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Everything posted by jajrussel

  1. With the new setup they have I generally see the reports before they do maybe the confusion comes at the question in the first place, if he wasn’t expecting me to ask it? it’s pretty much straight forward in what it says Nothing to interpret. I will ask him again and go over it line by line if needed , and you got it right away, what I was expecting from the stents and I do feel remarkably better.the reading just doesn’t match thee way I feel now, or it was initially much worse and the initial number would have been lower than the stated 30-50% and the reading that now presents would be capable without me feeling any pain initially. I’m thinking I had the wrong conversation with the surgeons who put the stents in they probably had a better view than I and didn’t really need me telling them where the end of the Catheter was in play by play. It’s just that when they got to the part where the pain wa I seemed important to tell them yes that the place exactly. I’ll write it down for him. Maybe he wasn’t expecting me to have any information since that part of the system is fairly new here ,and now I am just making conversation. So thank you once again. I’m new to this language so was EV a typo? You didn’t mean EF? The window for talk is tiny. The New app that connects the patient to their Reports has an ask questions feature not sure how it works, but I’m gonna give it a try. the order of events is difficult to remember but I’m pretty sure someone told me they were shipping me up to another hospital because the EF was less than , or between 30 and fifty percent and they could test and repair at the same time. Maybe that is where I got the impression that the EF was an important indicator. Now if it has little to do with it , it changes everything . The indication changes because I was wondering why they would want to jump start a car with a clogged fuel line? So, to speak. Thank you both
  2. Then it gets confusing, the latest echo shows the same.presumably the meds and rehab will eventually in the next 90 days raise it above 50% or I am to get an implanted defibrillator The window of opportunity is small. I'm guessing that my question was confusing to the cardiologist. I sensed confusion when I asked. I realize that senses are are a poor indicator of reality maybe he needed time to think about it. The whole process was confusing and still is, but I am reluctant to let them to implant a device the size I of a small cell phone when the explanation is that basically it is designed to simply jumpstart the heart apparently I have 90 days to accept the need if the echo doesn't improve so I was wondering about echo grams? How they work and why after New plumbing is installed the reading would be the same. When I have asked all I have gotten is a look of confusion. Anyway thanks... I'll l ask him again and probably again until I have to make a decision. Thank you.
  3. Had a casual conversation with three Surgeons about Poor  life choices and How they can effect your plans it’s amazing what they can do while casually having a conversation.😅

    1. MigL


      It's too bad we usually have those conversations AFTER the bad life choices have led to dire consequences.
      And it's too bad that we don't listen to older wiser people when we are young enough to avoid those consequences.

