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Status Updates posted by Joatmon

  1. How nice the staff are on Fairfax Ward, Warwick hospital where I arrived in an ambulance last Saturday. Bit of heart trouble but home again now and none the worse.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Joatmon


      Thank you Mississippichem.

      Feeling quite well again now. These days being retired I don't get much in the way of stress. :)

    3. mississippichem


      Let me come live with you then Joatmon. I could use some of that. :)

    4. Joatmon


      Mississippi - you would need to live near Warwick, GB and find yourself overnight in A&E. A minor heart does the trick. If you manage it give my regards to Marcia, my favourite nurse! :D

  2. Hi, I can't really help you chose what you might study as I retired 20 years ago. All I'll say is to be happy in your work is a good aim. That usually comes from doing what you enjoy. Develop what you like and I wish you well!

  3. I feel I'm slipping away from this forum and sliding toward poetry. I've just won a cup for one of my poems and imatfaal won't even lend me fifty quid here. ;-)

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Ben Banana

      Ben Banana


      Yep. I'm not that familiar with electrodynamics, unfortunately.

    3. Ben Banana

      Ben Banana

      And I meant, I'm not strongly familiar with details of the electromagnetic spectrum, although it seems I have corrected myself properly.

    4. dragonstar57


      its not really electrodynamics basic em spectrum is HS physics.

  4. Just back from a short break in Cornwall. Luckily I was strong minded enough to resist buying a rubbishy (IMO) painting and resist being converted to Scientology. To see what I mean see this video! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JfgXVewoHW0&feature=player_detailpage

    1. imatfaal


      I don't think you can be "converted" to Scientology - the word is more like "indoctrinated" or possibly even "brainwashed". Whichever I am glad you have returned with your free will your own! Is the weather clearing up for the Olympics?

    2. Joatmon


      I'll have to ask the Big Chief Scientific God!

    3. Joatmon


      You should know that the Big Chief Scientific God walks among us. His task to keep us on the straight and narrow path of truth. If you speak his name then do so in hushed tones and reverence. That name is Swansont.

  5. My brain scan came back "normal". I don't know what that says about the rest of you!

    1. imatfaal


      So they didnt find the higgs boson in there? Glad all is clear

    2. Joatmon


      It seems there may be plenty of them in there but I hope they don't use my head as a target to prove the point!

  6. Hi Xittenn,

    Just for you - "What are you listening to right now" #169.

    Don't know if you will get this message - hope so,

    Regards Jo.

  7. Just to say I'm pleased to be your friend - I think we may have a lot in common.

  8. The robins in my front garden have flown the nest. I can now think of braving the spines of the untidy acacia bush which easily penetrate leather gloves!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Joatmon


      I have been thinking of a reply using the phrase "a big prick", but thought better of it :-D

    3. Joatmon


      Actually on the basis of "learn a little every day" you made me wonder about dinosaur mating habits which I find is quite a mystery. http://dinosaurs.about.com/od/dailylifeofadinosaur/a/dinomating.htm

    4. MonDie


      Nice link. Be careful of those pricks, Mr J.

  9. Scattered thoguhts #102 still applies.

  10. Question: What do you get if you tell the doctor you have some hearing loss and mild tinnitus in one ear? Answer: A brain scan! Friends seem to think this explains a lot!

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. MonDie


      I didn't think it was offensive sarcasm. I assumed b).

    3. MonDie


      b) in that you've been using your brain for a long time already.

    4. Joatmon


      Gee thanks - I feel a Van Morrison song coming on! :)

  11. You don't give much in the way of personal information but you have mentioned a couple of times lately that you have lived many years. I'm wondering, if only approximately, how many years that might be. I'm 74.

  12. Although maths is not my strong point, I've realised you are a lot older than I thought you might be!

  13. Thank you - Jo.

  14. Your Dad's time was before mine. I was in the RAF from 1956 until 1978. Maybe your Dad was a national service man. If he was a long time regular he may have been in the war? I haqd a very peaceful career. Regards Jo.

  15. Found the record. I didn't like you telling me to give up trying for something I wanted when I couldn't imagine you yourself giving up. You also seemed to find my struggle funny. I know it was only in fun.

  16. I haven't been able to find a record of that particular string of comments. Using a limerick was probably meant to make any indication that I might have felt slightly uncomfortable a bit of a joke.

  17. Not too sure how I should respond to comments on my profile - do I comment on my own profile or yours? Anyway to repeat on both - I forget why I wrote the limerick, probably because I thought you laughed at me rather than with me.

  18. I forget what that was about now. Probably I felt you laughed at me rather than with me!

  19. Whoever has been involved in correcting my "-1" in the Monty Hall topic - thank you.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Xittenn


      Maybe? ??? Am I on trial? ? ? ?

    3. hypervalent_iodine


      No, no. There is a software bug regarding that particular post and the rep points given, I was just testing a theory.

    4. Xittenn


      Then yes, yes I did! >:|


      For purely academic reasons though. I think the statement is incredibly weak and the post is begging for a flame war that I rather step out of. I would probably be the only one flaming, and am generally the least understood poster in such circumstances. I will post my final thoughts but I don't have time to pursue this, I'm cramming!

  20. Out of the mouths of babes. Just thought this was funny. One of my great granddaughters who is less than 3 years old was picking up some slang terms which my daughter (her grandma) didn't like. Grandma says "We don't say "aint it" and we don't say "eh?" do we?" Great granddaughter replied "Oh no Grandma and we don't say "piss off" do we?"

  21. It's half past twelve on friday. What would Jimmy Buffett do? Want to join him?

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Joatmon


      My turn to pull you up on The meaning of a word. Devil in the kitchen is not a song!

    3. Xittenn


      ok diddy. . .

    4. Joatmon


      Sorry - couldn't resist it - rarely get the chance - lol

  22. What would Jimmy Buffett do?

  23. What do you feel like doing by half past twelve on friday?

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