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Everything posted by Newbies_Kid

  1. "did not come in peace"??? is it a joke? where the aid convoys heading to? are they marching straight to israel like those hijacked airplane heading straight to world trade centre on 11/9? and who the hell of israel to intercept other nation convoy who clearly come to deliver aid to trapped Palestinian. I can't see any reason of their action except total annihilation of Palestinian. May be our opinion get differ because our mainstream media is different. But as a human, we can clearly judge which one is humanity and which one we call bestiality.
  2. Right, they are more cruel and brutal than somali pirates. Attacking unarmed civilians who come for peace?. Even Italian mafia won't do such thing. That's what we call, a real coward. I'm from Malaysia, a country who love peace. So it's really sad when our peace convoy got attacked by them.
  3. wow.. 7km is quite high. Although the person could land in perfect position, still the surviving chance is nearly zero. I imagine that the person will just spear down the water more than 50m depth and has his lung crushed and no longer buoyant. When the brain don't get enough oxygen, the heart beat become slow and the person may suffer nitrogen narcosis and forget to breath.. the end.
  4. I've a problem here, my boss need me to measure the hardness of a piece of copper strip, but we didn't have any hardness test machine (vickers, durometer, brinell etc) to do that. But we do have a tensile machine. Can i do something with the tensile test to measure hardness? Your help is really appreciated
  5. CR of copper and AL wires can be found in IEC 228
  6. Wow.. so you are the writer of that article. Good article. I used your article once for my surface engineering assignment during my study (early 2009 if i'm not mistaken). I still remember the title of my assignment.. Surface engineering: This could be something big.... Thank you mooeypoo~~
  7. I think it is more efficient by just insulating the output pipe alone. Insulating inlet and outlet together would not increase the outlet temperature. It just like a heat exchanger.. it will just heat and cool then heat again and cool... bla2
  8. Laminar flows occurs when a fluid flows in parallel layers, with no disruption between the layers. In other word, it create smooth motion between swimmer and fluid around it. So less drag created and less force required for swimmer to move. Swimsuit help it user by re-shaping the users body for minimum drag. I heard that michael phelp's swimssuit is custom made by NASA. They made special materials that greatly reducing drag force. Don't think too much on laminar flow because it just simple.
  9. I don't see any reason why evaporation rate should go faster. But this is interesting.. mind if i ask? How do you control the temperature of the tank?
  10. That's why plastic don't corrode.
  11. I saw real working motorized roller blade at Ripley's Believe or Not last week.. it run on petrol.. maximum speed can up to 60mph
  12. This could be dangerous.. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anatoli_Bugorski
  13. Suitable combination between liquid's viscosity and the column surface molecule create maximum surface tension and increase the crawling force (upwards). Since it is weight limited, it will rise higher in smaller tube.
  14. I'm currently working as a design engineer at cable factory. Hates this job and really want to further my studies.. but have to support my familiy.
  15. Agree. if the craft in symmetrical position we can locate the CG easily. I know that we can determine the CG of unsymmetrical of static body by applying these formula: Ixx = Sum (A)(y2) In which: Ixx = the moment of inertia around the x axis A = the area of the plane of the object y = the distance between the centroid of the object and the x axis Ixx = (1/12 ) (b)(h3) But, not sure if this working on moving object
  16. pounds is a unit for mass.. while weight is force. As gravity acceleration is constant at sea level, may be using pounds for weight should be no problem in our daily life. " Give me 2 newtons of sugar please?" sounds weird isn't it
  17. Mass in Kg while weight in Newton F=MA 9.81 N = 1kg x 9.81 m/s^2
  18. If the green house has extra space why don't you breed some chickens or rabbits maybe.. so you no longer need to produce CO2 manually. All fresh and natural... plus, you get fresh & hot fertilizers too..
  19. water alone won't enough to turn the turbine on.
  20. I've learned fluid mechanics before and just pass it with B ( I hate my lecturer for this subject). Basically in fluid mechanics 1 (Fundamental) things that i've learned were such hydrostatics, buoyancy, water jet, flow in pipes and orifice. Then i've continue with fluid mechanics 2 (Application) and it was divided into two major parts, compressible and incompressible flow. If you suck in math, it will become a problem because most of the topics are just full with formulas, integration and derivation ( I hate most Von Karman integral). What i learned:Boundary layer, compressible flow, drag, pump and turbine ( I got 90% in this test), incompressible flow, mach number and other that i can't remember. Good Luck & Have fun
  21. Some types of iron nails were galvanized (coated with zinc) for corrosion protection. As a result, rusting will not occur although being immersed in oxygenated water because the mechanism we call passivation will protect the iron base. So, check the nails before proceeding with the experiment.
  22. May be you should design the catapult's cup and arm properly, i don't know whether its correct or not but i think that you should minimize the vibration (after you launch an object) of the arm as much as you can for maximum kinetics force.
  23. Newbies_Kid


    Stress cause material to deform and that what we call strain. If you apply stress on body, it will elongate or contract and this what we call strain. Stress is pressure (Pa) while strain unit is in (mm). Check out on this url for more information http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stress%E2%80%93strain_curve
  24. Launching angle should be set at 45 degree for maximum range.
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