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Posts posted by njaohnt

  1. Yes, total disagreement, how is Christianity any more likely to be true than Islam or the Greek gods or Egyptian gods or Krishna or Adriana? You simply don't have a leg to stand on.

    (sorry about putting none instead of non, they're all like that because I copied, and pasted)

    Show me why those are just as good to believe in. The purpose of that post was not to show how all other religions are wrong, but just in specific, atheism.

    Any chance you are not wearing any apparel made of two different kinds of threads? Cotton polyester blend? or any other blend?

    After being a Christian for how many years you have failed to see the purpose in what it says. Look at where it says that. Notice anything abnormal compared to how the Bible puts out other laws(laws that are straight forward).

  2. So books written by selfless people are true by default? Can you support that assertion?

    Yes. https://www.google.ca/search?rlz=1C1GPEA_enCA328CA328&aq=0&oq=does+a+sponge+soak+&sugexp=chrome,mod=4&ix=h9&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8&q=why+does+a+sponge+soak+up+water#hl=en&rlz=1C1GPEA_enCA328CA328&sclient=psy-ab&q=does+a+sponge+soak+up+water&oq=does+a+sponge+soak+up+water&gs_l=serp.3..0i5.4051.6775.1.7044.,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.,cf.osb&fp=c0a71f853a7e4a00&biw=1280&bih=668


    None of the web pages say "Does a sponge soak up water", because it is obvious that it does.


    same evidence = same conclusions


    same conclusions = same evidence


    same evidence = same probably reality


    same probable reality = best thing to believe


    same evidence = same none probable reality


    same none probable reality = risky to not believe


    Atheism = not risky to not believe


    same probable reality = best thing to believe = Christianity = best thing to believe


    same evidence = same none probable reality


    same none probable reality = risky to not believe


    Atheism = not risky to not believe


    same probable reality = best thing to believe = Christianity = best thing to believe


    Any disagreement?




    So far pretty much every post you make, so far you have refused to address the arguments of nearly everyone who has has shown evidence that disagreed with your version of what you believe your religion says. Right now, as you stare cluelessly into your computer you are committing an abomination. Can you take along hard look at your self and guess what it is?

    No sorry, I don't see it. Please be more specific.

  3. I just laughed out loud ...


    So, which version of "the bible" are you following, exactly? The one that says whoever works in the sabbath (SATURDAY) should die? The one that prohibits you from wearing woven clothing? The one that tells you not to have ANY engraven images, or any symbols of anything, including a man's body on a crucible?

    So? Those don't deny each other, and I really don't think that you understand them. Perhaps you should see http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew%205-6&version=NIV

    Wow. How in-depth did you REALLY read the bible, friend? Any real close inspection of the actual text shows VERY clearly that it was written by various different people. The fact you have the same story told mutiple times with *different* details that are contrary to one another, should point that out immediately.

    How are they contrary to each other? I have not found that at all.

    Then, the writing styles change dramatically. Then again, you wouldn't notice that one if you don't read the ORIGINAL language, which you do not.

    Don't make claims you have no clue about. You don't know what the original biblical language says because you can't read hebrew/aramaic of the OT and you can't read Greek for some of the NT. Unless you can, you are reading a pre-interpreted TRANSLATION, which means you cannot possibly make any claims about the way the text is written originally.

    If you want, I can show you examples of how the english translation is COMPLETELY different than the original text. I can show you quite a lot of examples on that, actually. And we can talk about the oh-so-holy 10 commandments, 70% of which Christianity doesn't follow at all.



    If going to Israel is evidence, then I should be a devout christian, seeing as how I grew up there, speak the language, studied the original bible for 12 years, and visited most of the religious notable sites.

    ... yet, I am not. And neither are the majority of the people who LIVE in Israel... so what exactly am I supposed to get from being in Israel?

    What religious sites have you seen? Certainly not the ones that the people in the video were at.



    And you're saying I look like that? Ha. Yeah right. Give me an example of where I said "I can't hear you!"(or I refused to hear you).


    Who created the devil? How did God not see this one [hell] coming?

    Your argument doesn't even stand up to trivial scrunity.

    The angels have their decisions to make, too. People have not done evil?

  4. No sin deserves eternal torture...

    I watched your video, it is not... how do i say this with out being personally insulting... evidence of anything and why would going to Israel prove anything?


