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Everything posted by T-Nemesis

  1. Do you have any sources for that? I'm pretty interested in the subject and I've just been reading A brief history of time, so far what I've read contradicts your post.
  2. I wonder what the visual/audio effects would be of something breaking the light barrier?
  3. It's known for sure that there is something out there, which is most probably black holes, but I don't think that they are classified as fact just yet. Wikipedia knows all: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_holes
  4. Is there any true evidence to support the theory if you break the speed of light you will go forward through time or is it all just conjuncture?
  5. I always thought that a rise in temperature is caused by vibration of [molecules], and the faster they vibrate the hotter the body becomes. That would also explain why there is a limit to how cold something can be, as the [molecule] can not vibrate any less than if it were stationary. Likewise the limit of how hot something can become should be at the limit of how fast the molecule could vibrate.
  6. Horrible? Fog is great Apparently this winter will be a cold one, I can't wait.
  7. Okay, great. Thanks for the feedback everyone. I'm definetely very interested, so with any luck I hope everything just fits together like you said. That's why I don't post much. In 6 months I've only posted 23 times,
  8. I get the same when I squeeze cotton wool, polystirene (sp), or when I drag my fingernail along wet cotton. I've noticed that it's not the sound itself that causes the reaction, but the realisation of the two fabrics rubbing together. I'm not sure what causes it though.
  9. I thought that dark energy had a neutral force.
  10. Wow, that's pretty amazing! I hope it's a success.
  11. Lol, I imagine that s/he means fresh water; we wouldn't want to go mad from drinking salt-water now, would we? I'm guessing the topic is in regards to there not being any energy, well if it is; I saw an article about people installing their own mini wind-turbines on the roofs of their houses, apparently they can produce 1/3 of the energy needed for the house. Now what I don't understand is why people don't just buy 3 mini wind-turbines and get all the energy they need.
  12. I imagine it would be possible, it seems quite advanced but not absurd. When you say 'on any surface' do you mean like, write the information directly on to wood/plastic/metal etc. or by like coating something in say, a magnetic film?
  13. I'm 15 and interested in Science, I'm slowly learning one or two things within my fields of interest (Mainly Cosmology, and Physics in general); but when I come to this forum I look around and I'm overwhelmed with some of the knowledge you guys have. What I want to know is were you very smart all of your life or did you just persevere and learn? I want to know this because I'm interested in Science but I don't know if I could have a future in it.
  14. ^That would be the Lunar Illusion. Here's a link. http://www.space.com/scienceastronomy/solarsystem/bigmoon_000105.html
  15. I'm ambidextrous, I have always used my left hand for writing, but my right hand for everything else. Recently I started testing my abilities by using two pens at the same time and seeing what I could do, I can write two things at the same time, write something with one hand and writing a mirror image of it in the other among other things. For anyone interested in doing the mirror image writing, the key is to 'draw' your text, not write it. When you try to write it your brain struggles to try and decipher what each letter would look like backwards, it's much easier to imagine an image being mirrored. I think that made sense.
  16. Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't Anomalous Dispersion something that effects light, not sound?
  17. Source: http://physicsweb.org/articles/news/9/11/1/1 What do you all make of this?
  18. Well it won't work now that you've said it
  19. The leap is already beginning. If the life expectancy is now already 90 for people that are 65, that's a pretty significant jump. Things will only get better.
  20. Psychological and Horror for me. If they are combined it's even better Like SAW, a horror film with some good twists and it plays with your mind.
  21. Okay, I see. Thanks for clearing that up
  22. ^Francium? The one's that aren't naturally occuring are ones which are only known to be created in nuclear reactions.
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