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Posts posted by ecoli

  1. Small holes have a way of defracting light around it. A neat little experiment, especially for us glasses wearers. Take your thumb and forefinger and make a small hole, about 1/2 millimeter wide. Put it up to one eye, and close the other one. You should be able to see better, the image should be sharper.

  2. ']Larry Niven- Ringworld/Ringworld Engineers

    Wiliam Gibson- Neuromancer

    Frank Herbert- Dune

    Orson Scott Card- Ender's Game



    Was DUne good. I have it, but I've never got around to reading it. Is it worth it?

  3. Those are good, but is there any animations that I can download, ones that I don't have to use an internet browser for?

    I need to put an animation into a PowerPoint presentation, and I won't have internet access during the presentation.

  4. I had this problem in middle school, though rarely with physical violence. I was always being picked on and called names. I was lucky enough to have my own friends who went through this too, so I wasn't alone.

    Anyway, I always tread with caution whenever an identified bully walked near. I went through school in fear. Fear that I'd be picked on, laughed at, rejected by my peers. These kids were the "popular kids." They were a big group with the most friends.

    Until recently, I always thought of them as such, as the "popular kids." Then, I realized the only reason I was afraid of them, was because I thought of them as superiors. I knew I was smarter, but they had more friends and they put me down, so I believed them. I actually felt inferior to them.

    I decided, in my last year of school, that I wasn't going to take it any longer. I was going to treat them, the same way they treated me. Instead of hiding when they made fun of me, I'd make fun of them back. They'd insult me, I'd insult them. It worked. They still make fun of me, but now it's in jest.

    We have a mutual semi-respect for each other. And I've made some friends (acquaintances, at least) too.

  5. The reason he won this distinction is because he was the first scientist/celebrity. He was idolized and was a symbol of the era. He was asked to be the president of a country! He was better liked then Newton, he was more absent-minded and lovable. His crazy hair, peircing eyes and smile made him the perfect man to embody science.


    But does this mean he was a smarter person or better scientist? I don't think anyone can give a conclusive, objective answer.

  6. Not only does our media make things seem worse, when they report a story. But, when there are no actual natural disaster's occuring, the media run's stories abut potential disaster's. Some of the stuff they come up with is pretty far fetched, but it does work in scaring the public. Media is all about fear. They scare people into thinking they need to watch the news. (see Bowling for Columbine, pretty interesting stuff)

  7. Newtons worked with a wider variety of subjects. From Gravity to Optics to Calculus. He did a lot of research on the human body as well, especially with the eyes. Einstien proved some of Newton's Theorys wrong, but does that mean he's a better scientist? I don't know.

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