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Maxwell's theory of electrostatic is the basis of mathematics establishing a unified field equation


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This article is based on the Maxwell's electromagnetic theory by the introduction of virtual particle cloud , and strict mathematics and physics verification ,firstly get the conclusion of gravitation field, nuclear power field and weak field all are result of the electrostatic field’s different forms effect, and unify this four field force in an equation. This is the only unified field theory including gravitation at present.



My manuscript


Edited by xiaojun
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Nuclear power field?


Anyway, you should give a brief review of the theory here so that we can discuss it without following the link. Links like that should be used for further information and not as a starting place.

Edited by ajb
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We know that the electromagnetic force and gravitation are long-range force, They are inversely proportional to the square distance,The role of strength differ 1037 times。 Nuclear force and weak force is short-range force, Its range is in 1015 meters and 1017 meters, For the establishment of the unified theory including these four forces , physicists tried to interaction as Perturbation to study, or as the transmission of interaction through the exchange of integer spin Bose particles, but they did not receive satisfactory results. Most physicists believe that new ideas must be made to gravity included in the unified theory of nature. In this paper, by considering the source was the role of charge charge charge around the role of virtual particle clouds, derived the electrostatic field equations from Maxwell's electromagnetic theory, including not only electricity, but also to the weak force, nuclear force and gravity unified in the field equation.

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Whilst I am able to open you link and read the content, I am unable to copy and paste any text here for comment.


I am, however, concerned about your use of the term dipole moment in the opening of section 2.


Dipole moment is defined as the product of separated charge (virtual or otherwise) and the distance between the centres of charge.


The strength of any external field does not enter into this, as you seem to state.


Perhaps you could explain this part further?

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Studiot: hello! Can you give me an email, I quote to you

While private messaging is okay, it is not exactly the best way to keep a thread going. I would suggest you post the response here for us all to read.

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This is a discussion forum - we expect theories to be presented here and debated here, not via links and not via email. Can you possibly elaborate here on the forum otherwise I don't see much point in allowing this thread to continue/


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Discussion on the dipole moment in the third section, you can look at the



I see no point proceeding into the document until I have understood the statement(s) made in the opening sections.


You have access to the text, please post the first twenty lines of section 2 with explanation as to how it conforms to conventional definitions.

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In the Maxwell electromagnetic theory, the interaction theory of electrostatic field is that all the interactions among particles are relying on electric field to transfer, the electric field is the basic field, gravitational field, force field and the weak force field is different form the results of electric field. There is no charge, no electric field exists, no gravity, force and weak force exists. The former people ignore the uncertainty space vacuum exists positive, negative equivalent of charge induced polarization charge cloud in charged particle around, in the absence of external electric field, the vacuum induced polarization charge cloud had no effect on its surrounded by charged particles; but in the external electric field, will produce the contrary forces and the external force direction. Consider the source charge induced polarization charge cloud effect on vacuum is existing effect of charge around space, using electrostatic interaction theory of Maxwell electromagnetic equations are derived to include only the power, but also the weak force, force and gravitation unified in this theory. And found that the four field force are balanced range, when the effect distance is less than the distance, the force will become the opposite forces (e.g., two with the charge repulsion between the same charge to two between gravity, gravity or two heterocharge between into a two difference charge repulsion between). Especially in the distance tends to zero, the potential energy and force not tends to infinity, but tended to zero. Newton's universal gravitation, Coulomb field and Yukawa force is far more than the balance function of distance results.

Zero distance between two charged particles is singular Coulomb field force, Coulomb field force in zero distance divergence, has always been a physicist of problems to be solved. To solve this problem, can not be complete by electrostatic interaction theory, the grand unified theory could not establish four field force. From the relationship between the Poisson equation for the electric potential and electric potential and electric field strength, electric field intensity is strict and inversely as the square of the distance, this also means that in the distance is zero, the electric field strength is also tends to infinity. Which can be proved theoretically, resulting in electric field strength at the origin of the singularity is because around the charged particle has a positive, negative two vacuum induced polarization charge cloud formation of dipole layer. If we do not consider the electric dipole layer, field force are strictly and inversely proportional to the square of distance, but the electric field in the zero range force has infinite singular point in physics is not acceptable. To eliminate the singularity, the electric field force only when the vacuum induced polarization charge cloud formation of the dipole layer effect into account, can be non singular electrostatic interaction theory generally established.

