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Pantheon Project

lightning diety

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first off i just wanted to say that i am a student, of computer sciences, not environmental or atmospheric sciences. if anything about the notes or research is off, let me know, the more problems found with it, the better in the long run. thank you for you time in reading this, and i am sorry in advance if my terrible hand drawn picture hurt you eyes, they hurt mine too but i sure cant draw a turbine system by hand, let alone the rest of the machine, and the better plans are still in progress for now.


ThePantheon Project


Inventor: Personal information removed.


summarizedsteps for the machine:


1. Create a super cell lightning storm by use of solarpanels, the sun, ocean water, contained by transparent shatter and sound proofglass, with a laser to connect a path of least resistance between the two separatepressured and heated and charged clouds to generate lightning and target thelightning at the lightning rod in the center of the well of water. All solarenergy is to be used in the machine parts like the electromagnets, cathodes andanodes, solar panel positioning in relation with the sun, filtrating andrefining fans, screens, pumps, monitoring devices, turbine (not powergeneration but to create the cold and pressure needed to turn hydrogen gas intoa liquid.


2. Channel the scaled down lightning through a seriesof electrolysis cells wrapped around the super conducting coils that spreaddownwards underground where instead of wasting the electrical energy from thelightning bolt on grounding it, it can be processed and converted into chemicalenergy by splitting elements in sea water. The split elements can be collected,filtered and refined.


3. Channel all elements through a pipe system built toincrease is momentum through an electromagnetic pump, and seeding the elementsthat can't be affected by the magnetic push, with a ferrous element that can beextracted and reused later.


4. After refining and potentially ran through a turbinesystem based off of pressure of elements that are not water or usingcombustibles, then run the elements through a recombination process ofrecombining element like hydrogen and oxygen to create electrical energy,water, and air. Before doing so some of the hydrogen can be bled off into otherprocesses like hydrogen fuels, coolant, etc.


5. Collect the end results of each element, or solutionand either sell them, reuse them for the beginning stages of the machine, orburn them as a combustible fuel for a traditional turbine system where you usethe water purified by the machine for the steam.


Optional steps for the machine


1. Waterdoes not have to be sold, same with hydrogen. If built for the purpose of globalwarming control, then built in the Antarctic the machine can desalinate seawater, pump it around the continent, and freeze it using liquid hydrogen.


2. Themachine can be made for entirely green and reusable purposes where the endresult water is recycled, no combustion turbine, and less refining of hydrogenfuels and others solutions.


3. Researchand development of meteorology, weather prediction, testing of atmosphericconditions, lightning theory, and many others are possible with this machinedepending on the monitoring software and hardware available.


Researchgoals and scope of the project


Thegoals of my project are as varied as the potential uses of the machine. Thisproject can provide the solution to the world's clean water, electricity, food,global warming, and increase the R&D of environmental sciencesexponentially. The project like all the greatest inventions, is simple yetcomplex, and can be used for a host of science fields. The goals are to createa near infinite amount of electrical energy, a perpetual machine, and theproduction of clean water, AC electrical energy, pure hydrogen, heavy water,mercury, and many other resources. To further the environmental science ispartially my goal, but to help the world in its time of need is the main plan.This machine will create and fuel an artificial super cell lightning storm,transform the DC electrical energy, and the thermal energy that comes with it,and convert it into power of electrolysis chambers to split the elements, andbe able to have the machine entirely green friendly in so far as that it can bepotentially powered from entirely renewable resources, and have no pollutioncreated by the machine.


Keysubjects and fields involved in this project:


Meteorology,climatology, fields of chemistry and physics, and all sciences related to thestudy of electricity, physics, chemistry, atmospheric sciences, and severalothers. Will also need engineers, architects, and electronics specialists,power engineers, and these are but a few of the fields this project touches on.




