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Everything posted by Newbies_Kid

  1. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Stapp So this guy bravely take on 42.6G force and had his bones cracked.
  2. So mach 6 which more or less equal to 2 000 m / s. Can a human endure the pressure at that great speed? If yes, what is the limit for us before we may getting black out or may be our eye ball get to roll up. If not, will there no longer manned-aircraft which can continuously breaking the speed of sound.
  3. Seriously, I would say that thing was a kind of missile if i don't know it was actually a military jet. I've heard that it was the fastest jet nowadays which could fly at mach 6. But what if to compare with that Aurora which are said to be a US top secret military project.
  4. No need to send out the water into space.. why not you just bring the water to Sahara desert and build up a water theme park in the middle of the desert?
  5. Recently, many organization did a research to process pure H2 from alcohol by electrolysis.
  6. Damping in a sinusoidal system we call it an overshoot isn't it?
  7. Use the heat to generate electricity is better i think..
  8. Nope, hydroxide (OH-) is actually the redox(reduction) product of water. About the "black rust", i suggest you to left the red/brown rusting nail and that black rust nail for more longer and see which one rust faster. If i'm not mistaken, that black rust is actually a good coating and can slow the rusting rate. It may be formed due to addition of heat or maybe caused by unstable oxidation/reduction of Ferum and water.
  9. She didn't told me any. But she just said that the substance can penetrate into diamond and vaporizes from the inside, striking out black inclusion and other precious stones. Thats all. Btw, she still didn't reply my last email. May be she just realize that she shoot at wrong person.
  10. that blue thing may be a ferrous ferrite. It actually was a type of corrosion product of iron. http://corrosion-doctors.org/Experiments/iron-products.htm
  11. Wow.. how do you know where the number belongs to? Then, may be her facebook is also a fake one. So i think i should stop this now.. Thanks Insane alien.. that was really great help. (But the business plan is really2 goood) too bad..
  12. She just ask for my phone number, and i promise to give it when she give me the data sheet. I can see that she is serious and quite sincere with me because she give me her phone number and also her facebook ID. Everything will only settle down when the data sheet got in my inbox. btw, is this looks like england local phone number? +447031835597
  13. Oh, crap. I just reply her email twice already.. can she trace my bank account just through email? So, no one ever heard of this cuastic sulphate. Sounds too simple for having ability to penetrate that damn hard diamond. I had ask him to send me the material data sheet. If she can prove it, i will share with our members. btw, thank you for the advises.
  14. Last night i receive an email from a person which i don't know who offer me a contract to become a middle person for her company that buy a chemical substance called "Cuastic sulphate". She said that this material is in fluid form and has an ability to penetrate diamond and vaporizes from inside. So, anyone here can give me advice?. I really don't believe this chick but she keep convincing me about the weird fluid.
  15. Windmill - Cheap and easy to build. At least can use to charge your phone. Bio gas - changing poops into useful gas for power generation.
  16. another question come out in my mind... why does a car consume a lot of petrol when idling?
  17. This is the key to answer this question. After you get the equation you can use this table to calculate the potential:
  18. but if you drive your car at low speed in low gear, the gas should be consumed faster than you drive at higher speed on top gear. Drag is a factor, but acceleration is the main factor i think.
  19. A car consumes most gas as it accelerates. It's a simply law of physics (force equals mass times acceleration). A moving car doesn't require much gasoline to keep moving (due to the inherent inertia). In real life this means, in order to improve your mileage you need to keep the ride smooth. I used to ride on my motorbike 50 miles a day, and i just don't think that cruising at low speed shall increase your mileage. It's depend on your engine.. you can feel them.. i save most when i'm cruising at constant speed of 130km/h.
  20. That makes sense. When we use Vickers test, soft material is easy to be indented by diamond while hard material is opposite.
  21. Yeah i know that we can't get a read from tensile machine for hardness. I explained to my boss and he understand. But he said that if the material is hard, the material will elongate before failed during the tensile test. So one question come in my mind, are ductile material conform to be hard and brittle material must all be soft?
  22. When he said about large wave length and high frequency, what comes in my mind is something like microwave oven. Makes water molecules in tank to vibrates billions of times a second. As they vibrate they bump into other molecules and generate heat which i think the evaporation process starts.
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