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Everything posted by sunspot

  1. The idea of a Gay gene is sort of ridiculous. Being gay is a complex behavior with all type of psychological and environmental angles. All the detail that MrD kindly shared with us can not be explained with only one gene. One gene is only one protein. If one said it is caused by a large group or cluster of genes, maybe 10-1000, than it would sound more reasonable and could actually account for every step of the process. On the other hand, if it was a cluster of genes there should be a random distribution of every combination among the gay population.
  2. If someone asks for advice, they usually know what they what but they may also be aware of alternatives and may not know how to cover all the contingencies. One can not alway depend on what one's heart desires, so one tries to create a meeting of the minds to get the intellect involved. Usually my strategy is to figure out what the person wants and then brain storm all the pro's and con's. It doesn't answer the question but makes them better able to weigh the options. If it is something trivial, like the color to paint the house, I will tell them to trust their first intuition and then I attempt to make them feel good about their choice by showing all the brights spots I can think of.
  3. What I was saying about nuclear disentregration, at the voltages used and the temperatures suggested, the atomic nuclei should become part of the plasma. Instead of chemical/atomic plasma it should be nuclear plasma.
  4. When I worked in Oak Ridge, our sister plant, the National Lab, had a swimming pool where they put hot/radioactive stuff from their experimental reactor. It was sort of weird walking along the catwalk and seeing the things glowing blue under the water. I believe about 20 ft or so of water is sufficient as an radiation shield including X-rays. This taught me a strategy if there ever was a nuclear incident nearby. If deep water is available, dive as deep as possible. Another good shield is lead. If one gets an X-ray, this provides the family jewels some protection. Berylium is also good.
  5. When theorizing about the creation of universe, one has to keep in mind what we know for sure, which one needs to take into account. The first thing is the universe is expanding. There is a lot of data to support this even though all wavelengths have not yet been demonstrated. The cosmic microwave background is uniform instead of red shifted, even though the perimeter has always outrun the more center regions according to the reliable red shift data. This anomaly can be explain with the heating of space, caused by all the galaxies and stars, generating the CMB, i.e., 2.7K will radiate at the proper microwave level. If one plays an exansion backwards, the logical result is some sort of singularity. Eternal and steady state universes have problems with the expansion data. All need continuous additions and/or subtractions. Among all the data collected thus far, such data as these, are more speculative than solidified by hard data. One logical option of playing an expansion backwards is a blackhole. But to make that model work, one needs a mechanism for it to expand. The option I suggested is a blackhole generating whiteholes very close by. The parallel between these two phenomena is speculative but there is some consensus that black can lead to white. Since space is so contracted at the begininng, if these two phenomena appear in the same close region, it is a easier to expand from, since the pair sort of cancels to some extent. In another forum I tried to accommodate the astral physics data from last fall that suggests that some galaxies formed quite early in the expansion. This observation tells us that a continuum expansion won't work because it can not produce galaxies fast enough without getting too sci-fi. Rather, common sense indicates that one needs a discontinuous expansion. An entropy consideration can provide the needed potential for a discontinuous expansion. If somehow space expanded at the speed of light, this would set an entropy potential for the primordial atom to expand. Since big chunks contain less entropy (more order) than a lot of little continuum pieces (more disorder; more entropy), the big chunks can go much further into space with the same entropy potential. This would give them the best chance of keeping up with the light speed expansion of space. This need is based on the consensus opinion that space and the primordial atom expand together. It also provides big chunks for fast galaxy formation all in one theory. The only interface left to complete the model is getting space to expand out of the blackhole/whitehole (primordial atom or grayhole). The matter/energy will follow due to the entropy potential created due to the balance created by the blackhole/whitehole.
  6. The mass conversion of an H-bomb is connected to going from Lithium deuteride into He. The Li stores the D as a solid. Besides storing the D as a solid at room temperature, the lithium was found to give an extra kick being converted to He along with the D. The mass change is quite small since all the original protons, neutrons and electrons are conserved. Only a tiny mass conversion is needed for the nuclear force change. Potential energy such as the potential energy in rest mass E=MC2 equals force x distance.
  7. Genes are important but so is the environment. Let me give an interesting example. If we look at the various cells in our body, each will have the same DNA. However, each cell differentiation will only use a fraction of all the genes; the genes needed to make that cell differentiation. Using this limited amount of active DNA, the differentiated cell builds up a protein capacitance within itself, that reflects the used genes. So when two daughter cells form, even though the DNA is initially totally packed in chromosomes, its differentiated protein capacitance helps the DNA limit itself so it can express the specfic needs of the cell's differentiation. In other words, the DNA defines the proteins, while the protein, during cells cycle, postures the DNA, so the chromosomes can be differentiated to parallel the daughter cell proteins. The protein is the link to the environment and to the DNA. If the environment alters the protein grid, the new protein distribution will mold its DNA to reflect the change, during the next cell cycle. If we look at the genetic differences between animals we are quite close. Where some of differences lie is based on how our cell differentiations make use or don't use some of the common genes.
