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Everything posted by jackson33

  1. rigney; I found the following* off YdoaPs's new thread** link, that you might be interested in, basically another explanation for repeating big bangs. Since YdoaPs's thread does suggest possible pre-big bang activity, which could be a link to the cyclical theory. * http://arxiv.org/abs/1011.3706 ** http://www.scienceforums.net/topic/53212-echos-of-a-bygone-aeon/page__pid__576232#entry576232
  2. ParanoiA; Wish you would post more often, so when I occasionally disagree with you, it's not misunderstood, aside from that Pangloss could use the help, currently on the majorities side and catching heck... Anyway, we have a process in law to PREVENT false accusation (a very serious crime) and frankly I haven't seen this much evidence of a motivated attempt to bring down an International figure, for other than what the alleged crime (espionage) is , then we're probably now seeing and IMO being directed by Eric Holder. John Cuthber; In this case, I totally agree with you. If nothing else, would someone please tell me when any National Policing Force, as placed any ONE person on their MOST wanted list, for Rape, much less alleged sexual harassment, then after consensual sex has begun.
  3. swansont; You are correct in that if an unauthorized person releases/leaks a document or the contents of one, the document is not then declassified. My point; Once one is leaked, entering the public domain, especially as in this case, uncontested, for the general public it's perfectly legal to advance. If a member of the Government or the Military, it's a different story*. Without getting too technical, if a person can prove being harmed by any comment, including a released secret document the person can be sued for damages. If a legal case has/does come up, it would probably have/will argue, whom was liable, the person who leaked the document or the one that advanced it. This is where Wikileaks is out on the limb, but not for the actual forwarding of the leaked documents. *
  4. Law; Criminology/Forensics, Civil to Criminal Law or Trail, Constitutional Law and International Law... Nothing like a five year old thread to stimulate thought, but have you all ever considered such a sub-forum. It's a good catch all for many topics and a good link to google searches....
  5. Craig, can I assume you are from Sweden?
  6. If anything Government is involved with, contingency planning should be kept private and most of what I've seen read/heard so far are simple opinions, comments or conjecture, possibly setting up possible scenarios of coming events. Not only have I heard many of these same comments between opposing pundits on TV or on this forum, but from high level politicians. I have seen nothing concrete yet, implying or setting up anything considered a plan, in the event of any action. On the so far; The Saudi's to my knowledge have been opening requesting the US in get more involved, as probably many Countries in the middle east. None, including Syria or Lebanon, are interested in an arms race in their area and somehow think Iran getting Nukes will result in exactly that. I seriously doubt "Diplomats" are qualified to spy on anybody, but certainly should advise their seniors of anything suspected as suspect coming from their discussions. I thought China and Google problems were well covered and an actual news story, not subject to conjecture and resolved. Same for Bunker Bombs being offered to (or not) to Israel and I seem to recall a great many comments on this. Frankly, again based on limited time to absorb all that's supposed to be released, all I'm detecting is just how immature some of these people are, that may be involved in setting some very serious policy, from around the world. Marat; It would be my opinion, anything related to Defense, Security or items related to "foreign policy" is up to those involved to what should/shouldn't be classified. To any one person, what's seen as trivia, to another might seem as earth shattering evidence of something important, especially where interpretations might be different. As I recall the common European expression of "Little People" caused BP a good many problems. As for the FOIA, listed blow are the exemptions and if you like, the explanations.
  7. As in any of today's practiced religions there are different beliefs with in the general scope. To my limited knowledge, few believe or express a heaven, believing in the Traditional Jewish belief (The resurrection) that a Messiah (rejected Jesus as such) will come to earth (some say before 2240 AD) setting off a long period of world peace and harmony, that people of all faiths will turn to the Jewish for guidance. It's my understanding, the "chosen" was not meant for the people of earth, rather to those that will carry the message. I'd say the Jewish, as do many other religions, believe actions in life will determine whether your one that is resurrected or whose soul has gone on to heaven, which would include Muslims.
  8. waitforufo; I'd like to think it would be received in the same manner as it was then and throughout the years of this nation. What he proclaimed so long ago will out last any others since offered. Since it is thanksgiving, without comment, I'll offer you the two Obama proclamations (2009-2010)....for a comparison. http://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/presidential-proclamation-thanksgiving-day http://obama-mamas.com/blog/?p=2148
  9. I think this was a play (embellishing eugenics*) on news from last summer, based on some of the following. With out agreeing or attempting to argue the points (wrong forum for that), you welcome to review the articles. Basically it purports that Obama or Obama's Book influenced the New Kenian Constitution and the built in "Social Justice", involved. Biden did go to Kenya before passage, supporting the later passed Constitution and certainly connected US Aid if the Constitution passed. What the aid is spent for is rarely an issue, since the US has virtually no way of verifying how any aid is spent. *The link was written July 7th, 2010, when all the below was going on. I suppose abortion to some might be eugenics in Africa, but in the US it's not understood in that manner.
  10. Pangloss; It has taken years.... http://www.dof.ca.gov/budgeting/budget_faqs/documents/CHART-D1.pdf Which by 1-1-2010 had led to outstanding Bond Debt of 85 B$...I would mention the estimate 500B$ estimated Government Employees Retirement obligations, but no one would believe me.
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