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Everything posted by aj47

  1. I have to disagree with that as because the price of cocaine is so high and much larger doses are required when smoking it (unless you convert into crack) it would be pointless for a drug dealer to add cocaine to his stash. Also yes cannabis laced with cocaine is sometimes sold (as white widow), but the dealer will always tell his customers as it will almost definately increase his sales as it has such a hype surrounding it.
  2. Ah i've been thinking about this all week cos its been raining so much here. I came to the conclusion that instead judging how fast I should walk to mimimise how wet I get, I should just be prepared for English weather and always bring a coat with me. Its seem to have worked so far.
  3. how about composition, surley that is completely unrelated to science?
  4. Apparantly thats why sweden has the highest suicide rate in the world becasue in winter the days are only a few hours long. I think the term for seasonal depression is 'Seasonal Affective Disorder' which is quite fittingly abbreviated to S.A.D.
  5. Its true that often psychiatric drugs can cause problems and should always be taken as a last resort. However if a depression or serious psychological problem is not reactionary, then it becasue of neurological reasons e.g. chemical imbalances. If physciatric drugs were not admistered many people with schitzophrenia or bipolar etc would not be able to lead normal lifes and would resort to self harm, aggresion and in many cases, suicide. Even though no drugs are 100% effective as we still don't completely know how the brain functions, they are still vital for these people.
  6. You could always try hypnotherapy, my friends used it to quit smoking cigarettes and worked really well but i suppose it depends on te individual.
  7. Emotions are basically due to the different neurotrasmitters being released in the brain that allows impulses to pass synapses. Chemicals that induce emotions work in a number of ways. For example, depression is linked to low levels of seratonin in the brain which is responisible for the feeling of happyness. Anti depressents work mainly by either inhibating the enzyme that breaks down seratonin (monoamine oxidase inhibitors) or preventing the seratonin from being reabsorbed (SSRI's) overall as there is more seratoin people feel happyier. Other drugs work in different ways e.g. MDMA which acts on the serotonin transporter and releases large stores of seratonin aswell as noradrenaline, dopamine etc so users get a feelig of euphoria. Agonist drugs mimick the neurotrasmitter and as they are a similar shape, can fit into the receptors allowing the same effect. While drugs like opiates e.g. heroin act as antagonists and block receptor sites which is why they are used as painkillers. Although this I don't think neurotrasmitters are the only thing that effects emotions, certain areas ofthe brain are also responsble e.g. the pre frontal cortex but i'm not sure how.
  8. aj47

    Member Banned

    Fiend you are obviously CD, if not then sorry but get over it, your obviously in the wrong.
  9. I agree, interesting post but the last bit annoyed me. This isn't meant to be a pro or anti drugs thread but you shouldn't start on the whole 'drugs are bad, period' thing. Of all of the drugs you quoted for one, none of them cause dieseses. Yes prolonged use of athetamines can put strain on the heart but that isn't a diesese and no common hullacigenics e.g. LSD, mushrooms etc attribute to death, only psycholgical problems are associated with them. I accept your opinion on drugs having a bad social effect but personally I think your generalsing, basing your judgment on the social effects of hard drugs, not drugs as a whole. I'm not saying drugs are fine because they can cause alot of problems for people but I just think if your sensible enough to know how to keep everything in moderation it is just as accetable as drinking pint at a pub Anyway do you have any links regarding amphetamines and schitzophrenia as it sounds interestiung but i couldn't find anything froma scientific point of view.
  10. Limonene has to be one of my favourites, mmmm orangy. After using it in the lab i was genuinly tempted to taste it.
  11. Elegant universe is a really good book but it goes into a lot of detail about string theory half way through, describing how the strings interact etc etc. Personally, when I got to that part i ended up reading each page 2 or 3 times as it got far too complicated for me. If you already know the basics of string theory its a really good book but if you know nothing i would suggest reading something like 'hyperspace' by mitcio kaku first.
  12. I think the reasons it is so physcologicaly addictive is the feeling of achievment anorexics get from going without food for a certain amount of time. As at heart they associate eating with doing harm to thier bodies (even if this is subconciously) they feel good about them selfs and thier will power. Obviously this is not the only reason but I would think it is definately one of the main factor for most anorexics that makes it such a hard disorder to get over.
  13. I agree, I can't give enough thanks for the amount of people who answered my many random questions just to help my curiosity. Thanks all.
  14. Some of those insects really creeped me out. I don't usually like slugs so I didn't really enjoy the hardcore slug sex scene but yea was really good program. You happen to see those bugs that kept on bumping into each other, was classic.
  15. My ex girlfriend used to be anorexic (not when I was with her) and if you could talk to her you really wouldn't be making this thread. Its one thing having a psycological problem like she did and not be able to stop but asking advice on how to have an eating disorder is ridiculous.Its called a disorder for a reason. Basically she ended up in hospital several times after collapsing and ended up being fed through her nose to keep her alive. It took her half a year of counselling and help to stop but shes still affected years after. If your really determined to ruin your body then go for it but alot of people find it hard to stop. I don't know how serious you are about doing this but if your determined to lose weight there are better ways of doing it by just changing your diet, not just completley stopping eating.
  16. Ah i would be loving it but unfortunately only two pubs in walking distance from where I live were granted the licence and there both complete holes. There the kinda places where you get STDs from just walking through the door. God dammit, why give a licence to a pub which is in the chav district and coincedently full of chavs, its just asking for trouble. Ah well at least sainsburys is open 24, yay.
  17. What do you call a smart blond.... A Golden Retriever
  18. Futureology is one of the most innacuate sciences (if you can call it a science) becasue even if we know technology improves exponetially we still think laterally. Its like the famous futureologist who predicted that computers would grow to such size and cost that only goverments could afford them, then look at today. Or for example when the airships were first invented people predicted that in a few decades there would be fleets of then carrying people across the atlantic.
  19. but still, will the activation energy in light be proportial to the activation energy in heat?
  20. I understand that very few photons are going to be absorbed but if they don't then they won't count towards the activation energy, or are you saying a bond needs to constantly bomarded by light to break?
  21. aj47

    Cold Liquids

    Liquid nitrogen is pretty damn cold as is most liquid gases e.g. hydrogen, not sure if thats what you mean though.
  22. Sorry long question but this has been bothering me for a while.. How is it that in some reactions light can provide the activation energy requred to break the neccesary bonds when in terms of temperature the energy is ridcoulously high. e.g. chlorination of methane Cl2 ==> Cl + Cl CH4 + 2Cl => CH3 + HCl etc etc In this reaction light is enough split the chlorine into free radicals while in its absence the heat required is over 400C. I would imagine only 1 mole of photons would be required to break 1 mole of CL2 molecules so you could calculate the activation energy using E=hf right. I can't be bothered to do the calculations but becasue of planks constant its going to be a small amount of energy compared to 400C. Does anyone know why this is and what is the relationship between molecules that can gain energy from light, is it valancy of electrons or bond locations?? Help would be much appreciated.
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