  8. Here is an interesting note, dolphins can learn human commands in many languages, but humans can't decifer the dolphins language. The dolphins must think humans are a little slow. All kidding aside, the dinosaur brains were more functional within the interior parts of the brain below the cerebral, i.e., brain stem, thalamus. It was mostly reflex action and basic instincts. The warm blooded mammals evolved the limbic system which is associated with feelings and with the creation cerebral memory. This progression allowed the wiring within the cerebral to evolve much quicker with the mammals. The humans evolved a secondary center of consciousness, i.e., ego. The ego helps focus our attention better allowing a quantum increase in learning potential.
  9. One thing I do not understand is, if stars can fuse hydrogen at a few hundred millions degrees, why doesn't the 2-3 billions degrees disentegrate the crap out of the local atoms. The article discussed how the wires lasted surprisingly longer than expected. I could melt the wire faster at 10,000K.
  10. Something that is interesting along these lines is adding velocity to atoms to make them act differently. For example if a throw a glass of water at a concrete wall the water will just splash away. If I run the water through a hi-pressure nozzle, I can use liquid water to cut concrete like butter.
  11. Good question. I did not assume that both had to exist together but was using an example of both working together to create a steady state that is neither a whitehole or blackhole. i..e, grayhole. The expansion of the BB in such a scenario implies the grayhole somehow becoming whiter.
  12. Is there a wall where the matter ends? Matter may need space to exist but space does not need matter to exist. Between the rarified matter is empty space, filled with only the local energy and the forces of nature. Beyond the matter/space perimeter there is a probably energy/space defining the true outers limits of space.
  13. The Big Bang is a logical result from the observed expansion of the universe. In other words, if the universe is expanding, it was smaller yesterday and even smaller the day before. If one extrapolates backwards further and further in time the universe was tiny at one time. This original tiny state is called the primordial atom. How this initial chunk of matter appears is not clear using existing theory. If the universe was steady state, neither expanding or contracting, the eternal universe argument might be possible. The universe could be in a constant recycle mode. But one still runs into a similar problem of where all this material originated. If the material built up slowly it should eventually collapse as more and more gravity is added to the universe making an infinite universe unlikely. If it happened all at once, this is far more complicated than just having one primordial atom to explain. One answer is that used to explain the universe is that the matter came from other dimensions or from parallel universes. But this still creates the problem of how the first parallel universe or first dimension got the original matter/energy in the first place. In other words, if you trace any scenario they all come back to an original mass/energy creation problem. The observed universe expansion, which logically retraces back to one chunk of matter, is the easiest to someday explain, since only one chunk of starting material, for one time, needs to be explained.
  14. The basis of life is only dependant on H, O, N, C, Na, K, Ca, Mg, S, P, Cl, to name the most important. None of these require supernova since the largest of these atoms can be easily formed by our sun. i.e., they are all period one and two atoms. Some of the trace atoms found in life like Fe in hemoglobin, Cu, etc., are not necesary for simple single cellular life. All the DNA, RNA and basic proteins only need, H, O,N, C, P, and a splash of S. The ion pumps need Na, K, Cl. The atomic seeds of life probably first appear in many places within the universe as the first stars had formed and stabilized. There are always new stars forming, even today, causing the atomic and chemical seeds of life to constantly appear. The number of seeds that actually took root are dependant on the number of stars with planets that contain water and moderate temperature conditions. Life can exist in a wide range of conditions, however, starting from scratch is better served with moderate temperatures.
  15. Planck's constant (times) frequency equals energy. Or as I called it, Planck's constant (times) time potential equals energy.
  16. If we look at the black holes seen in the universe, and a big crunch type black hole, these are not the same set of conditions. Any finite black hole forms with the majority of the matter, energy and space still within the universe. A big crunch black hole is different in that all the matter, energy and space would have to be compacted. This may not be do-able. For example, if a finite blackhole creates a whitehole elsewhere in the universe, if all the universe is being pulled in, where is the elsewhere? The big crunch blackhole might go into a tight blackhole-whitehole recycle mode, i.e., primordial atom?
  17. I for one still like the BB theory, in essense. Its strength is connected to the standard model, which by far, has the most experimental data, and is not as fully dependant on just mathematics as many other scenarios. The problem with the BB is that it needs to keep up with the latest data. The inflation ammendment was good in its day. But last fall astral physics data showed ancient galaxies with stars less than a billion years into the expansion. It was more like several hundreds of millions of years. The only way to explain this is with an ammendment that includes a discontinuous initial expansion. I proposed a simple entropy consideration that makes this logical. The overly complicated theoretical bandaids being used for the BB are making too many jump ship in favor of elaborate mathematical scenarios. I guess this is good for math, but none have the data backing of the BB.
