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Just sharing an honest opinion

Just the Facts

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Good Day to all.




I don’t know anyone here at this site. Nothing personal is meant by these remarks.

I try to remain friendly and respectful to all.

I have been at too many various forums to be too concerned about what happens at anyone of them.

I do like this site…. so far.


I find it quite unfortunate that in some cases the Moderators at forums like this too often think of themselves as the Great Gate Keepers of science. They attempt to keep out any ideas that aren’t in Lock Step with their own beliefs, or of the so called majority. Instead of being “FREE THINKERS” they become more like Nazis trying to maintain the accepted status quo. They try to stomp all objective thoughts into the ground. It amounts to Censorship they way they conduct themselves.


NO self respecting scientist would act that way. ALL ideas should be put open on the table for consideration, examination and debate. Some say that opinions are like assholes, everyone’s got one. Some opinions are like diamonds in the ruff., and they can change everything we think we know.


I know how me making this comment will be taken personally by some moderator and I’ll be reprimanded or even BANNED soon.

Just for expressing an honest opinion or a different view.


They too often have a hair trigger finger on the ban button. Thin skinned.

If you can’t tolerate an opposing opinion, you shouldn’t be a moderator at all.

It is a very SAD state of affairs we are left with.


I personally would NEVER ban anyone unless they persist on using profanity or personal attacks. (left to personal perspective to determine) I would promote all ideas as valid for debate.

The civilized exchange of ideas should never be held back by personal bias.


This site, and most all other web forum sites make money off of ad sales, based on hits or total comments left at the site.

I offer plenty of hits and stir up plenty of debate.


I really don’t expect to remain here very long. We shall see.


Have a Very Nice Day



Just The Facts



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Good Day to all.




I don’t know anyone here at this site. Nothing personal is meant by these remarks.

I try to remain friendly and respectful to all.

I have been at too many various forums to be too concerned about what happens at anyone of them.

I do like this site…. so far.


I find it quite unfortunate that in some cases the Moderators at forums like this too often think of themselves as the Great Gate Keepers of science. They attempt to keep out any ideas that aren’t in Lock Step with their own beliefs, or of the so called majority. Instead of being “FREE THINKERS” they become more like Nazis trying to maintain the accepted status quo. They try to stomp all objective thoughts into the ground. It amounts to Censorship they way they conduct themselves.


NO self respecting scientist would act that way. ALL ideas should be put open on the table for consideration, examination and debate. Some say that opinions are like assholes, everyone’s got one. Some opinions are like diamonds in the ruff., and they can change everything we think we know.


I know how me making this comment will be taken personally by some moderator and I’ll be reprimanded or even BANNED soon.

Just for expressing an honest opinion or a different view.


They too often have a hair trigger finger on the ban button. Thin skinned.

If you can’t tolerate an opposing opinion, you shouldn’t be a moderator at all.

It is a very SAD state of affairs we are left with.


I personally would NEVER ban anyone unless they persist on using profanity or personal attacks. (left to personal perspective to determine) I would promote all ideas as valid for debate.

The civilized exchange of ideas should never be held back by personal bias.


This site, and most all other web forum sites make money off of ad sales, based on hits or total comments left at the site.

I offer plenty of hits and stir up plenty of debate.


I really don’t expect to remain here very long. We shall see.


Have a Very Nice Day



Just The Facts




As a matter of fact, the mods on this site show admirable lattitude for ideas that fall outside the realms of hard science...they are far removed from being forum nazis...join up to Physics Forums and see how long you last.


This is by and large an amateurs forum where people come to learn things of a scientific nature. Amongst the pros on this site it is their duty to disseminate the conventional scientific knowledge or else they would be doing the amateurs amongst us a disservice.


The fact is, if an idea is not supported by data and evidence it's not science and it has no real place here. There are plenty of other sites that will accommodate your personal ideas if you wish to air them.


When in Rome, do as the Romans do....and you'll be ok. ;)

Edited by StringJunky
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It's quite simple to prosper here. Follow the rules. If you don't like the rules here, find a place that has rules you do like.


And you are sending mixed messges when you say 'Nothing personal is meant by these remarks', followed by:


I find it quite unfortunate that in some cases the Moderators at forums like this too often think of themselves as the Great Gate Keepers of science. They attempt to keep out any ideas that aren’t in Lock Step with their own beliefs, or of the so called majority. Instead of being “FREE THINKERS” they become more like Nazis trying to maintain the accepted status quo. They try to stomp all objective thoughts into the ground. It amounts to Censorship they way they conduct themselves.


NO self respecting scientist would act that way.


I know how me making this comment will be taken personally by some moderator and I’ll be reprimanded or even BANNED soon.

Just for expressing an honest opinion or a different view.


They too often have a hair trigger finger on the ban button. Thin skinned.

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Science is all about making accurate predictions and models of reality and testing these models against reality. If what is suggested does not match what is experimentally observed then it is wrong and can be safely disguarded. I've suggested to you before that you do some reading about how modern science works, I again suggest this. It's not just thinking up random ideas and going with it, there is a lot more to it.


We are happy for people to suggest new ideas, this is why we have a speculations section.


Read the speculations rules.


Science is by fire, if your idea doesn't match up to reality we'll explain to you why, if you then just repeat yourself without listening the thread will end up closed.


I always hope that people learn from the criticism their idea gets and the new knowledge they may gain from reading about what is wrong with their ideas.



Moderator Note

What we won't allow is for non-mainstream ideas posted as fact on the science boards, they are there for people to ask questions and learn, not for promoting personal ideas.

