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Everything posted by aj47

  1. Interesting interview with Alexander Shulgin talking about the use of psycoactive chemicals in therapy. http://www.erowid.org/culture/characters/shulgin_alexander/shulgin_alexander_interview2.shtml Personaly I think he's one of the greatest Chemists/neurologist of the 20th century.
  2. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phosphorescence
  3. aha great help, I can finally watch season 4 of family guy yay.
  4. If you think about it, everyones in the same boat as you so when you get there, people will generally make much more of an effort to be sociable and friendly, as they too want to make new friends quickly. Also theres such a number and diverse mix of people at uni, unless you don't talk to anybody, it will be very unlikely that you won't find someone you get on with. Being called Sheffstudent, are going to sheffield university by any chance?
  5. With MDMA the biochemical processes that occur in your brain, are very very similar to when you are in love, but on a completely different scale. It is often called a love drug not because it makes you confident to talk to people, but it gives the feeling of total empathy and love for everyone around you, making small gestures such as hugs completely overwhelming and euphoric, as they seem so profound. I suppose you could link the experience with the type of love between a man and woman but the love is totally platonic not erotic. This is why users often find it hard to get an erection, not because of any physical changes in their body, but they are more interested in the feeling of love than sex. As for if the love stays on after the drug, it is hard to say. Often the actual experiece of ecstacy can bring people closer together, as users will lose thier inhibitions and show more emotions. In fact there is quite a lot of research in using ecstacy in psycotherapy and conselling as it has the potential to bring out repressed emotions which the person may need to address. However the actual euphoric feeling of intense love will not stay on and usually people will find themsleves depressed for a few days after. This is because during your high, your brain releases copious amounts of the neurotransmitter seratonin which is linked to pleasure, so when you come off the drug you are basically seratonin deficiant and display signs of depression until your chemical levels go back to normal.
  6. This is really annoying me. I have this video file with the file name.... aaf.s09e14.R00 and I can't find an application that will open it. Anyone know?
  7. Looks awsome. whens the release date?
  8. I suppose it's like the old question 'can god create an object he himself could not lift'. Most believers would say, as he is all powerful and can do anything, yes, but more to the point why would he.
  9. Albert is a keen dog admirer and over the years has had a number of dogs. He has had an Alsatian, a Dalmatian, a Poodle and a Great Dane, but not necessarily in that order. Albert had Jamie first. The Dalmatian was an adored pet before the Great Dane. Sammy, the Alsatian, was the second dog Albert loved. Whitney was housed before the Poodle and Jimmy was not a Great Dane. Can you tell each of the dogs' name and the order in which Albert had them?
  10. aj47

    Cool Facts

    thought this was quite interesting.... Murder is one of the only crimes that do not increase during the full moon. Theft, disorderly conduct, larceny, armed robbery, assault and battery, and rape all statistically increase dramatically during the full moon.
  11. aj47


    Thats not a problem with weed, it's a problem with self control.
  12. Yea same, I'm currently going out with a girl who's half phillipino, tall and thin, while my mothers fair haired, short and fat. But who knows maybe they smell the same? BTW I've been doing some research and found that the chemical makeup of being "in love" is strikingly similar to OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder). Although this makes sense in retrospect, its kinda scary. That would explain why people do stupid #@_) when in love, and can even be pretty scary in some of the actions performed. So basically love is a chemical imbalance in the brain itself. Of course this doesnt explain why it occurs in certain instances, but it certainly explains why we feel the way we do when we do feel it. Yea I heard that as well its wierd. Whats also wierd though is that in the early stages of love, there is a dramatic decrease in seratonin, so the person's biochemical levels are almost identical to a severly depressed person, except there not. Crazy eh.
  13. Generally, even if we are not attracted to someone, we can tell they are attractive due to simple things like a symmetrical face, good hip to waist ratio etc which all indicate that the person has good qualities from an evolutionary point of view, to pass on your genes. e.g. women with perfect hour glass figures have the best bodies for child birth. Why we are instantly drawn to certain people is a little bit more complicated and still isn't completly understood. I think the main part of it, is that we all unnconsciencely look for certain qualities through peoples face and body language that maches our own, which is why when looking at couples, more often then not they have very similar facial features. As well as this, apparantly we are all attracted to people who look like our parents and who have pheremones most similar to our mothers. I can't think why though.
  14. As far as I know the neurotransmitters Dopamine, Norepinephrine and Seratonin are all attributed to the feeling of love at first sight and interestingly all these are also released upon taking cocaine. However this is not the same type of love that someone feels when he looks at a picture of a model, that is simply lust and is mainly attributed to sex hormones such as testoterone. The deeper feeling of a true bond with someone, like you said is attributed to the hormone Oxytocin which is also released during child birth, milk production and when you have an orgasm. So the theory that the more sex a couple has, the deeper their bond is true. As well as this, other hormones are released for the long term commitment stages of love such as Vasopressin and some others which I can't remember off hand. 200 posts yay.
  15. I'm aj47 because AJ are my intials and 47 is a number I use for a lot of things e.g. passwords, kinda significant for me, unimaginative I know. My avatars a photo by of my favourite photographers, John Rutherford.
  16. I'm sure thats a mathematical error of hers rather than generosity.
  17. Or more precise, electrophilic addition.
  18. There are many... malnutrition, skin disorders, ulcers and diseases resulting from vitamin deficiencies, lack of sleep and weight loss. Intravenous users are also at risk for AIDS, lung and heart disease and other cardiovascular diseases. Its not a very nice drug. Lol
  19. Quite a random thing happened today walking home, as I managed to bump into Anthony Stewart Head who's the guy who plays Giles from 'Buffy the vampire slayer' and the prime minister in 'Little britain'. I was quite taken aback at first, but my friend who's obsessed with Buffy, ran over to him hystericaly so I joined her and ended up talking to him for quite a while. He was genuinely a really nice guy and I found out his daughter, who im going to have to ''befriend'' is due to join my college in september. Anyway, have any of you met or know anyone thats famous?
  20. I love that picture, its my desktop background.
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