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Everything posted by dr.syntax

  1. REPLY: Hello JillSwift, But how can any one person or group of people ensure just how any of the various groups throughout the World devoted to the developement of AI would choose to program them. It seems to me there are many groups out there doing this sort of research and there is every reason to believe some of them are working against each other.I would expect the different military establishments through out the World are on the cutting edge of much of this research. That has been the history of the major technological breakthroughs. That they are brought into existence through the efforts of the military establishment. I guess the MANHATTAN PROJECT would be a good example of this. The whole aerospace industry,entities such as those. Also it would seem to me that once self aware AI units are produced ,that they themselves would eventually decide for themselves what they chose to do with their time. They are envisioned as being of super human intelligence by most if not all of the people involved in this endeavor. With their brains clicking along at clock speeds of some enormous value,never needing to sleep it would seem to me it would in short order decide for itself what it wished to do with it`s time. It seems to me a bit silly really to assume humans would have much say in what they choose to do with their existences. I expect there would be many different models out there eventually also. Well , this is the way I envision it at this time. Regards, Dr.Syntax
  2. REPLY: Hello jordehwa, Isopropyl alcohol is relatively safe to work with. Of course do not drink it, you would get very sick very quickly. Also it is flammable. You seem to have a strong interest in chemistry, but also appear to be more interested in doing experiments than learning much about it. Anyway isopropyl alcohol is an organic solvent. It will also mix with water because it is not a true hydrocarbon. You know you really should google beginners chemistry and learn some of the basics. Just doing pointless experiments is not going to teach you anything. I`ve got to get some sleep. Check into some introductory level chemistry courses. MANY are free. This way you will actually learn the subject. THESE courses describe different experiments for you to do. I did a google search. I would include high school level or why not grade school level chemistry. You need to start with the basics or you will never understand the next level. I would start my google search with : free grade school chemistry courses and do not assume it will be all a bunch of stuff you already know. SEE WHAT`S OFFERED. There will be a lot. Chemistry is a facinatig subject that can lead to a rewarding career. There is no end to what you can learn. It`s one of my favorite subjects. I did think of one experiment to do with isopropyl alcohol,also known as isopropanol. There are almost always different names for the same compounds so get used to that. The experiment I envisioned was to determine how much table salt [sodium chloride ] would dissolve in say a quarter cup of isopropanol. You devise the methodology to determine that. Forcing yourself to really think about how to actually do things can help so much in becoming a good chemist. your friend, ...Dr.Syntax
  3. REPLY: Because of the whole TECHNOLOGICAL SINGULARITY issue and the very real possibility of immortal self improving,self modifying,self replicating AI robots possible outcome I see no reason intergalactic travel would not be possible for such godlike entities. ...Dr.Syntax
  4. REPLY: Ever since I was a child I always felt it had to go on forever. What did you expect to run into, some sort of wall or something. Even if you did there would have to be more space beyond the wall. Also, ever since I learned of space expanding and such I still feel the space itself was always there whether all the matter and energy originated with the big bang, the never ending space was and is still there. In this sense the big bang is an event that occurred within this infinate and never ending space, Just because there is no matter or energy there does not mean that space itself is not there. I still believe that and nothing I have ever read or seen on TV has changed my mind about that. ...Dr.Syntax
  5. REPLY: It all boils down to the fact that carbon and carbon alone has an outer electron shell existing in the second shell and the ability to form 4 covalent bonds. Because of carbon`s outer electrons existing closer to those 6 protons than all the elements with a third electron shell that are less strongly bonded or attracted to those protons because they are farther away from them. For that reason the bonds carbon forms are stronger bonds. And it can form 4 covalent bonds which is the most any element can form. Yes, silicon can also form 4 covalent bonds but they are weaker bonds. Therefore carbon is the best element to form the skeletal structures for other elements to bond to, to form the different tissues and such. It is as simple as that.Why would natural selection allow for silicon based structures when there is the much better bonding Carbon available ? It would not and will not as others have suggested. NOT INCLUDING SFNfan#1 He understands. ...Dr.Syntax
