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Posts posted by nec209

  1. I was diging around the net and found this on tinnitus and Hearing loss











    I noticed my tinnitus getting worse and was concerned.


    My tinnitus, or commonly referred to as a ringing or buzzing sound in the ear, I found was a symptom that could be related to almost every known hearing problem.


    Tinnitus is a condition and not a disease, and is a result of exposure to loud sounds, middle or ear infections, tumors on the hearing nerve, and even wax on the eardrum.


    Getting rid of tinnitus can be difficult if you don't identify the root cause.



    Read more http://www.squidoo.com/Tinnitus-Getting-Worse




    Hearing loss is not normal or common.

    According to US government statistics from the 60's (National Center for Health Statistics), only 8% of the entire US population has any difficulty with hearing at all. Furthermore, only 3% of the population had difficulty hearing anything other than faint speech. Thus, having problems hearing is not something that "everyone has". Rather, it is a significant sensory loss.


    Severe hearing loss is not nearly as common in young people. Unilateral hearing loss is estimated to have a prevalence ranging between 0.1 and 5% in school aged children (Barsky-Firsker and Sun, 1997; Niskar et al, 1998). In US data between 1988 and 2006, mild or worse unilateral hearing loss (25 db or worse), is reported in 1.8% of adolescents. Mild or worse bilateral loss, in 0.8%. (Shargorodsky et al, 2010).


    On the other hand, there is an epidemic of hearing loss in older people. Between 25 and 40% of the population aged 60 and older is hearing impaired. Not only is hearing loss more common in older persons, hearing loss is also increasing with time (Yueh et al, 2003). As the population ages, the population's hearing is certain to worsen.


    Read more http://www.dizziness-and-balance.com/disorders/hearing/hearing.html




    The majority of doctors are competent and well-meaning. Of course, you never hear stories about the doctor who said "oh, it must be an ear infection, so here's some pills" and got it right -- you only hear the small portion of cases, when a doctor got something wrong, or a patient was stuck with a rare doctor who truly doesn't care or is incompetent.



    When are we going have that pill that will make us younger with out out of control medcal costs of seeing doctor and treatment.The way of healthcare has to change.

  2. However, there is a cure that is "one size fits all" that isn't drugs, it's cooking the cancer using high intense focused ultrasound.


    It was invented in 1941 in the USA, but when the doctor died so did his idea. The Chinese found it and have been treating people for 30+ years having great success (30,000 breast cancer). Then the French picked up the idea and started some 20 years ago. Two years ago my husband was treated with it for prostate cancer, it's non-invasive, no pain and is a two hour treatment. The Swiss used it to treat 10 people with brain leisons and later that night the doctors and patients went out to dinner. It was in clinical trials in the USA, the trials are finished, but no word from the FDA, doctors are saying it's fantastic, they leave the country to treat men for prostate cancer....but it can treat all cancers except lung and small intestine, as soundwaves get lost in air. Europeans are using it for breast, liver, kidney, pancreatic, cancers.


    What ? ultrasound to cure cancer .


    They use ,radiation therapy ,chemotherapy ,targeted therapies ,immunotherapy .hormonal therapy ,angiogenesis inhibitors and the experimental cancer treatment using radio waves to heat up tiny metals which are implanted in cancerous tissue also have heating, induction heating, magnetic hyperthermia or direct application of heat


    Check this http://www.scienceforums.net/topic/50974-no-one-knows-hows-how-to-fight-cancer-or-why-people-get-cancer/page__p__556962__fromsearch__1#entry556962


    Why it is hard to cure cancer.

  3. Is the left claiming that the religious right has attacked the country, and is planning to do so again? If an attempt at passing something contained in Sharia law which had no secular purpose actually happened, the left would fight it as a first amendment issue.



    My understanding the left will attack religious right has they are anti-religious and fear the growth of it.So will fight Sharia law if it going to teach god in school and have church and state all one.




    As for Western Islam struggling in the West, I haven't seen any evidence of that aside from the reactionaries loosing their heads over the odd community center


    Not sure , I thought it was Islam saying the west is evile and having hard time to live in state that is secular.



    but that isn't an issue with Islamic integration, it's "Real America™" that is having trouble adopting a moderate Western way of life.


