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Everything posted by Airbrush

  1. Maybe the curvature we can detect is only within the observable universe. Outside the observable, maybe the curvature changes? I thought massive objects bend space, but they are located randomly, so how can any curvature be constant? Can all the isotropy/homogeneity be within the observable universe? We can't see outside that.
  2. Trevor Noah produced this wonderful campaign ad for Trump.
  3. If Melania asked me what I thought of the "Be Best" campaign, I would have told her to say: "Be Your Best Each Day." It should apply to everyone, not just the "elite" few who ARE BEST, such as Donald is the best president ever, and certainly Melania is the best first lady ever. In the real world, everybody just tries to do their best relative to their circumstances. If a person is crippled and declining day by day, then they could still try the best they can that day, and that's good enough. Ok if they are not interested, they won't be forced to try their best. It's like a game of poker, you just do the best you can with the hand you were dealt.
  4. What I'm saying is, just in case you were thinking of taking a big round trip around the universe, traveling in a straight line, you might not return home. You might end up on another layer of an onion, or the universe curves randomly and the curvature we see only applies to our observable universe.
  5. Why would positive curvature always be along the same arc? Maybe the curvature is random. Or maybe there is an "onion analogy" where the "straight" line curves around but misses the starting point and ends up on another layer of the onion?
  6. What happens after the peak of me? "be the best you can be" That's what I said. They should have called it "Be Your Best." That is how the English language works. By calling it "Be Best" it sounds like you should try to be the best ONE in your pond, which implies one should be competitive. How does that stop bullying?
  7. If positively curved, does that mean that if you follow a straight line you cannot help but arrive at your starting point? If the universe was flat, wouldn't it also necessarily be larger than the observable universe? I thought it didn't matter if the universe was flat or curved, the observable portion would always be the smaller.
  8. Democrats vote by mail much more than Republicans do. DeJoy has removed over 600 vote sorting machines without prior notice. When questioned he said "Ok we will suspend." Questioned again, he said he ain't putting them back "No sir!"
  9. There is no discussion about DeJoy removing 650+ mail sorting machines? This is because Trump announced that his intention was to make mail-in voting something "we just can't have." Except for Florida. The last I heard is when Dems interrogated DeJoy about this. He said they stopped removing sorting machines and mail boxes. When asked if he will put them back, his answer was "No sir." Then no follow up to that question?! In DeJoy's opinion the "extra" sorting machines are not needed. So if or when there is a big backlog of mail-in ballots, DeJoy can say "I thought we didn't need them. Oh well, too bad."
  10. Exactly! "Be best" may be how something in Slovenian translates to English, with something lost in translation? At best "Be best" is awkward English usage. Has anyone heard the expression? It is my first time. The only word I could think of that gives it meaning is the word "the." "Be the best" is a tall order. I am not the best at anything I know of. Anyone the best at anything? Most people are never the best at anything. "Be the best" is setting up most people for disappointment when they don't achieve this absolute status. Even if someone is the best at something, it may not last very long. Sergey Bubka was the "best" pole vaulter in 1991 when he cleared 20'. He remained the best until 2014 when Renaud Levillenie cleared an inch higher. And Armand Duplantis became the "best" this year by clearing 20'3.3" (6.18m).
  11. This seems like a no brainer but she had to get it wrong. "Be Best" suggests that we should all strive to be THE BEST. That is absurd. People should strive to be THEIR best. It should be "Be Your Best." But they had to screw it up and make it sound like you need to be THE best, which is very hard to accomplish, a fool's errand. This is probably because Trump always talks in generalizations and hyperbolic absolutes. So Melania follows her husband's example and sounds as stupid as Trump does. If you are not THE best it means you are a LOSER, which is a permanent condition for a lifetime of failure which Trump uses as a curse to his enemies. Trump's base are WINNERS and anyone who is not is a LOSER. I realized this in 2006 when Trump went to war with Rosie O'Donnell on Twitter. I thought that Trump was a man who curses people with the word LOSER.
  12. They could observe the progress of one of very few intelligent civilizations in the galaxy without our interference. Do you think that ETs that are so advanced they could back-track either Voyager to find Earth would not care if we detect them when they arrived here? Voyagers golden messages were sent naively. In the 1970s Carl Sagan and company had great optimism about contact with a superior ET. More recently, Stephen Hawking was more pessimistic about the fateful encounter with a superior ET. Like Europeans encountering the Native Americans, it was a bad outcome for the Americans.