    The Devil created Hell, and God doesn't allow impurities. Where else are to go?

    Maybe you should watch another one to get more evidence?

  5. Can you point me to the one that's repeatable and not attributable to a natural phenomenon?


    For example, I've got a laminar flow hood here. I can switch it off and the air inside will be perfectly still. The ground is level, there's no risk of an earthquake.

    Say I put a beaker in the hood, and pray to God to tip it over, and it does. I upright it, and try again, it falls over again. Repeat 20 times. Only once the beaker fails to tip over. I now have p 0.05 that praying will make a beaker tip over [i.e. evidence of God]. I can take my laminar flow hood out in front of a lecture theater seated full of 500 students and repeat my experiment, demonstrating the power of prayer and providing evidence of God.


    Is there anything like that?

    Countless Miracles! I referred to this guy as "the dude in South America who heals people" I found a webpage about him. http://www.beliefnet.com/News/Science-Religion/2002/11/John-Of-God-Investigating-A-Brazilian-Faith-Healer.aspx?p=1

    Yes, he has lots of religions, but God works in mysterious ways, doesn't he?

    There's also someone like that in my church. There are countless miracles!

    All the bits which deviate from observations of reality, including but not restricted to:

    - Plants existed before the Sun and Moon (Genesis 1:11-16)

    Is that impossible?

    - The Moon is a/produces light (Genesis 1:16, Isaiah 13:10)

    Where does it say that? Just because the moon is a light doesn't mean it produces its own light!

    - The Hebrew population in Egypt somehow goes from dozens to millions in a few hundred years. (Exodus)

    No! It went from hundreds to hundreds of thousand in a few hundred years, so God's people were prosperous!

    - Hares and coneys are ruminants (Leviticus 11:5-6)


    - Dragons (Deuteronomy 32:33, Psalms 148:7)

    What? I have feeling that you just got this from a website without looking at it.

    - Pi = 3(1 Kings 7:23, 2 Chronicles 4:2)

    Pi is pretty close to three. Of course they're not going to have it exact.

    - The Earth doesn't move.(1 Chronicles 16:30, Job 38:4-6, Psalms 93:1, 96:10..)

    That's not really what it is saying. It says we can't move it. It's kind of different from what you're saying.

    - The Earth has four corners (Isaiah 11:12, Ezekial 7:2)

    Didn't I already explain this?




    I think Krishna healed him... show how I am wrong...

    He doesn't believe that Krishna can heal him. He does believe that God can heal him. Which is more probable?


    Wow. You're really having a hard time grasping what the term atheist means huh? Atheism IS NOT about evidence, it's about the lack of evidence to support any conclusion that one or more deities exist. Theists conclude that there is in fact one or more deities based on faith alone. Atheists refuse to do the same because they are holding out for evidence, real verifiable, testable evidence.

    An atheist not following evidence is like a Christian not believing in Jesus.


    This is very relevant, and very much worth the careful inspection, especially in light of the latest few posts:




    Yes, but Christianity follow the Bible the best (I find). As long as you follow the Bible, you're following the "One true way"




    What reason is there to think it is true? It is a collection of books written by storytellers through the ages. All of the books are of the form, he said he said, i.e. hearsay. There is zero supporting evidence in favor of the bible's accuracy as any kind of historical record of events. No good skeptic would ever accept it as true without supporting evidence from those that assert it is true. It is not up to skeptics to disprove those that assert its truth, it is up to those that assert its truth to support their claim of truth. Until then their claims are just a bunch of hot air.

    How they were written. The only way that the Bible could be false(and God) is if those books were written by greedy people wanting money. I doubt that because of how they were written, their length, etc.

  6. So now you know the mind of a man who has been dead for more than 100 years? Scientists of his day were indeed trying to show the bible was true, the established thought at the time that was that the bible was literally true so there must be evidence of what happened everywhere but it proved to be a fools errand, nothing that science examined then (or now) showed anything but that bible was lies because there is no evidence of God christian or other wise....

    Why do you keep on saying this, you say miracles aren't evidence? Why?


    If you have some please feel free to show it but of course you do not,

    Countless miracles.
    all you have is a desperate desire to confirm your own fantasy of god, it's sad njaohnt, sad that you don't have enough confidence to believe with out proof, sad that you consistently do your best to tear down reality in favor of a book of myths and fairy tales...
    What makes you so sure that the Bible is not true? There is no evidence suggesting it is false(except predeterminations) the only reason is that it lacks evidence, and when something lacks evidence, you go out and get evidence, to become a good skeptic. Sitting around not looking for evidence is what a bad skeptic does, become a good skeptic!