    Not sure what you mean but not all think the US is evile and secular law has to go.It sort of Islamophobia to say all think the US is evile and secular law has to go.


    As for the OP, there is no difference between these Muslims setting up a gated community in which there are rules more strict than the local, state, and federal laws and the Amish or the Mennonites doing the same thing. They still wouldn't be able to violate the local, state, and federal laws; they would just hold themselves to what they feel is a higher standard.


    My view is the problem is some Muslims view secular has evile and thus want a community or court that is not secular but church and state all one.Well such laws women will not be allowed to work and have to be covered from head to toe among no drinking and porn illegal..


    there are those who want to push a secular-progressive agenda onto school children so they can win their little hearts and minds and make an end run around their knuckleheaded parents.



    It is the left who are trying to do that.




    What I don't understand is why, in order to deal with the Christian right, we have to embrace the secular-progressive left. We're constantly fed an ideological merry-go-'round, a choice between one extreme and another. As opposed to a solution involving what used to be normal people and normal behavior.


    It is the left who want a secular-progressive very ver very bad has they are anti-religious and will attack religious right .

  4. lemur It has been said over and over multicultural has been making segregation areas look at any cities in Canada or the US white area, black area ,Cuban area , Italian area ,Mexican area ,Chinese area ,philapinenos area ,Russan area so on.


    My take on it is simple we Americans move to Mexico we cannot read,write ,speak or understand language at all and very hard to get a job and get education not say very much so a culture shock so whe feel more at home if we find a community in Mexico with Americans and even find Americans who better at the language and more established to help us. If we are in 20's or 30's when we get in are 50's or 60's we are more likely to learn the language by that time.The kids we have are more Mexican and better at than us.



    Not only has multicultural made segregation areas but breaks down by the second or third generation of kids.Back in time alot of Europeans came to the US and Canada but English and western culture taken over by the second or third generation of kids.



    Well Spanish is growing has language because it is third or so most spoken language in the world.It is very hard to get any where in life with out English in Canada and US and Spanish will be next with NAFTA ,big businesses in Central or South America and Spanish people moving to the US.



    What is happing is government is bringing people into the country and allowing them to fight for them self than the government helping them get a job ,free education and free ESL and this making problems.And English is hard to learn than like other language in the world.The fact people can read and write amazes me that people can do that.

  5. This really isn't a new issue, David Koresh tried to create an isolated community with their own religious laws that bypassed US law (stockpiling arms that are illegal under US law) and regardless of what a sect may want, they will always be held accountable to breaking US law. It doesn't matter if the practitioners are of a Christian sect or an Islamic one - there is more than enough case precedent that demonstrates that religious views do not trump the laws of the state or nation.


    It's really just a matter of what words are used: You can say "Biblical Values" but those sects treat it as "Biblical Law" just as Islamic fundamentalists refer to "Sharai Law" - the only reason it's more touchy on the Islamic side is that the word "law" implies direct conflict with the legal system, where was "Sharai Values" would sound far less threatening.



    Is that what they want a isolated community or Islamic court? Why is Sharai Law less in direct conflict ?


    What is causing this movement ? Are Western Islamic struggling with a moderate Western way of life .

    The fact is both are the same issue - groups wanting to live by a code of values based on their religion, which they are allowed to do up to the point that it conflicts with state or federal law. What we have not seen (and is implied by the concerns Pangloss raised) is any legal challenges to establishing that religious practices should be allowed to be practiced with legal immunity from state and federal laws. The "wife beater judge" made a ruling that supported that idea, but he was overturned and aside from the standard "white noise" of random poor rulings case precedent is pretty well established for all religions.



    What groups of same issue? The religious nature in the US and Canada is very complex has it is saying you can believe in any religione.So religious law would conflit if you have other belief system.That say you 14 or 22 years old in religious community and your parents and family are very religious you not or believe in other religione would the Amendment of the constitution be in conflit .


    Even the first Amendment of the constitution would be in conflit ?




