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hypervalent_iodine last won the day on March 3 2022

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About hypervalent_iodine

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  • Interests
    Organic and medicinal chemistry
  • College Major/Degree
    Ph.D. in medicinal / synthetic chemistry and mycology
  • Favorite Area of Science
    Organic Chemistry
  • Occupation
    Postdoctoral research fellow


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  1. Started training for a 100 km in 48 hr hike today. My legs aren't sure what they did to deserve this, but at least my fundraising efforts are going well.

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    2. hypervalent_iodine


      This is the trail, if anyone's interested: https://trailwalker.oxfam.org.au/brisbane/trail


      And Acme, one thing I forgot to mention was also to cover your feet in body glide or diaper cream. Also non-woollen liner socks. Some places recommend corn starch or talc, but it seems to me that would get damp pretty quick and cause more problems over such a long distance.

    3. Acme


      Acknowledged. By 'liner' you mean innermost? I have read non-cotton innermost. So many variables as to blisters too with type of shoe/boot, type of terrain, how much your feet sweat etc. I hike a fair amount but usually day trips and I ride a trike. Looks like a lot of elevation change on your trail; are you working out on similar trails?

    4. hypervalent_iodine


      Yeah. I've read the same as you. I have a few pairs of non-cotton Injinji toe socks to act as liners.


      I live in Brisbane, so the trail is right on my doorstep. We've been training on the sections so far and most of us do a lot of cycling and walking outside of that. I am starting to do the last section most evenings and mornings, since it's very easy to get to and close by my house / public transport.

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