    2. jajrussel
  4. This article seemed in line with a couple of interesting threads here https://theconversation.com/shape-of-the-universe-could-it-be-curved-not-flat-126721
  5. The question and answer may hinge on weather you have a choice. I recently faced an event where I willed an outcome knowing full well that consciously l had no choice I would liken it to a coin toss I didn't care for it either. Post theory is that I had plenty of choices but made all the wrong ones, so maybe it wasn't as simple as a coin toss? Maybe it never really is? Now I presumably have free will again, but they keep underscoring that at any second now, maybe not! Hmm...
  6. Apparently I am not holding my mouth right it’s not a big deal but first it leaned Left then it leaned right. should i try again with the original being completely upside down? Is there a trick to it? Apparently changing the original orientation just reverses everything left right?
  7. When I was young pop would accuse me of only being able to hear what I wanted to hear.I didn't agree with him yet age has me facing circumstances sometimes I can't seem to see! It usually happens when I have a question and need to make a decision in the moment it's always something simple, but then after having made the wrong decision and changing perspective, well there it is why couldn't I see it when it mattered. I asked a question earlier and wasn't sure where to put it. But all I had to do was change devices then there the category was . Is there a psychological reason as to why I couldn't see the medical category the first time?
  8. not exactly sure where to post this Question I am confused at the results of an echocardiogram the initial reading was enough to convince that there was a possible blockage which there was. They installed stents. A month later they do another echo yet the reading is essentially the same? How does that work? The heart ejection fraction apparently presents the same in both readings so essentially the before and after Picture present the same Physically I know the new plumbing is working. I am fairly certain that the meds I am taking are not designed to create a simple physical feeling of wellness yet the EF in the second test matches the EF in the first test scientifically how i is that possible? Do they move the goalposts and why would they?
  9. You resisted? Isn’t that in itself evidence of free will? You used the word convinced presumably against an overwhelming compulsion. Isn’t that in itself evidence of free will? I’m sorry if I’m being redundant? I thought of the Borg. Resistance is futile. Maybe not the most scientific approach? An imaginary species that states you have no free will, don’t resist, yet what is resistance if not free will? The compulsion was no longer controlling, the moment you convinced yourself to act in a manner that showed Free will.
  10. I see... Hopefully I will remember... what about a particle determines its momentum if it is not initially a massless particle such as an electron? And when an electron changes orbitals it gives off a photon? Is the orbital shift completed at a certain momentum and is that momentum related to its mass? and the orbital shift emitting a photon seems to suggest that very little energy is required to create a photon? Unless energy levels are determined by proportion? Just thinking here... anyway thank you... I do have trouble figuring out what should be related to what. Property wise. I said this badly...How does an electrons mass determine its momentum? Does it?
  11. I assumed that in certain cases the force exerted would be a greater level and was wrongly trying to apply it to c until realized that c is c is c.... eventually determining that since c is c different values displayed as force on interaction must be due to the transmitting source. initially I was wondering if by observing the result of two interacting particles you could determine the initial source of one of the particles,If you already knew something about the type of particle that was acted on?At this point I am starting to confuse myself so I can only assume that I am confusing you. Once again thank you... Having nothing to do with the aforementioned scaler. Wouldn’t this on a universal scale lead to a very stable universe energy wise?
  12. Thank you... there was something I read that started me thinking about this, but I have forgotten what it was... so, if there is a scaler it isn’t related to c but to the initial energy value of the photon source that controls the wave frequency. Thus the energy/ force displayed during its interaction with another object? Is related to its initial creation energy? note not trying to confuse. Just trying to communicate in a language I have difficulty understanding. So, sorry...
  13. Thank you . I need to think on this. It seems simple enough.. . I was wondering how, if it was all specific to momentum one specific type of radiation would exert a greater force than any other radiation , since all travel at c. as in a gamma ray burst has a momentum of c and the suns rays have a momentum of c then why would being in the path of a gamma ray burst be the greatest energy threat? Was Thinking that there must be a scaler that indicates why two 0 mass particles at rest would have different forces at momentum c? is there something to the gamma ray photon particle that scales higher at c than there is to our suns everyday photon particle? maybe you answered all my questions , and I just haven’t figured it out yet.
  14. Is momentum a property of relativistic mass, or is it the reverse, where relativistic mass is a property of momentum?
  15. I would assume that if you bombard an object with photons that energy is exchanged? But, is a force exerted on the object? In the process? wondering if mass is needed to exert force and if so would relativistic mass be why photons exert a force in objects?
  16. The Arthdal chronicles, and Dark matter, and other similar fantasies. Note the only thing the two have in common is that they are fantasies that tell a good story. I suppose that either could have deeper meanings but for those types of thought I prefer Firefly more modern, or Babylon 5 more nostalgic.
  17. I didn’t understand the video, sounded to me like he was talking about intent rather than free will. He starts the video stating his intent then sums up that through his presentation that he had achieved what he had set out to do.
  18. You want to lead me down a narrow path that you define. No one is allowed an opinion that isn’t yours. Who’s influence are you under?you either labeled other opinions as total BS or you cry fowl out of bounds then start waving your banner once again😊. Have a great day Bott...
  19. The seeds of doubt have been planted and nourished. There will never again be a time when the question of foreign influence in American elections is not brought up. The question is do we cower in the presence of manipulation or do we tell all foreign powers to step aside or be moved because we have a lot of catching up that needs to be done. I don’t believe in baby steps, The first thing that needs to be done is to get the job done. I want Medicare for all the Democrats say they want they same thing. The Closer they get to election their Rhetoric changes. They start the conversation by saying well this is I want, this what you deserve, but the first thing we need to do is, start small. My thoughts on dealing with foreign interference are no different than unending promises of real American health care. Enough is enough, just get it done. Either do it or get out of the way, so someone else can do it. There is work to be done.
  20. This number sounds somewhat conservative😊
  21. You have set the condition as happening at the same time🙂 I realize that when someone walks through a mall with an AK 47 they tend to be popularly labeled serial killers but generally serial killers make their kills over time as did the Serial killer mentioned in the thread. would i be irrational to ask in either case would it be fair to society to put the accused rights before any persons right to go about their daily life without being placed in mortal danger? If the accused rights depend on Absolute fairness how do we justify any act of protection done in the name of national security. you convict a man of a crime after the fact, but even mere suspicion should be enough to allow prevention yet the accused will always argue that their rights are being violated even after they are caught bloody handed doing murder.
  22. I’m trying to understand what you mean here. Are you saying that the process for impeachment as defined by the Constitution is due process defined, and so long as the process is followed as given by the constitution then due process has been given if so that makes sense. Hmm... i have read that the term due process is mentioned twice in the constitution, but that the Supreme Court has been somewhat reluctant to define what the term itself means. (Possibly because each state seems to have its own laws that to some degree determine how due process is determined within their own borders) this part is just me guessing. I believe I read about the Supreme Court never really defining due process in Wikipedia that in itself would make misinformation easier to spread and mislead, but the impeachment process is spelled out in the Constitution. If following that process is due process Then following that process would be due process given, in my opinion, assuming that my opinion is not total BS all the time The statement i made that Drew this question may have been my GishGallop side showing . Though, I’m not sure because until recently I wasn’t aware i had one. I’d never heard my somewhat strong support for the President referred to in that way before. So I was caught off guard. How amazingly clever some are in building their argument. I don’t believe the president is absolutely in the right, but take him down rightly. Not by trying to drown him in opinion. Please note i am answering your question here, and making a statement. Not implying that you are the one trying to drown Him in opinion
  23. Since it may be seen as we have Been quibbling about this post. I want to make it clear that I did not downvote it. I do not down vote posts. in this case I did upvote it to cancel out the downvote since the post was directed at me, but I have thought about it and will never do it again because Who am I to cancel out someone else’s opinion. I see little point in a downvote war, though honestly most people have a lot more to loose than I do, and if someone thinks I’m an ass they should just tell me so along with a reason I don’t need to Google before deciding if I should be offended. I assure that I will never respond with a downvote. I would rather face the wrath of the Moderators to whom I should apologize now since this is somewhat off topic.😇 I would hope that a grand jury would serve the purpose of preventing this scenario as presented. society should have the option of a separate trial for a separate case ( my opinion)... in the case of serial killing and rape, etc.
  24. I did google it. I admit i do have difficulty understanding what some people mean on occasion but in the case quoted i was simply trying to be humorous when i found the opportunity, because it presented before i found what dimreeper was alluding to. I did take his advice read the whole thread then realized my mistake. Still i was puzzled as to why anyone would think that anyone participating in the thread should have to prove mistermack wrong. Perhaps I need to read the thread again? Oh, I found it... 😒
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