Thekey points of this research in its first stages would be to set up amulti-sectioned super cell storm by simulation the lower, and the higherpressure conditions, clouds, charging, seeding, and heating/cooling. This canall be done using solar panels to create the clouds, power the seedingmachines, convection would provide some of the circulation needed in the cloudsmovements, as well as providing a free source of power, heat, and taking careof the critical variables like temperature, movement of the clouds, creatingthe clouds, etc. The lightning generated by the charging of dust particlesnegatively on top in the cooled clouds, and positive charge on the bottom wouldsimulate and help create the lightning by all current theories on the subject.Setting off the lightning bolt is asimple matter of a laser, and allowing the two or more clouds to connect withartificial up drafts created by convection, as well as the two differentpressure zones suddenly being connected with one another for a split secondwhile the laser on. The lightning is caught by the lightning rod, which is halfsubmerged into the well of water to be condensed, and some heat is bled intothe water to created more clouds. But differing from a standard lightning rod,mine will make a small change in the dispersal of heat and electrical energy,by repurposing the network built underground to contain and disperse theelectrical current and heat, in a well-known and used process of electrolysis.The electrolysis will split the elements in the ocean water (if ocean water isused) and allow for the production of pure hydrogen, oxygen, and many otherchemicals, pure elements, and generally anything that can be produced from seawater. The pressure of being underground and electrostatic pumps willpressurize pipes made to capture the split elements, and pump it to spinselectrical generators (turbines) to create AC power. Some of the elements arerecombined to create pressure for another set of turbines. This set using saythe combination of hydrogen and oxygen, will create pure clean water, pureoxygen, and some of the hydrogen can be bled off into manufacturing stageslater on. The reason I called the machine a perpetual machine, is because ifthe hydrogen and oxygen can recombined and the water is sent back to the well,then it could potentially run with no waste products other than the replacingof obsolete, or damaged parts, aka the maintenance aspect. If built for a moremanufacturing set up then it would need more input of resources like the water,and would recycle less as you will be draining the resources out of the water.




Lightning protection system modified forelectrolysis, Solar panels, High power laser/s, Electromagnets for numerousneeds, Water from the ocean/lakes/underground streams, electrolysis tanks,replaceable filters, both molecular and larger, pressurization monitors andrelease valves, pipes, wire, high heatceramics, high impact/heat/sound proof glass or plastics, potentially teslacoils, recombination tanks, storage tanks, capacitors, power inverters,electrical power and heat measurement devices, radiation detectors,superconductive materials, ceramics for heat transfer, facility for themanufacturing and packaging of resources, and anything else needed depending onwhat the machines purpose is intended for, be it production of electricity,resources, or simply re-freezing and repairing the Antarctic and arctic polarice caps.




Basic summary involves:




Multilayer containment for the cloudgeneration: a well with ample water supply, lightning rod, shatter proof, soundproof, and high strength glass to contain clouds, and possible shaped like a 3dVenn diagram in so far as 2 main cloud layers, and a mixing area for thereaction between the 2 to happen. Convectionto help move the air currents in the clouds, and help move and split the elementsin the electrolysis stages, this comes from the solar panels, which arepositioned to capture as much sunlight as possible and bounce the light andheat amongst each other for more power and control over the clouds temperatureand movements, and density. Electromagnets to charge the clouds by providingcharged dust to create friction and hold a larger charge, solar power to power the electro/hydrostatic pumps for theelectrolysis collection of split elements, as well as possibly pressuring thefirst set turbines with the pressurized solutions. Followed by the pumping ofthe split elements into a recombination stage to get the finished product ofwater, oxygen, and more pressure for the turbines to use. A cleaning stagedirectly after the initial electrolysis stage to collect extra materials usingreplaceable filters, and or other techniques that I have yet to encounter.




Electrolysis: this stage is generallythe splitting of the elements due to pressure, DC electricity generated by the scaleddown lightning as well as the heat from the same source. It will be the mainstage as far as I am concerned, and will be what allows for the harnessing ofthe massive heat and electrical potential of lightning. Gravity: one of thelargest factors in this process, and yet the easiest to factor in, this forcewill provide pressure in the pipe systems, as well as for the other processes.








