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  • Birthday 12/27/1996

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  1. Sitting on your train at 6.50 a.m., revising your course of functional neuroanatomy of the basal ganglia, and while thinking about vagus nerve stimulation (VNS) in case of refractory epilepsy (it so happens I read an article on that), formulating a hypothesis on whether stimulation of certain nuclei of the thalamus would be a good treatment (integration of the class on basal ganglia), only to find out the very same day, during the first class of that day (a class on epilepsy), that this treat...

    1. Sato


      Your status cuts off at "treat..." but sounds like a humbling and enlightening experience.

    2. Function


      Humbling and enlightening? Let me continue the status: "treat...-ment has already been used only since January of this year."


      Then I'm yammering about how disappointed I was that I had indeed the knowledge of and insight in the CNS to think of a potential treatment of refractory epilepsy. Very disappointed that I wasn't born a few years earlier, so I might've contributed to the development of the treatment. Yet somewhat relieved, that my thoughts are about to re...

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