    The First Amendment (Amendment I) to the United States Constitution is part of the Bill of Rights. The amendment prohibits the making of any law "respecting an establishment of religion", impeding the free exercise of religion, infringing on the freedom of speech, infringing on the freedom of the press, interfering with the right to peaceably assemble or prohibiting the petitioning for a governmental redress of grievances. The Establishment Clause of the First Amendment has been interpreted by the Supreme Court as erecting a separation of church and state.[1]


    Originally, the First Amendment only applied to laws enacted by the Congress. However, starting with Gitlow v. New York, 268 U.S. 652 (1925), the Supreme Court held that the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment applies the First Amendment to each state, including any local government.


    Read more http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_Amendment_to_the_United_States_Constitution



    So is it time for the constitution to be change to make easer?


    It's worth noting that (allegedly) Scientology supports the harassment,

    intimidation, and "dirty tricks" to be used against enemies of their church without concern for the moral implications of those actions. The degree to which they act in accordance to the legal limitations of state and federal law has only to do with not wanting to be caught, jailed and/or fined. According to their beliefs (again, allegedly, I'm not a lawyer or expert) anyone who decides to place themselves in the position of being an enemy of the church is "a criminal" and deserves no ethical consideration.


    My view is law on the freedom of speech makes it illegal for the state to do any thing.In such way in courts Scientology would say this is freedom of speech .


    They are no less dedicated to their beliefs than any Muslim that believes their laws are set down from a higher authority than state or federal authorities. All the same they know if they publicly commit a crime against state or federal law, they will be pursued for it.


    That is the confict of seporation of curch and state law and religious law .And every group that wants own law .


    This is all based on pretty basic principals within our society, and there is a ton of case precedent involving everything from the Branch Davidian to Scientology and the Catholic Church demonstrating how groups that believe in a higher authority still have to act within accordance of state and federal law. No group of Muslims will be able to change that. No isolated crackpot rulings by errant judges, or ACLU challenges are going to change that now at this point in our society.


    But the problem is these people do not want to live in seporation of church and state law but under a religious law .Look at the gays, lesbians, abortion and sex and there is major conflit here.They view seporation of church and state is very evile .


    And still have killings over gays, lesbians and abortion .Even the Islamic leaders are in confict with other Islamic leaders if women is person and if should be coverd or not .There are Islamic sects that say a women is not person but low life .Such Islamic confict with other Islamic confict .


    Even if some Muslims make legal protests and try to challenge the laws it will not matter. They can want their own laws all they want - hell, David Koresh wanted his own army - but it's not going to go anywhere. Legal precedent is far too established and no matter how many fringers (and no matter what religion those fringers adhere to) no religious group will be above the law in this country.


    Wanting own community is different than own court.If non Muslims goes into a Muslims community they must do want the community is saying is right or wrong/

  6. I can understand why a group may promote an isolationist philosophy - many religious groups already do this. The issue I have is any attempt to promote Sharia Law above the legal "law of the land" is inherently illegal, and I would assume racketeering laws could even be used against any group that tries to promote or conceal illegal conduct from law enforcement. Since this movement (no group was named in the article) has expenses I assume they collect donations.


    If those donations promote illegal activity and interference with law enforcement, doesn't the group become subject to racketeering laws?


    At that point it's a criminal organization.


    I don't understand I thought they wanted their own law and courts?So if you believe in their god you go to theire court? Was there not same thing in UK where they wanted their own laws and court? I'm sure people who do not believe in their god would go to their court.


    Religion is soft power. just like any religion. Shariah law is an integral part of their religion. You can probably form a political party with a religious theme, at least in my part of the world. So by having enough people who are decidedly aligned to a faction, you can get the state to compromise, and have Religious laws as parallel or even an Islamic state.


    btw, Today is Hari Raya Haji. Happy holiday !


    I'm sure they are not making Canada a Islamic state nor did the UK did they want a Islamic state.


    Western Islamic leaders can't even agree that they should submit to the same security standards as other Americans. The sheer gall of that is just staggering.




    If the Obama administration grants Muslim women a pat-down pass because CAIR asked for it, the spam is going to hit the fan. Y'all can say whatever you want about root causes and unfair generalizations, but the irony here is pretty obvious. If such a forbearance were passed it would hardly be restricted to women in burqas -- any Muslim would be able to ask for it. Any Muslim.