Turbines: will need more than one type,as there will be turbines powered by pressurized liquids, turbines powered bythe combination of hydrogen/oxygen power (as is seen in NASA space shuttles andin hydrogen fuel cells), and turbines in more of a common combustible version,as some of the waste products will be very flammable, and there is no need tokeep elements that is not needed for thecloud seeding, manufacturing, or any other needed process, unless combined withother waste elements to create more pressure for turbines, or simply to createa more useful elements, this would need a large amount of research, and wouldbe very useful towards the manipulation of matter in its most base forms, orheavy forms. The turbines will be powered by a mixture of pressure created fromgravity, heat, electrostatic pumps, and hydrostatic pressure, combination ofelements, combustion for waste materials to create steam pressure as iscommonly seen in coal power plants or gas power.


Manufacturing:(forge of Hephaestus)


Probably the easiest stage as the use ofelectrically splitting elements are well used and researched, so simply findinga balanced equilibrium between production, recycling, and profitability wouldprovide the amounts of resource production with the refinery/factory beingbased off of those figures. Essentially many elements, solutions, mixtures, andmaterials can be created here, as ocean water has many parts that make up it,as well as the air itself having many base elements as a part of its makechemical makeup. Either way most if not all of the essentials of this processare already solved, so it's just a matter of the math, and what one wants to dowith this stage, in other words what they want to produce, build, create, or justsimply test.


Containment of the whole underground ofthe device:


I have long thought that the best way tokeep everything at optimal power output, was to simply submerge all the partsinto a solution of non-ferrous, non-conductive, liquid for cooling andcontainment of all compartmentalized parts of the machine. If proven toincrease the productivity, then it could be cooled in turn by infusions ofliquid hydrogen, to provide movement of the liquid, and cool the liquid asliquid hydrogen is extremely cold and able to drastically lower the tempatureof the insulation solution. This should help the process as research statesthat superconductors work better in low temperatures.




I have been unable to fund more than oneprototype to be built, involving no more than the first couple of steps, IE thecreating of the cloud, the generation of a spark, and unfortunately thesubsequent explosion of the device, destruction of my computer, and all mynotes, and the loss of my pantheon 2.5 project. This project Pantheon 5.0 ismerely the latest attempt. And all need for equations like barometric pressure,electrolysis, and essentially all of the math is irrelevant without knowing howlarge to build the device, for what aspect it is to be built, and even the relativelybasic question of can an orbital platform in geosynchronous be found or built to provide this machine withsunlight year around. If the device is made for manufacturing then the planschange, if made for electrical energy production exclusively, then theequations would change yet again. Generally everything would change dependingon the variables inherent in just the scaling of the machine, and as theychange, so do the rest the specifications, and production values, etc.




In conclusion the machine will be ableto function as a multipurpose tool for the powering of hydroponic farms, remotelocations with little power requirements like an outpost, electrical power forcities, clean air, water, hydrogen for fuel cells, can clean rivers, lakes,oceans, provide water, and generally has the potential to fix many technicalproblems that plague the human race. I have been unable to fully prove ordisprove some of this work and so I wrote this for others much more able tojudge whether the steps provided are in fact capable of doing what I hope ispossible for this machine, and research into so many fields at once is notpossible if one wants more than just a simple big picture. Also the entirety ofthe machine is based off current technologies, research, well used andresearched processes, and just a wee bit of hope.



































Final note:


This is simply a summary of mycurrent notes, and as my main computer system, backups, notes, research, and myprototype as well as the original and incarnations of the device were lost,stolen, and destroyed, as well as my old partner a very talented engineer, Ihave been unable to get more than a basic representation of the devicesrequired and more than a basic plan to show the process required. But they arerepresented fairly well (yet horrible drawn) and since it is a basicrepresentation, it does not have to be perfect, nor even finished as it stillneeds potentially dozens if not hundreds of specialized professionals to workon it. (not to mention a lab, funding, etc.)




