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Posts posted by Bettina

  1. Sure...by today's standards.


    But she was considered ugly in those days...what with her bulging cranium where her sloping forehead was supposed to be. (but he loved her anyway)


    Cute, but your off by many years. I think the skull of the early neolithic wasn't nearly as bad as you describe. She probably looked pretty good for her time. Somewhere around 8000BC. I found that the potters wheel was the wheels first use but then man found it was good at grinding hops and barley into mash and so on.......so I think thats where women got their hi pitch voices from screaming so much.... ;)



  2. I credit her husband. He was the guy who started with the triangle and found that the square "rolled" better. He then developed and improved it until he had the octagon which rolled quite well in some conditions especially after being "broken in" or worn a little.


    I'm not trying to discredit her input in any way' date=' but all she did was tell him "Why don't you just "round" all those corners off!" after he did all the work.[/quote']


    I agree. Without her beauty and brains directing him, he would still be shaking his beer keg to bits. ;)



  3. I have read about Hiroshima for example and I detest my country for doing that. I imagined young mothers pushing a baby carriage down a street, or getting their kids ready for school when the blast hit. I saw photos of things like watches, hospitals, playgrounds, and people. I am not proud of having the Enola Gay hung up on a ceiling as a display of victory and I shook my head when I first saw it. I never watch "Pearl Harbor" movies because its a slap in the face to the present Japanese population.


    The reason we did this was to "end the war", but I know different. I believe the military wanted to test the bomb on a living target and still be "legal" before the war ended. Nobody will change my mind that we brought inhumanity right to the innocent. We were not targeting soldiers, we targeted the innocent men, women, and children who were not part of the war. People who were not fighting but just trying to get along. We purposely targeted civilians and I for one am ashamed of that.

    With that said, I don't throw stones at other countries without throwing them at mine. Hurting innocent people is nothing to be proud of. Thats what makes you uncivilized.


    I don't feel safe in my country either, for the reasons listed by Enski, only he forgot to add rapists and child molesters to it too and I don't agree with my president on anything either....Yes Benson, I worry about a few thousand people and as far as having the nuclear capability to destroy the world, I cannot argue that either.


    The point I was trying to make, is that religious fanatics and nuclear weapons don't mix. What do you think would have happended to New York on 9/11 if the Taliban had a nuke and could deliver it. Our secretary of defense made a statement that keeps ringing true in my ears. "If these people get their hands on a nuclear weapon they won't hesitate to use it". I believe him and it scares me to death.


    I don't worry about China, US, Russia, or other "civilized" countries having nukes. I worry about "uncivlilized" countries who force their women to wear Burkas, and/or have "religious ideologies" as there constitution driving them to develop dirty bombs to use against "infidels"...or giving death to those who grab the koran without gloves on....and please don't insult me by saying these things are "customs", there not.



  4. Originally posted by Bettina


    Here's a little bit. I'll try and get you more later. Keep in mind that I think Darwin is right. He just didn't take into account that life can erupt multiple times. http://www.livinguniversebooks.com/DarwinWasWrong.htm


    I like it. It doesn't detract from the possibility that life came from outer space. It just states that when it arrived and flourished. It could never be totally eliminated. It survives.



  5. Your ignorance shocks me. What is so civilised about the western world that would allow you to sit on your high horse and preach truth this is a science forum, and im sure if i tracked through your posts Bettina i would find absolutely no science at all


    Since you have taken this to a personal level and shown your dislike for me, I won't be bothering you anymore. I think it may be wise if we place each other on our ignore lists. Sorry you took it so personal.



  6. bettina ' date='

    No offence or anything but I think it was a bit wrong to say some country you haven't been to is uncivilized .[/quote']


    No offense taken, but since I am a girl, I would not want to visit any mideast country that treats females as they do, and secondly, most of the religious fanatics that like to kill people have been from the middle east. This is just my opinion.



  7. Who the hell are you to decide who is civilised and who isnt


    Vladimir, criticizing without explanation is not helping me understand. What is it about my opinion that is wrong. Where is my mistake?



  8. Do you realise that the only country to use nukes in a war is the same country that says who can have them? I'd be more worried about the US using nukes then some 'uncivilised' country that hasn't the capacity to wage a full scale nuclear war.


    I wasn't speaking of the uncivilised middle east countrys waging a full scale nuclear war. I was referring to uncivilized religious fanatics detonating a nuclear weapon like a "dirty bomb" on a civilized country. That is the real danger, much less than the US using nukes. I am not worried about North Korea because though not free, they are still civilized. However, I am really worried about Iran. They are uncivilized, overly religious, fanatical, unlikely to be converted to civility, and will nuke us for just looking crosseyed at the Quran.

    It is blatenly obvious that the 'free country' your talking about is the US. Is unknown? come on now that is wishful thinking.~Scott


    I was not being blatent. By my profile, you can see where I come from. I have nothing to hide. But I do read the news.