According to the electric field intensity has infinite singular point in the origin, there must be a positive, negative two vacuum induced polarization charge cloud formation of the dipole layer around the charged particles, induced polarization charge cloud concentrated distribution of the origin of charged particles and vacuum charged particles with opposite charge. Vacuum and charged particle charge induced polarization charge cloud is distributed on the periphery of the charged particle origin has been extended to Compton wavelength 1/m scale. In the absence of external electric field, the induced polarization charge cloud is in static equilibrium distribution of the state, surrounded by charged particles in cooperation with zero. But in the external electric field, charged particle in the potential function is affected by the external electric field source charge excitation, but also by the induced polarization charge cloud around the interference potential role,

§ 1.4 gravity is the residual electric field force between neutral substances
Unification of gravitation and electromagnetic force, is always a difficult problem in theory, from Einstein proposed so far, no one can put the theory of gravitation and electromagnetic force are unified. Based on the Lorentz gauge transformation of the electromagnetic field and Xiao Jun transformation, first obtain two same-sex charge repulsion is slightly less than the attraction between two opposite charges according to the conclusion, this conclusion can be derived between two neutral substances with a widespread electric attraction, and strictly proved that this attraction is the gravitational field.
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(4) both sides for divergence after should get this conclusion, namely virtual electric dipole moment values should be proportional to the external electric field intensity. The virtual particle is actually the vacuum induced polarization charge, which in my latest wrote the chapter has been changed.

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Based on the Lorentz gauge transformation of the electromagnetic field and Xiao Jun transformation, first obtain two same-sex charge repulsion is slightly less than the attraction between two opposite charges according to the conclusion, this conclusion can be derived between two neutral substances with a widespread electric attraction, and strictly proved that this attraction is the gravitational field.




What you need now is a specific calculation and experimental confirmation.

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you also don't cover chromodynamics of quark interactions, nor the color rules, nor do you cover flavordynamics. You will will also need to see if you can explain the baryon octect and meson nonet rules

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this is what I'm talking about which your section 5 does not cover. baryon octect, color octect, meson octect, gluon octect. where is your lie algebra showing how the 4 forces relate to particle physics and how those particles would decay and interact, for the full standard model of particles, GUT theories include these aspects, as well as the vacuum expection value. Where does the Higg's field fit in?









http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gluon for the color octect.


the strong force is the color force.

flavordynamics covers the weak interactions


so your GUT model should explain these interactions in terms of the lie algebra SU(3)*SU(2)*O(1) is your model the MSSM symmery group? or the SO(10) symmetry group? you don't show any correlation to which form of symmetry is involved.


GUT models focus on the symmetry groups and how they ineract and combine at high enough temperatures, you don't show any of these references.


here is an SO(10) example




does your blog show anything close to this level of attention to detail? I think not. considering this article is 221 pages long


the others have also already mentioned the lack of experimental evidence support


however I will also add you must be able to compare your model with the current models and show how it works better, Can it answer all the questions that they do? does it do a better job etc. (for that you will need experimental evidence)


for example at what temperature do the 4 forces unify? in what order and temperature ?


all you've done is correlate electromagnetic charges, but this does not cover the above interactions, color charge is not the same as electromagnetic charge, it has different rules of interactions.

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Can you present a single, numerical prediction, with derivation here, without referring to your text. Of suggest picking something well known with an accepted experimental observation.

I cannot read your document. You need to present this here.

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I also can't open attached document files, but your site link I can't understand the subscript characters that are still in mandarin I assume so it makes understanding your formulas more difficult


pdf995 is a handy pdf creator for any type of file you just use the print function and say the pdf printer and it will convert a document to pdf file which more people can open up.


you can download it here



I use it all the time its incredibly flexible

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