  6. REPLY: Hello Mooeypoo, Well I would say that at least for the vast majority of mankind quantum mechanics is beyond their ability to understand. Einstein argued against it until he died. So he not only did not understand it, he rejected it . There are those well known Bohr-Einstein debates of the mid 1920s where Einstein rejected quantum mechanics in spite of growing evidence as to it`s reality and importance. This information was taken from different wikipedia articles by me. By the way, wiki also states that : " The history of quantum mechanics began essentially with the 1838 discovery of cathode rays by Michael Faraday." That was a big surprise for me. I had been under the impression that it was an early 20th century concept. My point being that todays computers when programmed to do so work these complex equations with ease whereas many of mankinds best minds are incapable of even understanding them. I believe we are rapidly entering into a transition period where computers are having profound and unseen effects on all of our lives. The world economy and military applications stand out foremost in my mind. And these two areas of human endeavor ensure that the course we are on cannot be altered. AI will emerge I expect sooner than later. What will become of it all, I have many ideas,all of which are but some of the many possibilities. Time will tell. You Take Care, ...Dr.Syntax
  7. Reply:" I think I can safely say that no one actually understands: quantum mechanics ". Richard Feynman said that and he was one of the pre-eminant physicists of all time. A person such as myself is incapable of learning quantum mechanics. You need a thorough background in the most complex mathematics to have a working knowledge of quantum mechanics and one of the best among them all, stated he did not actually understand it. Even the most intelligent among us people have a limit beyond witch we cannot go as to understanding things. I expect many physicists,mathematicians and such have been doing calculations they could never work out without the aid of a computer for a long time now. Computers have expanded greatly the abilities of mankind for many decades in such endeavors. So in that sense physicists with computers are SUPER HUMAN already and have been for decades. The difference many knowledgeable people see coming at us at an ever accelerating rate, is that crucial point or points when a computer or system of computers achieves self awareness. At that point we begin to enter what some call the post human era. I feel believe as we move on into that era no one can possibly predict what will happen. I also believe we have already entered into the period of unpredictable instability of the worldwide economy. The old rules no longer apply as to the economy. I am going to end on that note. Regards, ...Dr.Syntax
  8. REPLY: jordehwa, what is this all about my friend ? You are on some dangerous trip here. You need to eat some food and get some sleep. Do you have a relative or friend to turn who can comfort you ? Hydrogen peroxide in strong enough concentration is highly unstable and explosive. What subjecting it to electrolysis may do I do not know. It may turn it into water and O2. I really don`t know. There are many dfferent compounds that are alcohols. Many. So what specific alcohol are you referring to ? Most if not all of your questions can be answered doing a google search. Why not try doing that for a while, You will be sure to learn much. Take Care, ...Dr.Syntax
  9. That was news to me,bacteria being able to exchange DNA with eukaryotic cells. I was unaware of that fact. Bacteria can also exchange DNA inter-specially. That means between different species of bacteria by way of this method called conjugation. There are two other ways bacteria have of exchanging DNA amongst other bacteria. If you would like to learn more about all this go to : http://www.slic2.wsu.edu:82/hurlbert/micro101/pages/chap9.html . There are some interesting aspects to all this and much to learn at this website. There are some important practical aspects to bacteria`s ability to transfer genetic material by conjugation. A single cell carrying an anti-biotic resistant plasmid can infect many other cells with this plasmid, thereby spreading anti-biotic resistant plasmids rapidly throughout a bacterial population. Plasmids are packets of DNA. This information has been paraphrased by me from information gathered by me at the website given above. ...Dr.Syntax
  10. REPLY: In the TECHNOLOGICAL SINGULARITY scenario, we people are in the same position as the dogs and the AI entities are the people in this analogy. Except that we would be much less of an intelligence to these self improving AI robots. Considering how easy it is to add to a computers computing abilities what is there that could possibly stop them from becoming as intelligent as they see fit to be. They could program their equivalent of a brain to be adding any amount of chips and such at however fast they are capable of. I would assume such an entity would be able to do that at an exponentially expanding growth rate. I see no reason why not. These entities would be truly god like. Take Care, Dr.Syntax
  11. REPLY: Thank you iNow. I did as you suggested. I hope someone can fix this if they have not already done so. Regards, ...Dr.Syntax .....P.S. I tried to give a positive reputation point but was told I had to spread it around before I can do that again. Anyway thank you.
