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cameron marical

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Everything posted by cameron marical

  1. They did It on Mythbusters and said It was not true. Here Is the link. Although to me, It actually does seem logical. The air pressure from the ball goes In and pushes the little bars In the lock up to the top. Though I think It Is not just the top part that the bars need to go Up to, Its a set spot that "only the key knows", though, I do not know that much about locks, so I can be totally wrong.
  2. What Is the temperature that It Is at when the picture was taken?
  3. I know that torpedos use compressed air for propulsion sometimes. There is also compressed air cars, but they use the compressed air to push their pistons rather than propulsion itself. Compressed air Is usually much heavier than gasoline or electric fans, though I definetly think that It Is possible and that you should build it. Why not. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Compressed_air_vehicle http://www.damninteresting.com/?p=359 http://exploration.grc.nasa.gov/education/rocket/rktstomp.html Merged post follows: Consecutive posts mergedDamn. Sherlock, you beat me.
  4. I plan to use solar heat.mirrors directing light at from from multiple sources on it. The heated cylinder would be Wrapped in aluminum foil to help heat it too. I live in a quite sunny, and hot place, so i think that there will be enough to power it. The cylinders will be about 7 inch wide and about 9 inches long i think, The other the same size, and have an ice cube covering It. Is that good? Im still unsure how big they should be, suggestions would be cool. I dont think i could get enough energy from that. Though they do have small ones that do just that. you can hold it and it will turn. too puny for any power source though.
  5. How would something reproduce without digital blueprints for It? I am not siding with anyone, I am just curious and would have thought that RNA or DNA or something of similiar Purpose would be needed for It,
  6. First of all. Welcome to SFN! Second. Im not even in college yet, so i dont really know how anyone else stands upon abiogenesis, but i personally believe in it.
  7. Do you think that ai will be Better at existing in the future than us? also, off topic, but marcus, why should we know your name?
  8. Welcome to SFN! Is it {answer ahead, highlight to see}you have to enter the 5th dimension and take It out ana or keta wise? I seriously doubt it though.
  9. Do you think a Stirling motor can be used to power a small automobile with at least one person inside? Im guessing that with me in it, plus the motor and the body Im drawing out, it will be about 160-180 pounds. Could a stirling motor push that much on wheels do you think? Ive been wondering this question for a while. Im currently making my own stirling motor, and am wondering If you guys think If It would work or not. I beleive that It will, and I will probably still try even If Im told It doesnt work, why not. Im not so much worried about speed, just so long as Its a bit faster than walking, Im cool with it. Im tired of walking 1&1/2 miles to school twice a day to get to school and back. I guess Im lazy. I could even impresse a couple chicks with It too. And since I have no car, I thought that I could improvise and use my already acquired knowledge to accomplish my goal. { to be lazy and not have to walk everywhere} oh yea.
  10. Becuase I like science. I know that I will be long dead and recycled by then, but I dont really like the idea of there ever being a form of intelligent life wich lacks anyforms of new science or engineering. I think that would suck. Its like, What next, i found out all your stuff universe, throw me something new. Though, the universe doesnt care what I think.
  11. I was reading from this website http://www.fuellesspower.com/6_Gravity2.htm That you can create electricity from this machine. Thats quite interesting, it seems that you have a never ending energy source. So my question is, Is this true? Is it possible to make a machine such as this? It seems to me it should be, and im going to try when i get home today. If so, then were is the energy coming from? Bent space causing gravity? Then that means that energy can come from nothing, does it not? Also, i dont see why this is not applicable to a car. Just have multiple, relatively small versions of these all conected to the axle, and always going. The wheels would be attached to the axle when moving, and then to stop, you disconect the wheels{through a trigger of some sort of course} and press a brake. These motors would not lose any momentum until you need to start up again, wich these are ready and moving for already right? Would these just go on turning indefinetly and until they break? Thank you.
  12. I myself, would love to move to New Zealand, Manchester{Uk}, or Hawaii. New York would be quite pleasant I think too. I currently reside in a tiny little town in California, so im kind of sick of the sun right now, so Its looking for me more like Manchester, or New York.
  13. Correct me If Im wrong, but... The DNA of that cow clone will be at the same point as the cow It was cloned after, so, I belevive, that yes, It would live around as long as the other and not a normal healthy new cow,{If they both live similiar lives afterward}. Though i may be totally wrong. Im not quite sure If the dna would be "restarted" at the begining or start off where it was copied off of. Though my hypothesis is the latter.
  14. Then It would make the copper or magnets ions? Say that I have a generator, I turn the little crank for It and then with the electricity I just generated, I power a light bulb. The electrons where then taken from the copper/magnet{what one?} and then put into that light bulb, then there Is an electron definciancy In the generator? Yet generators last quite a while, right? and they dont just run out once their electrons run out, so that proposition of induction is impossible right? Wouldnt that electrons have to be generated from another source then{kinetic energy for generators} to make up for the electron loss? Wheres my flaw? Thanks for the reply.
  15. This I just bugging me. I dont see how anything, photons, kinetic energy, whatever, can go about In getting concentrated amounts of electrons In a wire while not simultaneously making the inductor and/or the magnet an ion. Can anyone help? Thanks.
  16. Can ceramics withstand high pressures and water vapor? I guess i should have included that. What metals? Thank you.
  17. I know this is a short post containing what I am saying now, but i just have on simple question and do not have any others. {Except} What Is the strongest{temperature wise}material out there? Thanks.
  18. Ask for someone on the other side to throw you some? In white, just highlight It to read. I just wrote It that way so no one sees the answer If that Is It. I forgot how to do the fancy little hide thing. This works.
  19. I scored a 25. I was actually expecting something higher, I completely obsess over certain things{science and engineering} and have to include every detail about what I like If someone asks. Even If I ask myself. Im also not the most social, but not socially impared I think, I just choose to be so.
  20. What about hollowing out a relatively small asteroid? Though that would not take care of the propulsion problem. What about electricly charging the outside of a spacecraft and keeping a constant supply of electricity to it{Solar powered of course}? If i understand right, electrons take care of protons. Why would this not work? Thanks for the reply.
  21. I beleive that I mentioned this in another thread: Would about 2-4 meters of a solid dense material around the outside of the spaceship not block out most If not all space radiation? Therefore, the astronauts,{though crippled by weaker hearts and near hollow bones, wich back on earth wont get you very far}, could live in space and make it to mars, right?
  22. I dont know much chemistry but If alchohal can be solidified and keep Its pathogen-killing qualities, you could probably use that. maybe have something like a hand imprint{front and back} and just touch them. Though I am really just guessing...
  23. Im am going to have to say what I am surprised that no one has yet said; "Do what makes you happiest." I myself am driven off of what i want to do through what will help life in the best way and what makes me happiest. I also would recomend medicine, and civil engineering, or environmental science, because: medicine is very helpfull to humanity, and it pays great. Engineering, well, im biased becuase I love engineering and as my engineering teacher says, engineering is engineering, so Its all good with me. environmental science because that can also be very helpfull to all life forms, and It just going to get bigger and better as time progresses and we expand. {Im kind of with the other guys on landscape managment, sorry.}
  24. So can It be that expansion is the result of the Big Bang? Oh, woops. I ment to say fith dimension, not of fourth. Im sorry, my mistake, i must have not been paying attention.
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