  13. That explains it in detail, thank you!
  14. I have a correction to my post. Trump did NOT call Harris "extremely nasty" as I thought. He actually called her "extraordinarily nasty." How often does Trump use a SEVEN syllable word to modify "nasty"? This could be a first from a man with the smallest vocabulary in the history of US politics, who is reluctant to use words outside his comfort zone, with more than one syllable and sentences of more than 3 words, (which are repeated over and over), to make sure his uneducated voters can follow him. Trump said Harrris was extraordinarily "disgustingly filthy, physically repugnant; indecent, obscene..." 😲
  15. If Biden/Harris get elected, since Biden will probably not run again in 2024, Harris would have a clear path to the presidency in 2024. All Joe and Kamala need to do is play their cards right, use a poker face, and WIN.
  16. People will yell crude references to sex acts out of anger. What does sex have to do with anger? 😲
  17. When I heard that Kamala Harris was selected for VP my feeling was profound satisfaction. I think she is a good choice. I voted for her as AG for California and also for Senator. When I watched Biden and Harris last night giving their speeches I was very happy with the performance of both. Harris had a good mix of smiles (not the extreme gaping smiles of H Clinton) and also the sober, severity of a prosecutor, which is exactly what Dems need to back up Biden. Interesting Trump called Harris "nasty" 4 times yesterday, even called her "extremely nasty." According to my dictionary nasty means "unpleasant or disgusting; spiteful , violent, or bad-tempered; dangerous or serious." He also called H Clinton nasty. Did he ever call a man nasty? From Merriam-Webster NASTY: "disgustingly filthy, physically repugnant; indecent, obscene..." I don't really see ANY of that in Kamala Harris. That looks like blatant projection by Trump.
  18. What does "stitious" mean? If speciation occurred in the female parent, was the female parent not a chicken at first, but after the critical mutation occurred which resulted in a true chicken, the parent changed into a chicken?
  19. I voted for Hillary Clinton because I felt she was VERY qualified to be president. She really scraped her way up as a lawyer. She lost her election by a slim margin. I don't want Biden/Harris to lose by a slim margin. It will help them WIN if Kamala, a super-great choice to prosecute Trump every day until the election, will follow more the Margaret Thatcher or Angela Merkel school of subdued expressions, rather than the all out, cut-loose, big toothy grin and bulging eyes of Hillary Clinton.
  20. There was a mutation in the egg which was laid by a "chicken-like" creature, which was a different species. That is why the egg was the first of its' kind, it was a "chicken egg" laid by a creature that was not a chicken. Speciation occurred in the egg.
  21. My advice for Kamala Harris is to control her facial expressions. Hillary Clinton lost her election by a slim margin. Hillary had a very quick and easy BROAD smile. By "broad" smile I mean the toothy grin of a first grade teacher, the first day of class, with eyes bulging out. It does not look presidential for independent voters. If Hillary had controlled her facial expressions, like a Margaret Thatcher or Angela Merkel, she would have won her election. Kamala please do not smile too broadly.
  22. The chicken egg came before the chicken, because the egg was laid by a creature very similar to a chicken but different enough to be a different species. The mutation occurred in the egg creating the first chicken. Therefore the chicken egg came before the chicken.
  23. We are HOW we eat. HOW we eat includes all kinds of things, such as WHAT we eat, how MUCH we eat, what COMBINATIONS of foods we eat, how OFTEN we eat, how much WATER we drink, how much we EXERCISE, our HEREDITY, ETC ETC.... Gregory Isaacs passed away in 2010 at the age of 59. Sing on cool ruler! We "wanna go home."
  24. For 1/3 of Americans, entertainment is very important to come from their president. Their favorite entertainment, besides pro wrestling and Nascar, is watching Trump bashing Dems, the cruder the humor the better. I will never forget the big, long-lasting grin on Maria Bartiromo's face while Trump battered "Crooked Hillary" calling her a "nasty, nasty, woman" at the WH Correspondent's dinner. Don't forget the 1/3 have been suffering for 8 years of Obama's tyranny, which to them was a never-ending nightmare, which is not entertainment. Trump was the perfect "anti-Obama" at the perfect time. Since the 1/3 really like what Trump is doing, they are with him all the way. They also probably like his looks, WWE swagger, and incessant sarcasm. I think you are correct about "mail-in voting false flag operations" leading up to the election. There may be fraudulent ballots manufactured and ALL blamed on Dems.
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