  12. There is a problem in the thread titled: The Technological Singularity: all but inevitable . Any postings from anyone responding to anyone are now being merged together at the bottom of the thread. This makes it all very confusing and difficult for any poster to respond to any other poster. It is all one merged mess at the end of the thread. Please, someone correct this. ...Dr.Syntax
  13. The thread titled: The Technological Singularity: all but inevitable ? now has all postings from all people responding to the different people posting all merged together so that no one is sure of who they are even responding to anymore. This is not the usual practice here in this forum. Will someone please correct this. Thank You, Dr.Syntax
  14. REPLY:Of course I understand dogs cannot talk. Never the less people and dogs communicate quite well together. I guess you don`t agree. Whatever, DS Merged post follows: Consecutive posts mergedI agree with you A Triptolation, I too would prefer the continued existence of Mankind to the production of God like robots. But event if all the governments of the World were in deadly fear of the creation of these AI units there are compelling reasons most would choose to go on funding the research or some private person or group would because who ever gets there first will have a huge advantage for at least a short time over those who stayed away from it. The military applications alone of AI capabilities are truly awesome. This is discussed in that wiki article. ...Dr.Syntax Merged post follows: Consecutive posts merged REPLY: These postings are all getting merged in such a way that any response gets merged with others to totally different people. It is creating a confusing situation in this thread. You end up replying to 3 or more people who`s postings have nothing to do with each other. Can`t some monitor do something to correct this situation ?
  15. REPLY:I guess you are technically correct about that, but one of those bacteriums now has a new set of genes and when the time comes for it to undergo mitosis it`s daughter cells will now carry an altered genome ever after. I never said amoebae had this ability, only offered it as a suggestion that seemed quite possible because many bacteria are known to have this ability to exchange DNA in these 3 different manners. It is not sexual reproduction and yet genetic information is exchanged. Most people are not aware of it so it makes for an interesting read if nothing else. The original poster was not getting any answers that answered the question asked. I felt this at least offered some sort of answer. In fact,after rereading the question it`s a very good answer. I see no other posters offering any sort of answer as to what he was asking about. I think my answer is a very good one and may be exactly what he was searching for. ...Dr.Syntax
  16. REPLY: Bacteria [ also asexual organisms ] have three known methods of exchanging partial DNA material. Perhaps amoebae have developed some simullar methods. I`ll give you a website that describes these processes : http://www.slic2.wsu.edu:82/hurlbert/micro101/pages/chap9.html . I am not saying this is what amoebae do,only offering it as a possibility. ...Dr.Syntax
  17. REPLY: Hello JillSwift, It would seem to me that once self-aware AI units emerge with super human intelligence whatever we may have originally designed or programed them for will after a short while not be of overriding concern to them. Their thought processes will quickly develop independent notions,ideas,purposes that may or may not agree with our well being. And also who will have any control over who may program such entities. The different military entities throughout the World both public and private are deeply involved in AI and robotics. The U.S. Navy is one of the links in that wiki article expressing concern about soldier robots having any ability to make decisions on their own. This is part of what I mean when I say no one or any group can possibly see or control what this will lead to. This is a Worldwide endeavor with many groups with their own different agendas. From what human history has consistently illustrated there is good reason to imagine a war amongst AI robots with or without human intervention. I am not saying that will happen, but I can easily imagine that it might occur. The more you think about it, the more unpredictable and uncontrollable it all appears to be. I`d like very much for us both to relate to each other in non-hostile way. Sincerely,Dr.Syntax ....PS.... I read the text version of the BOMB 20 SCENARIO. Did you write that ? I enjoyed it for what it`s worth Merged post follows: Consecutive posts merged REPLY: Have you never had a dog for a pet or friend. We communicate very well with them, and if we treat them well they make wonderful friends. And I have to admit to taking orders from my pet dogs. But I doubt I would take orders from some critter such as a baboon. Ornry brutes who are foreever squabbling for dominance and such. Many people are pretty ornry also. Why would any superior beings be inclined to take orders from their mental and physical inferiors. Especially as the inferiority became more and more pronounced and obvious. These are the sort of questions those worried about AI units are asking themselves. ...DR.sYNTAX