  18. You are correct in that I did not analyse data, but I would not know where to begin. Data generated for other purposes are often not considered valid proof for new purposes. Just if one Googles red shift, it always appears to only discuss only one aspect of the ER spectrum. I have yet to read basic literature that discusses the red shift consistency across the board. I just assumed that nobody bothered to look any further. I also realize it is hard to find good standards beyond chemical emissions.
  19. Actually the earth is not spherical. It is wider at the equator than from pole to pole. Using existing theory the rotation of the earth may have something to do with the bulge at the equator. Maybe the magnetic field has something to do with the contraction from pole to pole. One observation by NASA determined that seismic wave travel faster N-S than E-W, but at a greater margin that is expected by the distance differences. This data implies the earth is denser N-S than E-W. This interior density difference may imply the earth is bulged at the equator due to its lower mass density in the E-W direction.
  20. I would like to look at energy from a slightly different angle. If we look at a quanta of energy it defines a specific wavelength and frequency, the product of which equals the speed of light. The specific wavelength defines a very specific measure of distance and the specific frequency defines a very specfic measure of time. This implies that both distance and time are quantitized within any quanta of energy. Most people assume that distance and time are nothing but reference variables. The fact of the matter is that these reference are based on the units we asign to these two quantitized variables and not the variables themsleves. For example, distance can be measured in feet, meters, nautical mile or light years, but if we take the ratio of the wavelength or frequency of any two different energy quanta, it will be the same no matter what system of distance measurement we are using. In other words, the wavelength of a particular quanta of energy is an absolute measure of distance. The same can be said for the frequency, which is an absolute meaure of time. (putting aside the affect of relativity) These two coordinated quanta, i.e., distance and time, working together add up to the energy value of the energy quanta. The logic is that one packet or quanta of energy is composed of two coordinated packets, one called distance potential and the other called time potential, each with a specfiic quantitized value. If we take a quanta of energy and use it to excite an electron in an atom, the distance potential aspect does not seem to coordinate with what the electron will do physically. A large wavelength energy quanta will not cause the electron to go the long length. It is usually small wavelength energy that creates a long distance affect. Based on this observation, the primary punch of an energy quanta is connected to its time potential quanta aspect. It sort of makes sense, the electron absorbs the time and distance potential of the energy in the blink of an eye and then takes a finite reference time to reach the original steady state. In other words, matter has to process the time potential quanta before equilibrium can be restored. The distance potential is also processed but differently. If we look at energy it travels at the speed of light yet its time and distance aspects stay finite. It is sort of strange, although energy is traveling at C, it does not show the expected outward signs of the distance contraction or time dilation. It is strange to think of something with both light speed and finite speed at the same time, but this is exactly what energy does since many quanta exist, all traveling at C, that do not have infinite wavelength or infinite period. In fact, all but one quanta behave this way. If we take a partiuclar quanta of energy its wavelength and frequency will equal the speed of light. If we could alter either the wavelength or the frequency or both such the product becomes less that C, we would no longer have energy. Less than C is the realm of matter. Under these conditions the loss of distance and/or time potential will increase the mass potential to define finite mass which now will travel less than C. This is sort of what an electron is. A small converted mass potential with time and distance potential, traveling less than C. The time and distance potential are reflected within the continued wave motion of the electron. If we were to convert the electron's mass back to distance and/or time potential we would have energy. But neither the distance or the time quanta travel at C, since they do not contract or dilate. The implication is that energy contains a third quanta, which is massless. Without mass this particle is can travels at C. It appears to be the building block from which mass or mass potential stem. In energy, it has zero mass potential. As part of any particle containing mass, it has quantitized amounts of mass potential (stemming from distance and time potential). Since mass and energy are related and can change phase into each other or energy can add heat or motion to matter, one can define any particle of matter or energy and any particle state of matter in terms of its just ratio of mass, distance and time potential.
