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i have disproved EVOLUTION!!!!!!!!!!! darwin was wrong!


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Let me dish out, like a master about to bang his opponent at blackjack, and then, his wife, the three cards that darwin lay bare on the furls o' the earth so long before me.


1. we came from monkeys



2. the monkeys came from flora and fauna

3. god doesnt exist.


*throws lightning bolts in the air and in a pretty fireworks display of sparks, those three IGNORANCIATUSES above me rearrange themselves to form ORDER.


im on the verge of muttering 'and there was light' to myself, all pompous like.


HERES THE PROOF that THROWS darwins theory into jail, for life!


1. we came from monkeys? no we didnt. to endorse such a scandalous idea would be to assert that FUR can fall off and turn into HAIR OUTSIDE the external causative factor of radioactive decay.


ONLY radioactive decay could cause so mega a change in the atoms and molecules that make up a monkey, to turn that monkey into leonardo dicaprio.




now radioactive decay ever befell the earth since denver the last dino, so blow that. we didnt come form monkeys. is that clear?


2.the monkeys came from flora and fiona. WHAT? two PLANTS had sex and lo, there appeared a MONKEY? give me a break, darwin you poor sod.



3.God doesnt exist. Yes he does. PROOF: the american constituition which is FOUNDED on the bible=founded on GOD. now if the FOUNDEDNESS material is NONEXISTENT then the building ONTOPOF the foundation, i.e america, is also non existent. so if america is EXISTENT which it is< then it follows that its foundation also exist< and since the foundation is god< god exists>

now be off with you im off for a beer

Edited by Kiss_My_Hand
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Evolution doesn't mean a monkey turned into Leonardo De Caprio!


Also using fancy fonts and silly pictures lends no weight to your point. If you have a sensible point to make please make it using sensible words instead of prettily coloured soundbites.

Edited by pears
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Also using fancy fonts and silly pictures lends no weight to your point. If you have a sensible point to make please make it using sensible words instead of prettily coloured soundbites.

Ahhh, I see this one needs a brush up on the rules.


1.If you want to talk to me, you will do so politely, and leave the attitude at the door.

2.How I colour my font is none of your business. You will not go there. If you comment at all, you will only talk about the topic in question.

3.Violate any of the above again and you will never comment on my threads again.

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If you don't want your ideas taken seriously you of course may express yourself however you wish.

Are you trying to assert that because Ive injected some creativity into my posts, the validity of what i say diminishes? Ridiculous!

Edited by Kiss_My_Hand
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Moderator Note



Ahhh, I see this one needs a brush up on the rules.


1.If you want to talk to me, you will do so politely, and leave the attitude at the door.

2.How I colour my font is none of your business. You will not go there. If you comment at all, you will only talk about the topic in question.

3.Violate any of the above again and you will never comment on my threads again.



1. If you could also comply with this point.


2. Please check out the rules and CapnR's SF.net etiquette. It would be nice if you kept the outrageous colours and fonts to a bare minimum and used them to emphasize important points sparingly.


3. You do not get to dictate who responds to the thread you started. As long as a member's response is within the rules then it is valid and acceptable.


Do not respond to this moderation (or any other) within the thread. Report this post if you feel it is unfair.



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[cut crap]


now be off with you im off for a beer


I think you have drunk too much already.. wink.png


Radioactive decay, ionization of molecules, causing inpredicatable chemical reactions are indeed one way to speed up evolution. Especially for bacteries and viruses. But for multi-cells organisms, in the most of times it ends up in creating dead cells and cancers. That's why it takes so long time to evolve one species to another.

If random change in genes allow better surviving, gene is spreaded to the next generation. If change in genes disallow hiding (f.e. color change of skin which make easier to be seen by predators), or disallow normal living (additional unwanted leg etc.), living organism is consumed or dies other way, without spreading its useless change in genes for future generation.


f.e. if you would release 100 hundreds white mouses/pigeons in the forest, they wont last long. The only survivers will be their childs that changed color to gray or other hard to be seen by predators. White branch of evolution will disappear.

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