    I pity you, you are wasting the one life you have promoting a lie and trying to get others to believe the lie by making claims that are basically lies, misrepresentations, and fabrications. I hope you genuinely don't realize you are promoting a lie but even if you are delusional that makes it doubly sad...

    A lie? That's a predetermination! Predeterminations lead to false theories!

    The fact that you think an eternity in hell is deserved by anyone who doesn't believe is pathological...

    You don't get it, do you. After you read the Bible, you don't understand. It's not the fact that you don't believe. It is because you have sinned. The only way for a sinner to get to heaven is to have God forgive your sins. How can He forgive you if you don't think He exists?


    No njaohnt, you are lying right now, you insinuate that the Bible and what is in it has never been put to the test when in fact is has and the bible failed and I mean failed completely. If you have any evidence i suggest you show it instead of using falsehoods to undermine things there is evidence for.

    I have showed that video. Watch more if you have to, but don't call them falsehoods, unless you actually go to Israel and show us!

    How did the Bible fail? Predeterminations?

    Seriously njaohnt, 295 posts in this thread and you have failed utterly to support your premise, time to admit you only have faith and from what I've seen out of you there is precious little of that in your arguments...

    How? I believe the videos. I would go to Israel, but you wouldn't believe me, would you?




  7. njaohnt.... How insulting, the program actually admits they cannot prove anything at around 07:00, if you seriously cannot do any better than that then I don't see any reason to continue to even discuss this. i will point out that the bible is demonstrably wrong about so much it calls into question everything else to anyone who has any flicker of rational thought. just because some of the people and places in the bible can be verified does not prove anything. I could write a story about alien invasion of New York City and use the names of real people, real places and even real events but it wouldn't the make the alien invasion real. I mean seriously.... I want my 10 minutes back on that one...


    ... Before you say this, maybe you should go to Israel and actually give evidence! You have know evidence that it is false, and the video is evidence of itself! What are going believe? Go out and show Science Forums what you find in Israel, but don't do this! This is an example of a bad skeptic. Before examining evidence of this, Moontanman has said that this is a spinel, not a not a ruby. He says that this is spinel because of a predetermination that the Bible is false. Remember, a predetermination leads to a false theory.



  8. Here's the excuse for God not being "here" enough.


    I believe that God does things for a better world. So, therefore:

    • He gives us a the ability to do what ever we want (would you want to be a puppet)?

    1. Giving us this ability includes being evil, and not believing Him
    2. Thus some people will be a "skeptic"(the next evidence area will explain why I put skeptic in quotes) and not believe him, and others will not follow Him

    • He doesn't want anyone to go to Hell (no impurities can be let in heaven, otherwise it would become like the earth with its evil people)

    1. The more a miracle happens, the less it seems like a miracle(consider 'Why does a miracle imply the existence of a Christian god, rather than merely implying that there are parts of reality we do not fully understand? God is not the only explanatory option; it could be any other force that we don't yet understand, including natural ones. "I don't know why that happened" doesn't mean "God must have done it." Not until we understand the universe well enough to eliminate every other possibility. ', imagine if things like these happened all the time! Everyone would think like this. If this happens to Christians only, then how come it doesn't it happens to Atheists(prove me wrong)? If you're seriously going to say that some force allows this to happen to Christians only, then wouldn't the theory that God did it have more evidence?
    2. Thus, less miracles, more Christians (though, God does have to keep the miracles going, or no one would believe that He is real). This explains why He doesn't do every miracle that would make the world better(except for the ones that would lead more people to Him).

    I think that this makes it so that no one can ever put evidence against God. The only reason why anyone wouldn't believe in Christ after reading this, is because they say it lacks evidence. Don't you agree?

    More Evidence:

    Are you a "skeptic"? If so are you a good skeptic, or a bad skeptic? I will show you the difference in a sort of a parable way.

    Let's say there is a miner. He used to mine in a old mine, but now that mine has closed. He goes to another mine for a job.

    "Okay," said his manager, "I always go to the mineral scientist to check if what I have is what I think it is, even if I'm sure I know what it is. I recommend that you do that, too, even though he charge 5% of its value."