Basic concept design (not to be seen as the finished copy, as I amnot an artist, I am a computers specialist and don't have a modeling programlike AUTOCAD, Lightwave, LogicLab, or any others):





Edited by hypervalent_iodine
Removed duplicated post and personal info removed
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  • 4 years later...

Hello, i have asked years ago if you could please delete this post and the lightning powered electrolysis post, although they are the same posts essentially. I have started a crowd funding project and i am in the midst of patenting my completed paper on this work, but i keep running into the problem that i cant patent my own work with these notes still posted, so i ask again please delete the posts so that i can finally get my project up and running, without being screwed by my misguided attempt at asking for help from the community., i have spent most of the last 5 years working hard of the project and i finally have a chance at finishing it, but i can not patent it if the notes are online. if you cant delete at least hide or something, its not pulliing in readers, or hits to your website except from me and the patent search technicians. as proof that i am who i say i am, if you have the original copy of my notes still on the server, i can say my full name and my old email address for the project.

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the point of the project was not so much about electrical generation as it was about gaining 40+ elements for manufacture, repairing the ozone layer, and possibly refreezing and rebuilding the polar ice caps. and the small prototype i have created can already manufacture hydrogen, oxygen, ozone, dc and ac electricity, with a few others from the water im draining from a river. plus i could be wrong, but i cant actually fraud myself by patenting my own work can I? i did originally post these notes in the hopes that people would read it and maybe make suggestions that are not america uses more power then it would produce, or the power gained is negligible, Was kinda hoping something along the lines of people actually reading the notes and realizing that this is not about just power generation, this is about providing cost effective clean water, about fixing the ozone layer before we fry to death, and about trying to provide a cheap source of hydrogen for fuel cells. This is about gaining resources without the harmful emissions generally seen in today's practices, and while america wouldn't even notice the power generated, there is not a single reactor that powers america is there? more like thousands, be it fission, coal, hydro, tidal, solar, wind, geothermal, gas, or the latest attempts at fusion. one solution does not exist for all problems, but to attempt to try and address many problems with one working solution would save a lot of time.

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plus i could be wrong, but i cant actually fraud myself by patenting my own work can I?



The fraud would be pretending it hasn't been published when it has.


Even if you got away with it initially, it would only need someone here or someone using one of the Internet archives to spot it and your patent would be invalidated.

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You need to prove that you are lightening deity this can be as simple as an email from this site saying you registered the username.


Not so - in many/most jurisdictions you can no longer patent once the information is in the public domain.

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You only have at most a year to file a patent on something you make public knowledge.




Fraud aside, a patent could be successfully challenged on those grounds.

quite right of course, but i did a more then 80 percent change to the notes and operations of the machine, from the process's to the operation of it, as i figured this would get in the way, i was initially asking to get it removed as my lawyer was looking into getting around it , but its always best to double check all possible routes. and for the fiveworlds person has requested info i would require an admin to start a private thread, or to email me personally on my newer accounts email for that info as i was told i am not allowed to post personal information on this site, but i do still have the information like email addresses, name, location of the project, etc. I do thank endy for his post as i did not see that specific site before but i did have the information already.

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Aye but he holds copyright if he can prove he is lightning deity as such he should be able to patent a derivative work provided the derivative isn't publicly available.



Copyright is irrelevant. Yes, he holds the copyright to his posts here, but not to the ideas.


The derivative work (after 12 months) would have to be sufficiently new that it passes the novelty and inventive steps by itself.


And you would not need to be the original author, in that case. Anyone could patent such an idea.

