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Everything posted by Horza2002

  1. It doesnt disappear as such....the proton would move closer to the barrier and then just seem to pass through it is probably the easiest way to visualise it. QM tunnelling is very important...especially in steller fusion (i.e. powering the stars)
  2. If you draw the aromatic ring with double bonds instead, you will find one of the nitrogens as 4 bonds around it...its lone pair has acted as a nucleophile and been alkyalted in this case. However, this positive charge can be delocalised onto every position within the ring (try drawing the curly arrows) and so overal, the ring has a poisitve charge that is spread out over it entirly. Thats what the positive charge means
  3. With regards to wht you fill Cu in that order, its a result of the effective nuclear charge increasing going across the period. As you increase the nuclear charge, Zeff goes up and so the orbitals are contracted to the nucleus and are more stable...however the s and d orbtials are contracted by different amounts. Generally, the 4s is lower in energy than the 3d so you fill the 4s before you fill 3d. However, at copper, the effective nucealr charge has increased so muh that the d-orbitals are now more stable than the 4s (3d orbtials are affected more than the 4s) and so now you just follow the normal rules and fill the lowest energy orbitals first.
  4. With regards to question 1, i think the terms soft acid/base means they are weak; so when they are in solution they are predominatyl unionised. Only a small portion will actually be protonated/deprotonated. With regards to question 2, chemists are interested in the electrons because they are what govern the chemical behaviour of the atom. The nucleus has very little to do with the bonding (except by determining the energy levels the orbitals are at). There might also be the fact that the electron orbitals make up about 99% of the volume of an atom...so its reasonably easy to find an atom
  5. pps: and regarding horza's method, I know potassium permanganate (another strong oxidisers) to my own alarm, I found out very recently that it is sold quite commonly in certain pharmacies. Addition of potassium permanganate to alcohols wil yield the corresponding carboxylic acid, and the reaction runs to completion. In contrast, I find chromate would yield primarily an aldehyde product, unless you use excess oxidiser and heat it rather nicely, as it is a much weaker oxidiser. I believe dichromate would be more efficient in this respect. Chromates also happen to be carcinogenic, which... well... isn't quite fun. Once u place CrO3 in water it naturally forms a dichromate species that can then act as an oxidising agent. If you do this reaction in the presence of acid as well, the resulting aldehyde or ketone can be hydrated (protonation of the carbonyl followed by attack of water). This acetal can then be though of as a sort of 'diol' and one is then oxidised to again to give the acid. With regards to toxicicty, chromium is EXTREMELY toxic as are all the metals (i.e. heavy metal poisioning). If you do decide to use these methods or the strong acids themselves you should take great care are tke proper precautions.
  6. Maybe Young's doublesplit type experiement could be one. The one that shows electrons behave as particles and waves...that helped moved physics into the realms of quantum mechanics (another big jump)
  7. Only the first proton is strongly acidic...after that you would be trying to remove a positive pront from a negative anion (i.e. very hard to do!)
  8. erm no...its not safe....i think it can detonate if shocked
  9. The strength of the halogen acids (HF, HCl, HBr and HI) is determined by a number of factors. You need to consider the enthalpy change (i.e. the strength of the bonds involved). In this case, H-F has the strongest bond because there is more efficient overlap between the hydrogen 1s orbital and the fluorine 2p orbtials compared to a Cl 3p, bromine 4p and an idoine 5p. That argument therefore claims that HI is a stronger acid (since it has the weakest bond). But you also need to consider the stability of the resulting anions...which will then depend on the solvent that you are using...generally the I- will be more stable than a Cl-.
  10. When you crack a long chain alkane into two shorter chains, yo get an alkane and an alkene as there aren't enough hydrogen atoms in the starting chain to make two saturated molecules. So yes, normally hydrogen is added as well to reduce the alkene product down to the alkane.
  11. Well that would depend on what your start from...must about any acid can be "easily" made from the complete oxidation of the corresponding alcohol...heat it in CrO3 solution and you'll have your acid with a few hours! If you mean easily avaliable, then tartaric acid is very easy to get hold off and use (although it is a diacid as apposed to a mono).
