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Possible Explanation for Haunted Houses


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same can be done with EM pulses or lighting, create that feeling of unease.

there are such things as "Sick Buildings" even in modern days. one Office block had so many folk off work due to unexplained illness that they called in investigators, they found nothing at 1`st, eventualy it was all tracked down to a Air Conditioning fan that was oscillating at a certain frequency because it wasn`t fitted correctly, this caused subsonic pressure waves at an inaudible frequency that only internal organs responded to.

it IS fact :)

what you can`t see/hear CAN hurt you!

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It's just a big advert for Dr Richard Lord's music thingy. He's actually attempting to fuse ultrasonics in music to produce physical responses in the people who listen.




I doubt the link to University of Hertfordshire is anything but implied. The 'National Physical Laboratory' is a offshoot of Dr Richard Lord's infrasonic music idea.


He's not affiliated with any university, but it's an interesting idea. I might be tempted to go to a concet if they hold one near me :D

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7Hz can be quite nasty and even fatal at the correct power, you can`t hear it either.

I have a book called "The Cycles of Heaven" and it`s all to do with stuff like this, and all based on Scientific fact, even down to cycles of the moon and womens periods coinciding through natural eveolution, and the 11 year cycle of solar activity.

gimme a bit of time, I`ll dig it out for you all, It`s a good read :)

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So i already mentioned this in another post--- a machine that oscilates a sheet of alluminum(and sand poured on it) to demonstrate standing waves. I swore i felt it in my gut and was afraid my inards would explode or something. It was really weird. Anyone know what that machine was called? So why do these frequency sounds occur at certain places such as a haunted house? Speaking of lightening we had a really cool thunder storm last saturday night (sunday morning actually, but pitch black), there was an almost constant flicker of lightnening and a sound of thunder. A few times it came in such rapid processions that it nearly looked like daylight. My house is on the edge of a forrest hollow (with a deep resevior on one side of it) so it looked really awesome. How close do you have to be to the lightening for the frequency to effect you?

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Lightening? Not that far really, remember how far the thunder travels.


Plus the atmosphere in which lighting storms are created often throws the pressures around, which affect balance in the inner ear. It's why cat's and dogs go mental if they are outside in a thunderstorm.

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what i mean about what can naturally cause it (since this was already explained) is why it would occur at such a specific place as any haunted house. What connection does a house have to that phenomoenon, or else wouldn't it be very unlikely to have it occur where a house happens to be built? And there are haunted houses just about everywhere you go where there are houses. Of coarse then again not all abandoned houses are haunted (though there is one on the mountain near me) theres also a thrice condemned house (stuctural problems) in my neighborhood, and far as i know there are no supernatural experiences related to it. Maybe i should make up some stories and spread them around. Anyway the occurance of 'haunted houses' is still to high to be said that a natural phenomenon coincindentally is placed in the location. Which is why i wonder if what factor would specifically link something to do with a house to production of things such as super low sound.

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That's about the crux of it. What would produce those vibrations? Sod all, so far as I can fathom. Not that I'm disputing the effect, I'm just at a loss as to the supposed cause. I understand that ultrasound could cause unease etc, but it's a fair old jump to ghosts and goblins.

Isn't still just feasable to say big old houses make people uneasy? What's wrong with that theory?

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ooh, I was wrong. The National Physical Laboratory is a genuine institution. Quite establised in fact. However Dr Richard Lord buddy from the university (Richard Wiseman, mentioned in the news story) is the guy who recently conducted research on 'the world's funniest joke', which is serious study indeed.

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sorry if my last reply before this appeared to be in reply to the reply you posted after my first on this thread----- i meant to put the two posts next to each other, but evidently you sent one in inbetween the time i was writing my second. Doesn't appear it confused you or anyone, anyway thats what happened

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It`s alot to do with freak and coincidentaly resonances, hetrodyne effects and beat frequencies also, it doesn`t just apply to Radio, but to ANY frequency, you`ll get multiples and divisions (beats), especialy where it encounters other objects.

even a truck/lorry passing by that you can`t hear may make a picture frame rattle or a wine glass "sing".

It`s neat stuff :) and you don`t need much power to create very dramatic effects that can often defy explaination.

and no... I`ve not been home all day and so haven`t dug that book out yet, I shall though, be sure :)

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There are actually non-lethal weapons in existence that use low frequency sound. They disrupt a person, renduring them, in some instances, unconscious, due to extreme pain and nauseau, yet it causes no real damage.

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  • 5 years later...

I am after resonably priced stuff such as ground meeters that convert EM waves directly into Sound waves or devices that shift the frequeny of all sound going in up several octives so you can hear whats going on.


Can you imagine trying to dermine the emotional effect of music on people by only studdying the waveform and analysing it mathmatically without being able to hear it yourself and knowing nobody else who has heard it. To add to the complication only 1 in a 1000 people have ever experanced music and even they were not shure. Additionally 1% of people are deudued and think they have heard music even though they hadn't.

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Classical music is illegal?


Classical music is what they use at our downtown library.


I think they are referring to this:




I haven't actually heard it, but I played the frequency at home once, and it was pretty damn annoying. My brother came down from upstairs and complained about it. My parents in the same room didn't hear a thing. That last bit was pretty cool, IMO, but the sound itself sucks.


Granted, I think I played it rather loudly compared to the levels it is usually played at.

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Sweet! I have a couple of 120db Piezo sounders and the amp driver for them. an MP3 sample of this onto EPROM looped should work nicely >:D


It's still a win in my book if I can hear up that high and you can't :P


I had to google "EPROM" as I had never heard of it before. Nifty stuff.

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