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It's quite simple to prosper here. Follow the rules. If you don't like the rules here, find a place that has rules you do like.


And you are sending mixed messges when you say 'Nothing personal is meant by these remarks', followed by:





As you can clearly see, I haven’t pointed the finger at anyone at this site. I hope that won't ever be the case.

The mods have their job to do. I understand that.

I have been given a few warnings and my thread dumped in the trash for what I consider pettiness and over management.


I haven’t deliberately offended anyone here, or used bad language. Yet my simple debate isn’t tolerated.


We all have a conscious. I don’t clutter mine with a feeling of power over any others regardless of their opinions.

This is America. Free Speech is how we got to be America.



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As you can clearly see, I haven’t pointed the finger at anyone at this site. I hope that won't ever be the case.

The mods have their job to do. I understand that.

I have been given a few warnings and my thread dumped in the trash for what I consider pettiness and over management.


I haven’t deliberately offended anyone here, or used bad language. Yet my simple debate isn’t tolerated.


We all have a conscious. I don’t clutter mine with a feeling of power over any others regardless of their opinions.

This is America. Free Speech is how we got to be America.


Free speech in a science forum does not mean the right to air random thoughts in the science sections.

Edited by StringJunky
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As you can clearly see, I haven’t pointed the finger at anyone at this site. I hope that won't ever be the case.

The mods have their job to do. I understand that.

I have been given a few warnings and my thread dumped in the trash for what I consider pettiness and over management.


I haven’t deliberately offended anyone here, or used bad language. Yet my simple debate isn’t tolerated.


We all have a conscious. I don’t clutter mine with a feeling of power over any others regardless of their opinions.

This is America. Free Speech is how we got to be America.

Of course you have. You've pointed the finger at the mods. Just because you do it collectively instead of individually doesn't mean you didn't do it. And you do it again in this post by saying they are petty, they over manage, and get a feeling of power over others regardless of their opinions.


At least be honest about what you are doing.

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Science is all about making accurate predictions and models of reality and testing these models against reality. If what is suggested does not match what is experimentally observed then it is wrong and can be safely disguarded. I've suggested to you before that you do some reading about how modern science works, I again suggest this. It's not just thinking up random ideas and going with it, there is a lot more to it.


We are happy for people to suggest new ideas, this is why we have a speculations section.


Read the speculations rules.


Science is by fire, if your idea doesn't match up to reality we'll explain to you why, if you then just repeat yourself without listening the thread will end up closed.


I always hope that people learn from the criticism their idea gets and the new knowledge they may gain from reading about what is wrong with their ideas.



Moderator Note

What we won't allow is for non-mainstream ideas posted as fact on the science boards, they are there for people to ask questions and learn, not for promoting personal ideas.


What you have stated here is precisely my point.


There are thousands of very credible researchers that are certain the theories on gravity are complete nonsense. Yet you refuse to consider these people as valid scientist/researchers.


You seem to think I know nothing about the science process. Like I’m some kind of new kid with a new toy. That’s simply not the case. I have been studying this subject for over twenty years. That’s why I know the gravity theories are dying. They can’t come close to being proved. At one time I believed all of the same junk science you still do. Fortunately for me, I discovered a much better model that makes much more sense. I am not alone by any means. My ideas don’t match your ideas.. So I MUST be wrong. I say you MUST be wrong.


The best point you made is….


“I always hope that people learn from the criticism their idea gets and the new knowledge they may gain from reading about what is wrong with their ideas‘.


I completely agree.

I also completely agree with this...


“Today, nothing is more important to the future and credibility of science than liberation from the gravity-driven universe of prior theory. A mistaken supposition has not only prevented intelligent and sincere investigators from seeing what would otherwise be obvious, it has bred indifference to possibilities that could have inspired the sciences for decades."


David Talbott and Wallace Thornhill



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We have no problems with alternative theories, so long as you make an effort to back them up with evidence.


(Also, who are these thousands of credible researchers you speak of?)



Hi Cap’n, Good Day to you. I assume you’re a Mod.

So far you seem to be a nice fellow, reasonable.


I have posted links to sites that do a fine job of explaining the new conclusions I speak of.

It is much more efficient for anyone interested to go get the facts right from the main promoters of these ideas. I took the time necessary to learn this info. That is why I am certain they are correct. Nothing is concrete in the science world., except the Earth is round. Most everything else is still on the table for analysis and debate.


Here are three of the best sites. There are several on the web. I didn't make these sites myself, they have plenty of others behind them. I get the weekly e-mails and forum comments from The Thunderbolts Team. There are a ton of people on the Team.










One should never fear being wrong. Only being wrong and not realizing it.

I used to be wrong.

Now... I am fearless on this issue.


Have an Open Mind. A closed mind lets in no light. See the light.



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Moderator Note

I want be very clear: I locked the thread because of this last post, which re-opens the "electric universe" discussion with the links, not because of any opinion posted elsewhere.

You have a very skewed idea of scientists and what you think science should be, and what moderator action has been taken. When you say "If you can’t tolerate an opposing opinion, you shouldn’t be a moderator at all." Moderators enforce the rules, and science isn't about opinion. Your thread wasn't closed because of the merit (or lack thereof) of your idea, it was because this is a science site and we demand you back up your claims with evidence. Failing to do so is against the rules.

Don't think that your questionable actions have gone unnoticed, either, lest you try and play the persecution card. It's good politics to say "no offense meant," but following that up with the items zapatos has already pointed out, is, in fact, insulting.
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