    Gonna be kinda tough to ignore the flyover states when you're falling all over them in bits and pieces.


    The US does not live under a Islamic state so has power to do any thing they like .Do you even know some of the scanners show such detail that you nude on the screan and for even non-Muslim this will be a big problem.

  7. How do you overcome fear doctors.Not only should I see the doctor for my eye problems but my tinnitus too..Well it has also been 20 years for check up from head to toe.Alot can change in 20 years and with bad foods and a sedentary lifestyle does not help.


    I think my fear of doctors is moving me to alternative medicine.

  8. Yap probably there are great minds but the media does not talk about it like the great minds of science and inventors .Give news ,media or TV shows a choice on biology/medical or mega world,theoretical physics or inventions you know what will make air time.



    Just look at the shows on TLC,discovery, discovery science so on.



    Also I think what the problem is with medine is there is massive about of information out there how the human body works but very little understanding on the healing, cause and effect and aging.Put it this way doctors know how you body works very well and can diagnose the problem.But know very little on the aging and healing process.Has for cause and effect on diseases and illnesses this still in its infancy.


    When science get information on this than we probably be closer to star trek medine and most all diseases and illnesses will have cure.It kinda hard to come up with cure when you don't fully understand the healing, cause and effect and aging.


    And despite all medical books on cells and stem cells they are not even scratching the surface. On the news on how they got skin cells to turn into blood cells and just on the news yesterday turning fat cells into heart cells. With all this happing well time to rewrite the medical books


    Not to say of some small cases now and than on TLC,discovery, discovery science of a person cannot walk ,use his had or feet and over time the body repairs the damage or makes no pathways.


    I'm not bashing medical science but my view is medicine and rocket science is billions of light years away of star trek level.But all other science well is showing much more progress towards star trek level.


    May be in 50 or 100 years they will fully understand aging and healing process.May be in 100 or 150 years organs grown in labs or artificial organs will be the norm.May be in 150 or 200 years 80% of all cancer types will have cure along with diabetes.


    Has for rocket science it looks very bad well medical science much more progress .


    Also when computers more powerful where virtual reality can be used medical science will take off like lighting speed.

  9. OTTAWA - Islamists aim to build a "parallel society" in Canada that risks undermining its democracy and multiculturalism and becoming a "catalyst for violence," warned a national security report published Monday.



    The newly declassified document obtained by the National Post says Islamic hardliners are calling on Muslims living in Western countries to segregate themselves and adhere only to Shariah law.




    Read more: http://www.montrealgazette.com/life/Muslim+parallel+society+within+Canada+threat+Report/3831385/story.html#ixzz15O8ZHEzv
















    Note I have no idea that is going on in Canada.

  10. That is not my overall impression, of theoretical and mathematical physics at least. I see far more biology and medical jobs advertised. Even a lot of those I see listed under mathematics and computing are really biology/medical jobs.


    May be the media has clouded my perception has physics and theoretical physics seem get on shows like TLC ,discovery the news so on .


    Every one knows of Nikola Tesla ,Stephen Hawking .Bamin Franklin,Michael Faraday, Thomas Edison ,Alessandro Volta,Guglielmo Marconi ,Alexander Graham Bell,Isaac Newton,Leonardo da Vinci ,Galileo and Albert Einstein.


    And today the media all talk on Albert Einstein,Stephen Hawking and Michio Kaku !!


    And I most say Leonardo da Vinci and Nikola Tesla where more advance for the time they where in almost if they where time travels!!.


    All the above great minds of science and inventors where are the biology/medical great minds that have just a impact like the above .

  11. An NDP health critic has found data from B.C.s Ministry of Health that reveals a rising trend where homeless patients who no longer require acute care remain in those beds, reports the CBC.


    Read more: http://news.nationalpost.com/2010/11/15/b-c-hospitals-use-beds-to-house-homeless-says-ndp-healh-critic/#ixzz15Ncjp2Vn



    Canada had about 68,000 physicians working last year, following the biggest annual increase in medical doctors in 20 years, according to a new report.


    The Canadian Institute for Health Information released its annual report on the supply and payment of doctors on Thursday.