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and as to the notes having been published online, i can still patent with the changes to the project. For example,if one company had the patents to a power regulator, and another company made it more efficient the second company can still patent it, if it were not so there would only be one or 2 cell phone providers in the world. the same can be said for head phones, or batteries, drugs like tylenol, or many others where there is the original and the generics. The more complex a machine the easier it is to do multiple patents on it. When the potential pay off of selling research or patents is at 2-5% royalties on a possible multibillion dollar industry over the course of a couple decades. I did look into patent infringment, and this link is decently helpful for covering the basis behind it. plus if anyone wishes to contest me in the patent office, well enjoy the next few years of study on all possible chemicals or pure elements that can be derived from seawater, the steps required to gain them all is quite complex, and then there is the actuall building of the prototype, and covering the glaring holes in the posted notes, which i didnt relize years ago were going to be such massive issues. Granted many of you are probably better funded in your labs, but this is not a small project, ive had to learn power and civil engineering, some electro-chemisty, atmospheric physics, and a few other fields.


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although if i could bring up one point, does anyone at all see any possible reasons of why any of the steps are unfeasible, im on my 11th incarnation of the project, and i believe i solved almost all of the problems with it, but every little bit helps. and i do thank all of you for your time in this matter.

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Yes - if you take a steady state environment then you will need to provide an input of energy to get the air currents and movement of water which are necessary to the formation; I cannot see how you could possibly collect more energy than you put in. Lots of the energy put in will be lost to you through moving air and water to a state that is at a higher potential.


If you are getting less out that you get in ... what is the point?

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So just use the solar energy to split the water - why get involved in all the loses inherent in such a set up? You will not get out more energy than is put in, by you and by nature, but you can ensure you use the energy nature provides as efficiently as possible. Every machine you put in the loop will lower efficiency

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So just use the solar energy to split the water - why get involved in all the loses inherent in such a set up? You will not get out more energy than is put in, by you and by nature, but you can ensure you use the energy nature provides as efficiently as possible. Every machine you put in the loop will lower efficiencybut

but the additional processes allow for the creation of ozone, the dc electricity is used for electrolysis not the ac electricity derived from photo-voltaic solar cells, and again this is about doing multiple functions at once, for example, the main stage can purify water before it even gets to the electrolysis cells simply by the heat condensing the water into clouds, the dc electricity is required to for electrolysis for more then a dozen elements that can not be derived from any other way then electrolysis, Many of the elements can be put back together depending on what end results you want, say hydrogen and oxygen which provides a large amount of force when mixed together, ran through a turbine, is capable of providing more electricity through the use of a turbine, which will in turn add more power to the other stages. Many elements can only be derived from solutions through the use of electrolysis, and some of these steps are already in place through out the world as it stands. http://www.intpowertechcorp.com/H2_Seawater_1TOFCJ.pdf , https://cleantechnica.com/2015/01/02/new-machine-makes-sustainable-hydrogen-from-seawater/ , and many other projects like this exist, but mine is the only one that can fix the ozone layer and the produce 40+ other elements.

Faraday's law of electrolysis states that: ▪ The mass of a substance produced at an electrode during electrolysis is proportional to the number of moles of electrons (the quantity of electricity) transferred at that electrode ▪ The number of Faradays of electric charge required to discharge one mole of substance at an electrode is equal to the number of "excess" elementary charges on that ion These two statements are often considered as separate laws: Faraday's 1st and 2nd laws of electrolysis. so other then the power lost from heat and from power transfer along the wires, there will be little power wasted, and again this is still less about power and more about element generation and manufacture.

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you won't get more out than you/nature put in unless you are burning up some other finite resource. If it is not about power (and it shouldn't be) then just use a standard photovoltaic which you can play around with output to get what you need for your electrolysis - no mucking around with the weather and you still get your stuff

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you won't get more out than you/nature put in unless you are burning up some other finite resource. If it is not about power (and it shouldn't be) then just use a standard photovoltaic which you can play around with output to get what you need for your electrolysis - no mucking around with the weather and you still get your stuff

but no ozone without the lightning producing naturally, and you lose energy converting ac to dc

plus it would hardly be a new concept or idea if i didnt use the main stage seeing as how much of the process is already in use the the world,

i didnt invent electrolysis, or hydrogen production of it, can hardly patent that can i?

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