    The miner never bothered to check his minerals because he thought that he was experienced enough to skip the step.

    One day he came across some spinel. As usual he went to the desk to pay for it, and he would go off to his shop to sell it.

    But the cashier said "Hey, why are trying to trick me? Don't you know that they have no tolerance for this? You're going to get fired!". The manager came and immediately fired him. The spinel was a ruby.

    (this is just considering that God is true, if you don't believe Him, allow and study over the spinel being a ruby, please)



    The miner is a bad skeptic, the first manager is a good skeptic, the 5% payment is the time and effort it takes to create a proper theory, the cashier is the angels of God, the second manager is God, the spinel that the miner had seen before was the correct theories of the Atheists, the ruby is Christianity, the thinking that the ruby was spinel is the the incorrect theories of the Atheists, and getting fired was going to Hell.

    Let's use a true story to prove that. I heard of a scientist who the found a new mineral. It looked a lot like a lot like another mineral. He was a good skeptic, and did tests to find out that it wasn't what he expected. I will explain why you Atheists are bad skeptics (or not even skeptics at all) shortly...



    Anyway, do you think that Charles Darwin went into making his theory saying "I don't know what happened earlier so I will find out."? No! He said "Christianity has insufficient evidence, I will figure out what happened". This is a predetermination. You cannot create a proper theory through predetermination. By doing this you base your theory on biases. To create a proper theory you need to let in all possibilities (being open-minded), and study them, which many Atheists have failed to do. I don't think that Charles Darwin tried to figure out how Christianity could/is true. I will explain why you Atheists are bad skeptics (or not even skeptics at all) shortly...

  9. Why does a miracle imply the existence of a Christian god, rather than merely implying that there are parts of reality we do not fully understand? God is not the only explanatory option; it could be any other force that we don't yet understand, including natural ones.


    "I don't know why that happened" doesn't mean "God must have done it." Not until we understand the universe well enough to eliminate every other possibility.

    Such as what? What would force would do such things?

    Let's say that He does exist, for sure, for now.

    How, are you going to go to heaven if you keep on saying that there could be some other force doing it. You're now going against what atheism is all about. Evidence. If there is evidence for a god, and you continue to say "Why does a miracle imply the existence of a Christian god" that is worse than saying "I think that the evidence of God is greater than the evidence of atheism".

    Do you see what you're saying here?

    Do all you people who pressed +1 realize this?


    njaohnt.... How insulting, the program actually admits they cannot prove anything at around 07:00, if you seriously cannot do any better than that then I don't see any reason to continue to even discuss this. i will point out that the bible is demonstrably wrong about so much it calls into question everything else to anyone who has any flicker of rational thought. just because some of the people and places in the bible can be verified does not prove anything. I could write a story about alien invasion of New York City and use the names of real people, real places and even real events but it wouldn't the make the alien invasion real. I mean seriously.... I want my 10 minutes back on that one...

    Maybe you should spend another 10 minutes...

    Did I not say "A fake?" at the end of my post?

    You can make a fake, but what do you want? The reason why I think that God doesn't make tons of miracles like you say He should, is because then you would get people like Cap'n Refsmmat. The less a miracle happens, the more people who see the miracle, take it as a miracle.


    Every step in the evolution of life.

    Then why aren't new animals coming out? It seems more like we were given 1 chance...all these years, what animals have come out?

  10. njaohnt, believe it or not cancers do disappear on their own and it happens completely at random and naturally. I'll watch your videos as soon as my computer stops stuttering...


    Yeah, but why did the needle not go in? I think God healed him.


    As Tim Minchin would say, you "significantly underestimate the total number of things". If something has a one in a million chance of occurring and it's given ten billion tries, it'd be a miracle if it DIDN'T happen!


    And for your enjoyment:


    What? What had a one in a million chance of happening, and was given ten billion tries?

  11. The issue with it is that you run off of physical evidence that you can see, feel and touch while being sure your not hallucinating.

    Oh good! that's what they want? I have some evidence like that(if you were there, which I wasn't, which is why I doubt you'll take this as a miracle)!


    There was someone who was getting a large needle for cancer. The doctor was unable to put the needle in. It was not going in.

    Later they realized that the cancer was gone.

    A miracle?

