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My BS detector just went off the scale


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In order to be completely effective, all health balancing must be addressed at several levels: organ, tissue, molecular, atomic, quantum, mental, and spiritual.


If you break a leg or have a damaged kidney, an M.D. will work on that physical problem quickly. He'll set and mobilize the leg or remove the kidney. However the roots of health problems are subtler. Some issues can be resolved through better nutrition, which alters all the tissue in the body (perhaps changing it from being too acidic to alkaline, etc.). Sometimes the problem is deeper and molecular intervention needs to be involved. Sometimes even deeper imbalances require atomic alterations. The SEAD is designed to work on this level.


Wow, maybe my atoms are sick. :eek:


I'm not even sure how you'd go about addressing health balancing at the quantum level - as soon as you measured just how bad your quantum health really was, you'd no longer know if it was getting worse or getting better!


The babblespeak is truly epic in this one - quite the find, although now I need to find some miracle cure that can function as a truly industrial grade mind-bleach to undo the experience of reading all that.

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I'v found a picture of it.




I must say Bascule, you've posted a truly magnificent piece of mind-wretching literaure...I can't handle a full reading.....pass the the mind-bleach Padren!


I was going to post the " Forty Laws of Vibratory Physics" which underpins the principle behind this machine's action..............but I am merciful :D

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It produces this information through the vehicle of "noble gas ionization”


-facepalm- I think it means to talk about the noble gas emission spectra, because noble gases are pretty nearly the last the thing anyone's looking to ionize...

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john, you have it backwards. we use the microwave emissions to make the popcorn and we use the hot air for the balloon that holds up our sky fort and then drop rotten tomatoes on the creationist 'research' place.


Turst me; there will be no shortage of hot air.

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