  9. I believe that there are probably only a couple of chemicals that are needed to mix at the right temperature to create life.


    I also believe that life formed multiple times around the earth which lead to different evolutionary patterns' date=' which lead some people to think Darwin was wrong.[/quote']


    Send me a link to this thinking please........I'm interested in all avenues.



  10. Don't be like that.


    If you have a theory then I want to hear it.

    If it's unusual' date=' then so what.


    I'm not so desperate to cling on to today’s scientific understandings that I will close the doors to new possibilities. :)[/quote']


    I'm not like that....I thought you were pulling my leg a little. Ok friend....Kool then.


    Look at these and let me know what you think. I've always believed that life started at the same time as the creation of matter and seeded the planets. I just couldn't get it in my head that life could have started on a sterile planet without some outside intervention.









  11. Last time I checked launching things into space was not[/i'] cheap.

    Compared to manned flights, they are cheap.


    Will you please tell me what these "building blocks of life" are. I really don't know what you mean, like little microbes, amino acids, prebiotic matter, or what?


    Something tells me your making fun of me... :) I think you already know.



  12. Maybe there were two comets?

    One for softies and one for hardies.

    Bugs are kind of strange like that.

    I could never trust any life form with it's skeleton on the outside.


    so you aren’t thinking life originated on another planet....but rather that it's somehow happening in the expanses of space...?


    I know this is amusing to you, and that I'm just a 17 year old girl with a huge imagination, but when I look up at those stars at night, I can feel it. I know we are not alone, and I know that the building blocks of life were created along with the formation of matter. This is why "life" was trapped in the comets during the early stages of the formation of our universe.


    Religion has no part here. The building blocks are everywhere in the universe, raining down on our planet, finding it hospitable, and flourished. Someday, scientists will find evidence on dead planets and moons of how life tried to start but failed.... on every planet and moon in our solar system that couldn't support it. The ingredients are everwhere. Give it some time. They will find it.


    This is why I support unmanned (not manned) space exploration. Its cheap, and will find the evidence I mentioned.



  13. Hmmm' date=' interesting idea.


    Ok, lets paly it out like a film plot.


    when shall we say it arrived, and how?


    what form shall we choose and where will it have come from.


    (I nominate bugs, they have always looked alien to me).[/quote']


    It wasn't bugs :rolleyes:

    It could have been amino acids, simple building blocks or even cells. I don't know. But I will guess that in the next ten years, we will find the building blocks of life in space if not on a comet itself.


    What rained down on our planet, found a place hospitable for it to multiply in the oceans. It also came down on the moon, mars, jupiter, etc, but there, the environment was too hostile for life to flourish.


    Don't rule this out....you will be eating your words in a few years I think....

    I wonder what comet I came in on...... :)



  14. Before any of the other choices materialize, we will have a variation of nuclear war. A nuclear detonation will take place in a civilized and free country, killing thousands, and will be delivered by an uncivilized country somewhere in the middle east.


    Whether the free country will retaliate in kind, is unknown but I think the detonation will occur in my lifetime. Sad....



  15. Post #23 I did, and in #39 I talked about it a little. If you are talking about something else, then more explanation is needed.


    I'm not trying to argue with you...ok..... maybe a little.... :) I'm just trying to tell you not to be so convinced that earth life only originated on earth and could never have come from "out there".


    I have read a lot of articles and the possiblilty is there. I have always believed we were seeded and its nice to read articles from other scientists that believe this too.



  16. I am curious of why, for example, the pedophile thread was closed after everyone made there closing arguments, then reopended days later for one poster to make comments about another poster, then closed again. before there was a chance for rebuttal. I thought it was agreed to be closed at a certain time. I would have liked to have made a comment to the last post.


    Also, why is a person allowed to change the title of his post after many people have already answered it rendering the answers not making any sense anymore.


    Just curious



  17. I admit I haven't dedicated my life comparing the theories and the mechanics of the theories involved' date=' but I believe that I have sufficient information to have an educated opinion.



    Instead of saying "cute" :) Could you post your information? I would appreciate it.



  18. Sounds like view from someone who is trying to reconcile two different beliefs, which is not good science.


    Please post me a link that shows that life on earth could have ONLY come from earth.

    And...also, tell me why having an open mind like the International Society of Philosophy and Cosmology, (see my above link) is considered "bad science".



  19. The meaning of my post was kind of sidetracking the original posters question...sorry. I was just saying that part of the original post implied earth life originated on earth, and I am not 100% sure it did.


    I went on to say that life could have been in the ice of the comets that came down, and "seeded" us. It's just another possibility of how life started on earth. It doesn't explain, however, where life started.


    I have to review the impact again. Though the majority of the people believe in the biblical version of adam and eve, they would still be unfazed by a discovery of seeded proportions. Their faith will carry them through the discovery, and the bible would be reinterpreted to fit it.


    I, would not be fazed at all, because I believe the possibility is real and would not be surprised and I don't think it would take scientists by surprise either.


    Just my opinion...



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