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it is ok for anyone here to steal my ideas


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the reason why is because if this happens science will advance faster so im giving them away like candy go ahead and say you came up with them if u want. hurry science must advance NOW. i have to remain anonymous anyway

Edited by anonymousone
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If you share your ideas on this forum, they become public and other people can use it (and that would not be considered stealing).

If you want to become rich with your ideas, you should keep them secret from everyone. Patent offices are really strict: if they can see any public mention of the idea, on internet or printed media, they can cancel the patent. However, be sure to actually develop the idea! The worst thing that can happen is that your brilliant idea never gets used because you don't take action, and nobody else knows about it.

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As a legal technicality, you can get prosecuted for stealing rubbish (at least in the UK).

On the other hand, the OP has said he's offering the stuff for nothing.

There is no question of anyone stealing anything.


The question is not "Can people take stuff offered here for free?"- they clearly can.

The question is "Do people wish to take the stuff that's on offer here".

But since the OP loses roughly 1 rep point for every 3 posts he makes and those posts include stuff like

"i dont follow i only lead period. so no teachers will teach me anything useful anyway

so does anybody know how many megatons the bigbang was"

I can see why people might not bother to collect.

Edited by John Cuthber
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