I think you will find far less restrictive laws in many States... http://blogs.riverfronttimes.com/dailyrft/2011/02/jane_cunningham_child_labor_missouri_bill.php
  9. rigney; It's my opinion. gravity is simply missing some component to accurately explain, how it works and it does seem to work in more than one way. I've tried to bring motion, velocity and environmental conditions (friction) into the equations (back when interested) and still feel it might play a roll, if not with gravity, in combination as to an effect. I doubt any person here truly believes any theory for gravity, from Newton's Theories to Einstein's, is complete and all conclusive. As for the "need to know math", I'm sorry but anything can be explained, frankly as CR has this thread has demonstrated (disbursement), with out the listener needing do know any math. Many of these fine folks telling you math is required and I'll assume do know math, seem to forget all they know, when the discussion turns to politics and the US deficit. Anyway here is a good list of questions and answers that might be interesting to you and is meant for those first getting interested in this issue or others and I'm not trying to be funny. You don't have to be a kid to first get interested in Science or any field of it... http://www.windows2universe.org/kids_space/qphy_grav.html On the Electromagnetic Field question; Are you suggesting or thinking this might plays a role on gravity, even if indirectly?
  10. Athena; I believe Marat is injecting "political correctness" with the right of free speech, which to a degree, I feel has been passed, I would agree. Inciting or provoking, under certain circumstances has always been limited, both during the Greek version of Democracy and most certainly in the forming of the "Bill of Rights". While both assumed Speech Rights or other God Given Rights (In their day) did mean to all people, those rights were limited to some understanding of current (in their time) social/society cultures and laws. For instance women were limited in various way to many rights, now encompassed under free speech, as were some ethnic, races or religions. Today once offending laws, many offenders are denied certain rights as well. The responsibility then would be dictated by other forces, than the persons true convictions. On Egypt, I feel it's a bit premature to say was responsibly acted on. There are accusations out there that indicate some form of incitement, via Space Book and the former google executive, there were a good many people that died, injured or harmed and whatever the results, they are far from known. Their economy most certainly has been damaged and will last long after what was to be their scheduled September 2011 elections.
  11. swansont, it didn't occur to me to distinguish between "Concentration and Extermination Camps" and renegades said to be wasting bullets, in what should have been an obvious point, mankind's inhumanity to themselves. It's a little difficult to read, but here is a good general review of the Holocaust and it wasn't all Jewish, that were gassed.
  12. rigney; I understood your point and agree that if "Gun Laws" WERE effective, logically there should be no homicides in Countries with strong, enforced law. swansont; I also understand your simply debating for stronger gun laws, which I rarely get involved with. Personally, I've never owned a gun, yet have been in public business all my life and the only guns I've ever handled were while in the Air Force. What I was replying to was your play on words, to emphasize your debate. "Fifty times the death rate in the US, compared to England" is disingenuous to the discussion of deaths classified homicides or the value of gun laws. There have been studies done in the US, indicating where Gun Laws are relaxed, crime rates go down or where more strict laws are enforced crime and murder rates increase, Washington DC and Chicago come to mind. Additionally trying to compare US statistics to those of other Countries, will always get me riled, whether it's gun law, Health Care,... or in fact in the US between States or Cities. imatfaal; I'm not familiar with the "Daily Mail", maybe you are, but is there something missing in there 2009 understanding...
  13. Actually there were many "free black's", even land and/or slave owners in "slave states", before the CW. In fact slavery in the colonial days began from a court action favoring a black land owner. Until then many people gained passage to the Colonies under "Indentured Servitude" idea, including blacks and even if involuntarily brought here. As the clip showed, there were many Blacks that fought and they fought on both sides, for various reasons...
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