    In 2009, about 68,100 physicians were working in Canada, an increase of almost 2,700 over the previous year — more than triple the rate of growth of the Canadian population as a whole, the report's authors found, and the highest growth rate in two decades.




    Read more: http://www.cbc.ca/health/story/2010/12/02/doctor-supply-canada.html#ixzz17E61SqmJ

  12. Do not read the name Parallel Universes the video is not about it at all.It is video abou what made the bing bang and gets into deaper on the what happen before and what cause it.



    It gets into the Universe it struture it has very little to do with Parallel Universes .Who ever give the video its name is wrong.

  13. nec2009, I have been trying to write several comments to you, all of which I have erased and started over, trying to show you that you most definitely don't have retinal detachment.

    I'm positively sure you don't have anything that might compromise your vision, but I'm not a doctor. you should go and see a doctor, in my opinion, if you want to be sure.


    about diabetes, I really don't know. I thought so too about myself, but I'm very far from being diabetic.

    the internet is a confusing place to go and search for diseases...


    I'm just so scared this is happing so fast in past 5 years.All I know is it is fact if there is alot of eye flaoters or bright flashes it is medical emergency has this could be retinal detachment or blood vessel rupture in eye .I know I read enough on medical books...



    Only doctor looking at my eye using tools can find out what is wrong.Going by the symptom is not confirmation and hard to do .I could have high blood prussure or high blood sugar pre-diabetic.


    The internet is bad place to get information so are medical books do to there are no test to confirm if true or not.Even doctors do not know what is wrong to they do test to confirm has all they know it could be this or that .


    But do to I'm not getting bright flashes or the eye flaoters getting worse every day it well probably not retinal detachment or blood vessel rupture but still I should see a dotor has I do not know if this or that or what the problem is.


    I eat bad foods and have a sedentary lifestyle so I'm high risk for high blood prussure or high blood sugar pre-diabetic.This why I should see doctor for that alone.


    That me tell you a secret I have phobia of doctors and little faith in medicine other than alternative medicine little faith in medicine other than alternative medicine.


    I have seen so many people in are family that are sick, read horror stories about ER and people going to doctor, been around so many people that have lost faith in medicine and gone back to alternative medicine .


    I have family doctor that just wants get rich.Really I would love to get into alternative medicine .At one time I wanted to have job some thing to so with medicine but I think alternative medicine can do more now.

  14. Yap that is it..


    Not sure why I get that.


    it's called "Visual Snow" and no one knows (or either, no one that I know of knows) why it happens...

    I went to several eye specilaists, and they all said they are aware of the phenomenon but they don't know the cause for it... one doctor even told me he has it too



    Should I be scared? I'm mean getting eye floaters , eye sight changes ,tinnitus that gets worse at night and now visual Snow ? I know they say when people get bad floaters and lots of visual Snow it could be retinal detachment or blood vessel rupture in eye .


    I was also reading that people who have diabetes may effect the eye and circulation. I never had any of these problems 5 years ago.



    I use to have lots of nice hair now my hair is so thin and lack of hair.What is going on.

  15. The Universe as a Hologram

    by Michael Talbot


    Does Objective Reality Exist, or is the Universe a Phantasm?


    In 1982 a remarkable event took place. At the University of Paris a research team led by physicist Alain Aspect performed what may turn out to be one of the most important experiments of the 20th century. You did not hear about it on the evening news. In fact, unless you are in the habit of reading scientific journals you probably have never even heard Aspect's name, though there are some who believe his discovery may change the face of science.


    Aspect and his team discovered that under certain circumstances subatomic particles such as electrons are able to instantaneously communicate with each other regardless of the distance separating them. It doesn't matter whether they are 10 feet or 10 billion miles apart. Somehow each particle always seems to know what the other is doing. The problem with this feat is that it violates Einstein's long-held tenet that no communication can travel faster than the speed of light. Since traveling faster than the speed of light is tantamount to breaking the time barrier, this daunting prospect has caused some physicists to try to come up with elaborate ways to explain away Aspect's findings. But it has inspired others to offer even more radical explanations.


