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May someone please find the golden ratio of IQ?

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You take a line and divide it into two parts – a long part (a) and a short part (b). The entire length (a + b) divided by (a) is equal to (a) divided by (b). And both of those numbers equal 1.618. So, (a + b) divided by (a) equals 1.618, and (a) divided by (b) also equals 1.618.




Edited by HawkII
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  • HawkII changed the title to May someone please find the golden ratio of IQ?

what you ask is not understandable in the thread text. But to reply just to the title, that is not the doable thing in my prediction or seems like an invalid /unapplicable question. Because the golde ratio is a number. 

and the curve you shown is a type of gaussian distribution function. (I presume it is NORMAL distribution function graph)

Edited by ahmet
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1 minute ago, ahmet said:

what you ask is not understandable in the thread text. But to reply just to the title, that is not the doable thing in my prediction or seems like an invalid /unapplicable question. Because the golde ratio is a number. 

I want to see where the verticle line of the golden ratio divides the IQ graph.

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16 hours ago, HawkII said:

I want to see where the verticle line of the golden ratio divides the IQ graph.

You’ve not identified a ratio in the IQ graph, or a number on which to form one.

If your reference is 100, the golden ratio would put a line at 161.8

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