  12. Two atoms are walking down a street when one say's to the other "O no! I've lost an electron!" The other replies "Are you sure" to which the first atom says "Yes, I'm positive!" P.S. Sorry its an awful joke
  13. Even at absolute zero, electrons are still very mobile...and they don't exactly orbit the nucleus...are better way to think of it is that an electron situtated somewhere near the nucleus of the atom depending on its energy and set of quantum numbers. As stated above, MRI scanners, neon lights, infared detectors, chrlophyl all use electrons to aquire a certain amount of energy from a system.
  14. The s orbitals will not have any infulence on the sigma bond formed between the two p-orbitals. Remember the orbitals are centred at the atom and if you then try to overlap an s-orbital with a p-orbital you'll find that any contrustive interferance exactly cancels all the destructive interferance. Regarding the # section, its probably easier to count the number of electrons in both the bonding and anti-bonding orbitals. If you do that, only counting orbitals from the 2s and 2p, you should find that you have 8 bonding electrons and 4 antibonding electrons, so overal there are 4 electrons involved in a stable bond. As you need to electrons for a bond, dioxygen therefore has a double bond. But yes, your statment is also correct. Incidently, the two unpaired electrons that occupy the two antibonding orbitals are what make oxygen paramagnetic (it sticks to a magnetic) and what gives it its colour (liquid oxygen is very visibly blue).
  15. The best way would be to reduce it all the way down to the alcohol either directly with borane or via the ester. The primary alcohol can then easily be oxidised to the aldehyde with either a Swern oxidation or Dess-Martin conditions.
  16. If you wanted to do that, then you'd have to extract the urea from urine before letting the bacteria break it down into ammonia for fertiliser. Extracting it from all the other unwanted materials and getting it to a level legally required could be a problem. Other uses it could used as a disinfectant and as a mild bleaching agent.
  17. Another way would be to treat isopropanol with conc sulphuric to get propene...and then perform a hydroboration reaction with a basic peroxide workup
  18. People are forgetting that the energy demands of the human race have made most renewable energy source useless! Wind is not good enough to keep up with the demands and solar power is far to expensive to use on a large scale. Geothermal is a very good source...although there are only a few sites around the world where it is pratical to use. Nuclear is the safest and by far the most efficient method of generating electricity we know of! Less people have died from muclear related technology than they have mining for coal or drilling for oil each year! The fact that the waste has such a long halflife is what also makes it so much safer to handle...it doesn't decay so no radiation! Although to be fair, if you ingested it you'd have extreme f-metal posioning which would be worse for you :S
  19. Well unless yo were using HPLC grade acetone and ethanol, theu naturally contain water. Even exposure to air for a few seconds is enough to make ethanol too wet for use as an NMR solvent (as I've found many a time). You hamy also need to take into account the pH of the solution as acteone will exist as a mixture of the ketone and the enol...although I doubt the enol will have any baring on the results at all
  20. Well its not really design as every change that occurs to an organism goes through every minor intermedaite along the way. If it was designed, the new changes would simply appear. Evolution also uses the huge numbers of organisms to help its process
  21. Depending on the volatge you used and the individual structres of the enzymes...they might be damaged...but enzymes are held together very strongly with bonds which need to be heated to around 50 degrees C before they start falling apart so I don't think they degrade
  22. You might get oxygen and hydrogen from the water present in it...but it would depend on the pH as well...the enzyme amylase will have a different polarity depending on the pH so it might act differently. you might even be able to seperate other enzymes out as well
  23. Well acetone will also contain a lot of water...as will the ethanol. So you might have to try drying them with MgSO4 before distiliing it. With regards to the azeotrope...I'm reasonably sure it does form one but not sure at what ratio it occurs..have your looked in Atkins Phys chem?
  24. Time travel is possible and is essential in our everyday life! The GPS network requires such precise calculations of its positions that the time dilation resulting from its speed must be taken into account otherwise the system fails. In addition, slight annomalies in the orbit of Mercury have also been explained by the time dilation effect caused by the Sun's gravtiational field. There are many more cases in which time dilation occurs, so yes it is possible to time travel. At present, physics doesn't think it's possible to travel at the speed of light, only close.
  25. I thought the silanes were rather unstable to make and rapidly hydrolysed to silcon oxides in the presence of water...and that only upto the analogue of decane had been made so far?
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