    University of London physicist David Bohm, for example, believes Aspect's findings imply that objective reality does not exist, that despite its apparent solidity the universe is at heart a phantasm, a gigantic and splendidly detailed hologram.

    To understand why Bohm makes this startling assertion, one must first understand a little about holograms. A hologram is a three- dimensional photograph made with the aid of a laser. To make a hologram, the object to be photographed is first bathed in the light of a laser beam. Then a second laser beam is bounced off the reflected light of the first and the resulting interference pattern (the area where the two laser beams commingle) is captured on film. When the film is developed, it looks like a meaningless swirl of light and dark lines. But as soon as the developed film is illuminated by another laser beam, a three-dimensional image of the original object appears.


    The three-dimensionality of such images is not the only remarkable characteristic of holograms. If a hologram of a rose is cut in half and then illuminated by a laser, each half will still be found to contain the entire image of the rose. Indeed, even if the halves are divided again, each snippet of film will always be found to contain a smaller but intact version of the original image. Unlike normal photographs, every part of a hologram contains all the information possessed by the whole.


    The "whole in every part" nature of a hologram provides us with an entirely new way of understanding organization and order. For most of its history, Western science has labored under the bias that the best way to understand a physical phenomenon, whether a frog or an atom, is to dissect it and study its respective parts. A hologram teaches us that some things in the universe may not lend themselves to this approach. If we try to take apart something constructed holographically, we will not get the pieces of which it is made, we will only get smaller wholes.


    This insight suggested to Bohm another way of understanding Aspect's discovery. Bohm believes the reason subatomic particles are able to remain in contact with one another regardless of the distance separating them is not because they are sending some sort of mysterious signal back and forth, but because their separateness is an illusion. He argues that at some deeper level of reality such particles are not individual entities, but are actually extensions of the same fundamental something.

    To enable people to better visualize what he means, Bohm offers the following illustration. Imagine an aquarium containing a fish. Imagine also that you are unable to see the aquarium directly and your knowledge about it and what it contains comes from two television cameras, one directed at the aquarium's front and the other directed at its side. As you stare at the two television monitors, you might assume that the fish on each of the screens are separate entities. After all, because the cameras are set at different angles, each of the images will be slightly different. But as you continue to watch the two fish, you will eventually become aware that there is a certain relationship between them. When one turns, the other also makes a slightly different but corresponding turn; when one faces the front, the other always faces toward the side. If you remain unaware of the full scope of the situation, you might even conclude that the fish must be instantaneously communicating with one another, but this is clearly not the case.


    This, says Bohm, is precisely what is going on between the subatomic particles in Aspect's experiment. According to Bohm, the apparent faste



    I found this today sounds interesting.I was doing a google search for some thing and found this.

  16. I think the quetion is if you have stomach cancer how does it spread to the liver and when you get liver cancer is it liver cancer or stomach cancer that spread to the liver.


    The post was hard to read.I thought it was stomach cancer spreading to the liver thus stomach cancer in the liver.

  17. Urine becomes more concentrated as one dehydrates. If one is in a survival situation where one has become dehydrated then the urine produced once dehydrated would be relativley concentrated. The body will produce uric acid at a relatively constant rate as a by-product of cellular respiration. If you are drinking a lot of water the kidneys will be actively removing it to maintain the ideal blood ph level thus producing a rather dilute urine. If you are dehydrated the kidneys will be attempting to conserve water for exactly the same reason. So the concentration of urine, and thus its effect on the body when re-ingested, will depend on the circumstances of its production.


    Thus in a survival situation with limited fresh water, where that water is rationed, the body will be in a constant state of dehydration and so producing concentrated urine. If one consumes that concentrated urine the problem is that it may be so concentrated as to set up an osmotic gradient such that water would be drawn from the capillaries in the intestine out of the body, thus making matters worse! I do believe this is the issue when drinking sea water. Also the US navy carried out an experiment to see if sailors cast adrift at sea could survive by giving themselves sea water enemas thus allowing the large colon to absorb water as that is one of its existing functions. The experiments proved that the sailors dehydrated more quickly with the enema than without it and that was ascribed to the osmotic gradient created in the large colon removing water from the subject's body.