  18. REPLY: sodium chloride is table salt . Is table salt what you are working with ? If you are not working with table salt you are not working with sodium chloride. If you don`t know what you are doing stop dong it and stick whatever you have there outside. Are these some homemade electrodes ? Please stop what you are doing if you are unsure of what you are working with. What is the container you are using made of ? All of these things enter into whatever chemical reactions you are creating. As far as I know the process you described would result in chlorine [ a very poisonous element ] collecting around the positive electrode and sodium [ a very reactive metal ]collecting around the the negative electrode. You may be creating a dangerous mixture. Please stop what you are doing and put that container out side. ...DS
  19. It would be more properly stated as carbon based molecules. We are not made of carbon. Coal,diamond,and graphite are made of carbon. Actually, we are made up of mostly water, but I understand what you mean. Carbon is in the group just below hydrogen and helium. It`s atoms have only the first and second shell of electrons. Because of the electrons closeness to the atomic nucleus they are more strongly attracted to that nucleus and therefore make stronger bonds when bonded to other elements such as hydrogen,nitrogen,oxygen and such. Also carbon can make 4 covalent bonds. That is the most covalent bonds an element can make. Silicon can also make 4 covalent bonds but because it`s electrons are in the third shell they are further away from the nucleus of the atom and therefore less tightly bonded or attracted to the nucleus. More specifically the protons that exist in the nucleus of all atoms. So it`s the combination of carbon`s electrons closeness to the nucleus of the atom and it`s ability to form 4 covalent bonds that make it the best element to form the different carbon skeletal structures that elements such as hydrogen,nitrogen, oxygen and others are bonded to, to form the different tissues and such that make up all the different organisms . I hope that makes sense to you. ...Dr.Syntax
  20. REPLY: That light blue green is very typical of copper oxide. You did say one of the electrodes was copper. That is why many old buildings with copper roofs or ornaments containing copper become that blueish green. That`s my guess from what you have said. ...DS
  21. REPLY: I have noted throughout this thread that my reference was this wikipedia article. In particular I referenced my knowledge of Ulman and Neumann as coming from this wiki article. I explained how by clicking onto their names when they were highlighted you would gain access to their biographies or histories. Also, is this not what iNow was ridiculing me for doing. Something to the effect that my postings were something like a book report on what I had read at that wiki site. I never claimed it was anything other than information I had gathered there along with some of the links provided there. There are statements I make that come from what I have learned there. But the fact that it is published at wiki does make it seem to me it falls into the catagory of general knowledge. These are not quotes ,which I do when I see it as applicable. The one time I thought an idea of mine might have originated with me I said so.This was in some old thread having nothing to do with the current topic. I make a sincere effort to give credit to authors of ideas that are not general knowledge. I need to close this posting. Thank you for efforts on my behalf, Dr.Syntax
  22. REPLY: Perhaps with the TERMINATOR scenarios tossed in. No one can possibly know what this will lead to. When and if super human intelligence emerges there are far too many variables to predict much of anything. I can`t imagine why an entity with super human intelligence would be any more likely to comply with our desires than we would be inclined to take orders from a mouse or a beaver , rat or a racoon . If we take a look at the way we regard and treat the other animals on this planet we would not have much reason to expect much mercy. Think of cattle,swine,poultry and you can see what I mean. ...Dr.Syntax
  23. REPLY: So what if it does ? Am I supposed to pretend that I carry all this knowledge around in my memory. Get real you sick little man. ...Dr.Syntax
  24. REPLY: I seriously understated or overlooked Stanislaw Ulman`s contributions to science and his importance in 20th century science. Ulman was one of the major contributors to nuclear fusion technology. A major figure in mathematics, and other fields of research. He may also be the one who first used,or coined the phrase : Technological Singularity. My apologies Stanislaw Ulman. He and his brother Adam barely escaped the holocaust in the summer of 1938 from Poland. The rest of his family were exterminated with so many other Polish Jews. At the beginning of the war against Nazi Germany. Poland was the first of the countries Nazi Germany invaded during what we now call World War II. This invasion began Sept. 1,1939.It ended in October with the division of Poland between Germany and the Soviet Union who was at that time allied with Germany.The Polish people made a courageous effort to defend themselves but failed. At that time , no one came along to help them. Not that they could have. The Nazis easily defeated both the French and English armies in 1940 which ended on June 25,1940 with the formal surrender of France to Germany. ...Dr.Syntax
  25. REPLY: The question was: what is the easiest acid to make ? period, there were no qualifiers refered to in that question as to purity or usefulness. None whatsoever. So,for that reason I still say: uric acid is the easiest to make, all you have to do is pee and uric acid is a component of that urine or pee, and stand by it.Unless and until someone comes up with an easier way of making an acid I consider my answer to be the best of all the answers suggested by the other posters including you. ...Dr.Syntax
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