  21. The personality software for infatuation is collective human. Everyone will go through this, with strong manifestations most memorable. The way it is suppose to work is that this is only half of the software. Another person will contain the other half. Under ideal conditions, the two software will interact with the egos sort of mediating. The whirlwinds of romance are not something the ego is in control of. If anything it is being toss about like a ship on the sea. The ideal situation can lead to those few times within life that one will always treasure. The software activation and dual software interaction is something one can not make happen, for the most part. But when it does happen, it is a special time, progressing to the activation of the software connected to falling in love. The falling in love software is very collecitve and places one in an imaginary place outside of time. One can read about love from 100 or 1000 years ago it is essentially the same because it is part of our collective human software. The pitfall of infatuation software is that it needs the two halfs to work properly. Often only one half of the software is active (one person) with the other person trying to keep the software shut off for many reasons; fear of letting go, losing ego control, married. Another set of problems is that the wrong complimentary software can also become activated within the other person creating cross-wired results. The most common between men and women is lust and love software. These two can overlap but will never quite synch. It often turns into some type of dependancy. As far as the guy your software is inclining you towards be cautious in the sense of internet preditors. Bring a friend along, even at a distance. If he is cool let the software dynamics progress slowly. This will help you figure out if you are one-sided projecting.
  22. The observation that I see that supports my point of view is that space currently extends beyond the material universe. There is not a wall where matter and space both end. Even if matter and space expanded together at the very very beginning, like the current model suggests, space should have expanded at the speed of light with the matter a little slower. The energy leaving the perimeter of the opague BB travels at the speed of light allowing at least some of its substance to keep pace with space. I do not visualize a big bomb expansion, but an entropy expansion. With space expanding at the speed of light it is creating an entropy potential for the slower matter expansion. This is creates a discontinuous expansion of the BB matter. The way to see this is as follows; If we divide the BB into two chunks a distance D and then have a secondary BB atomized into a continuum shell of diameter D, both will have the same Mass times Distance. However, the former will contain less entropy due to more order in the two chunks compared to the continuum. Conversely, if the matter of the BB is trying to keep up with the expansion of space, like current theory suggests, the two chunks can go much further into space for the same amount of entropy potential. This is more consistent with matter keeping up with space as close as possible, even with space moving at C. The energy output from the matter perimeter(s) allows the BB to fully keep up with the light speed expansion of space. I'm on a roll. If we combine the entropy expansion, the chunks, the heat output and the thermal gradient something really cool happens. An entropy expansion is endothermic. The heat output from the perimeter takes care of this endothermic need. But with space expanding faster than the matter and constantly gaining distance, for matter to keep up with the 3-D entropy potential, more and more chunks need to appear in 3-D so they can go in all directions. This will increase the surface area to maintain the heat balance and satisfy the ever increasing endothermic entropy. A big part of what helps satisfy the increasing entropy potential, since the matter can't keep up, are the elementary particles subdividing into smaller and smaller quanta, within the smaller and smaller chunks. This particle subdivision also reflects the energy loss that is being absorbed into the entropy expansion through the increasing surface area. When the protons and electrons finally appear, the elementary particle subdivision sort of hits a wall. There are no half protons or half electrons. The extra entropy needed for the continued expansion of space results in mutitudes of chunk size expansions of hydrogen.
  23. Heavy metals may not be good for you but gold is very safe. It is very inert to almost everything. It was chosen because it was easy to mold and had a cool color. Also, symbolically, because gold is so stable, maybe the hope was that the marriage could withstand anything thrown at it, like gold. Beware of aqua regia (HCL and HNO3), or the queen's bath, this can dissolve gold. In the old days the royalty could take what they want.
  24. I would like to add a couple of things that popped into my head stemming from the cosmic microwave background. When the BB expanded there was a period of time when the mass was opague to radiation. When hydrogen finally forms a transparency appears. I am fine with this. Some additional considerations are connected to the outer surface of the expansion. When everything was small, yet expanding, the matter of the universe had a maximized surface area/volume ratio. Although I can see the volume being opague for the early expansion, shouldn't the outer surface area, but seeing empty space, have radiated energy into empty space. The amount would have decreased as the surface area/volume ratio lowered with time. This consideration raises two additional points. If energy/heat was leaving the perimeter during the opague expansion, this implies that there should have also been an increasing thermal gradient from the surface to the center during the opague expansion. The implication is that hydrogen may have formed first at the cooler perimeter and worked its way to the center. The other point is the transition between opague and transparent. It seems logical that individual hydrogen atoms do not form immediately at the perimeter. Rather there is a brief transition state where a giant pseudo-molecular hydrogen state forms which shares the electrons. In other words, protons and electrons form but things are much too close for individual hydrogen protons to have their own personal electron. It is one big composite of intermediate energy levels due to the electrons being at all the energy levels defined by protons because of the sharing. The perimeter, is the first to form the individual hydrogen atoms due to the lower thermal gradient with space.
  25. I am not up on all the latest data because I spread myself out too thin. But is there other wavelength red shift data that matches the wavelength range used to measure the red shift? Personally, it would bite to spend a lot of time theorizing around an expansion or a particular expansion rate if it turns out that other wavelengths come up with different numbers. For example, do two pulsars at different distances from us show an X-ray red shift in proportion to the regular red shift?
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