    So drinking dilute urine would not be a major problem but drinking concentrated urine could/would be. Urine from a healthy person is normally pathogen free.




    Yes the less you drink the more the urine is concentrated that is why urine is dark yellow if you only drank 4 glass of water in 15 hours and the urine more white if you drank 9 glasses of water in 12 hours.


    Most people say you should drink about 10 to 12 glasses in day.

  18. The following website contains Free streaming video lecture courses on medical science, like wonderful physical examination videos, anatomy dissections, biochemistry, histology, pathology etc...They provide free online tests in medical subjects (more than 4000 MCQ questions, which are good for preparing for tests like USMLE:



    Excellent site worth visiting for medical and nursing students..



    What grade ? Grade 11,12, first year med scool or entry level into nursing ??

  19. When I get up in the morning and it is very very bright out side I'm seeing dancing stars/ sparkly dots.I did a google search and was saying if there is bright flashes of light it may be retinal detachment.



    No they are not eye floaters they are dancing stars/ sparkly dots it is hard to explain.I'm farsighted in one eye and nearsighted in other eye and can only see it well if it is very very bright.


    What can cause this or one eye farsighted in one eye and nearsighted in other eye ?


    I also have tinnitus it gets worse at night.

  20. Unfortunately few people (including the news outlets as well as the scientists themselves) tend to bother


    Why is it taboo to do research into these things?


    In fact, we have gained an enormous amount of information. However, we are still unable to put everything together to have e.g. a working model of anything but the most simple processes


    Well more people get into physics and theoretical physics than medical or biological researcher .Also physics and theoretical physics get more money.

  21. I think you'll find a lot of support for those arguments here at SFN.


    In what ways do you feel that the government is dumbing-down the people? (Not that I disagree.)



    When I was in school I wanted to take science the teacher was saying science is not main subject like before.My parents got so mad when school drop spelling and grammar has teacher was saying it more imported kids express their thought even if it is bad.


    My friend is in college and there are people very weak in English in the class.When I was in grade 7 my parents got so mad when the teacher would not teach multiplication table saying I do not need it.



    In high school my self and many others in the class had trouble to keep up with work !! The teacher was saying I would love to spend more time but the government feels the next day you have learn this and the teacher was saying I would love more power than government feeding all this information in short time many cannot take this all in.


    When comes to schools the space program the republican do cutbacks like they do cutbacks in projects and research.



    Now I have to get my GED now.

  22. The reason why there still evolution debate like the stem cell,cloning and genetic engineering debate is people in government and average person on the street would not even understand grade 7 science.Do to the school now are daycare now and push people along even if they don't understand what they are learning.The media and goverment also keeps dumbing down the people.

  23. For the actual stories, the media gets a lot of the blame. I'm not giving scientists a free pass on this, though

    Another factor is what ajb pointed out — medical studies are statistical in nature.




    What is hard for me or other people we are not scientists .I don't even have grade 12 !! I'm into science but just no time to read grade 11,12 books and other books on science.I do get time now and than to watch the learning channels like discovery or discovery science.I don't even have time to be on message board every day .


    In the future I may do something with medicine has that is my interest.But before that I have to get my GED to improve my math, English, science and civics.I would love to get some grade 11 and 12 biology,physics and chemistry books.


    In the mean time understanding radios and types of Electromagnetic spectrum and there properties and all types radions I would love to read more on but just no time has of now.


    I'm reading basic books on electricity and computer hardware now.


    For the actual stories, the media gets a lot of the blame. I'm not giving scientists a free pass on this, though


    What I would like is the media to get consultants on the topic where the person has PHD that can interpret the scientific studies than a reporter could interpret it wrong.Also end the media sensation and controversial report to there is more fact base .








    Also one must acknowledge that medicine is not strictly science and doctors are not scientists. There is a large dose of tradition and conventional wisdom that goes on. Clinical studies aren't always possible owing to ethics considerations (e.g. not treating a group of patients, even though a treatment exists, so that you can gauge the effectiveness of some therapy on another group)



    The understanding of the human body and medicine is too much in renaissance time do to the fact 100 or 150 years ago people know very little and very very very much so crude.The understanding of electronics, building engineering,physics and chemistry is much more advance.

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