    Oh, and here is some more evidence that you can feel and touch(if you were there).


    Maybe you should watch all of them...

    A fake?

  12. My point would be that it's not an argument for any god much less the Christian one unless it's also an argument for every other god. Do you think that Muslim do not have faith? or Hindus? Wiccins? All religions require you to have faith and believe in things not demonstrably true. Your faith shows nothing but your gullibility...


    Faith with no evidence is... horse feathers....



    That's not true. Where did the word "evidence" come from? People made it up. I was thinking about this. Why do wee need evidence? There is not enough evidence against this. If you want evidence, I will give you evidence. I don't think it is necessary. The only reason why you would want evidence is if you're talking about something completely wrong, which God is not completely wrong. Is there any thought in your mind that you might be the one who is wrong? How sure are you that what the Christians is horse feathers? Maybe what you think is the real horse feathers. Again, you want evidence, evidence you will get. I don't understand how you think that listening to some "good" atheist scientists is better.


    The "Tres Juicy made the World" theory is something that I would ask evidence of.


    More so, there already enough evidence against atheism, and enough evidence with Christianity from just looking out the window.


    Is faith just part of group social pressure?


    No. In fact, it is the opposite.

  13. I don't think that anyone got the soul thing. Does my older post help?

    This also says that there has to be a soul in everyone. Imagine someone watching the big bang happen, they can see the whole universe and they are right outside the universe, and they know everything that happens in it. This will be hard to understand, but how can you be you? The person watching sees everything happen. Fast forward 14 billion years, here, you are. He sees the electricity go through your nerves, making you think, and view(I changed this from veiw) your screen. But how do you physically exist as you? Are you just a bunch of parts put together? How? Yeah, you are consistently thinking with your brain, but how are you you, and not everybody. Imagine that we all have souls controlling us, and then our souls all go in a box beside the person watching. Now what? We are beings being controlled by brains. That's basically what things in the universe is(changed from are) like now by the big bang theory. So how are thinking by you, and not just a brain. Like I said, this is hard to understand.

    From the anti big bang case for a creator thread.

  14. An awareness of higher functions like mortality, individuality, wakefulness, overall control of our bodies within the framework of the universe we reside in.

    Then no, that is not what I meant by soul.

    I meant more that a soul is a what makes you who you, setting you apart from other people, and the thing that feels your consciousness so that you can be here, and not just have your brain living the world.

    Then it's not evidence.

    If you don't understand some evidence, that doesn't make it not evidence, it's just not evidence for you.

    Those things aren't evidence that God is real or that Christianity is the true religion. Seriously, we're here so God is real?! That's evidence?

    Yes, it is also evidence of the Big Bang, and every other stories of how the world came to be.

    Big Bang and Evolution are both theories that use actual evidence and observation to describe the way things have developed over vast amounts of time. Evidence we've given you but was it was too lengthy for you to bother to read, so you take the easy way out and just say, "God did it".

    That's not evidence. Anyone could just do anything with it, you could have even copied it from somewhere else. I'll use the "Tres Juicy made the world" theory. Just saying something doesn't make it evidence(a little, but hardly any).


    The Tres Juicy made the world theory uses actual evidence and observation of the great Tres Juicy(note that you could have put scientists such as Charles Darwin here) to describe the way things have been made over the years.

    Okay. You like wings so lets take a bird...

    Thanks for showing me instead of just telling me to research.
  15. So far, there has been no evidence (NONE) that can't be explained in simpler terms than "Christianity is correct".

    I doubt you usually read my posts.

    As for the threat of going to hell, I look at it this way. If, at the end of my life, I find myself being judged by a God that tells me I'll be tormented forever for not worshiping Him, I'll be happy to tell Him I would never dream of being so cruel to anyone, so who was made in Who's image?


    If this God tells me I'll be tormented forever because I flubbed on a couple of His commandments, I'll tell Him that even though He etched them in stone for Moses, they got hidden in the Ark of the Covenant, so people couldn't agree on whether to follow the version in Exodus or the one in Deuteronomy. He shouldn't hold that against us, since Someone hid the Ark.


    And if He tells me I'll be tormented forever because I should have worshiped His son, I'll point out that His son got misused by a lot of people who did horrible things in his name, and I didn't want to take the chance of being one of them.

    That's like robbing someone, and then going to court, and telling the judge that he is cruel, and that he never knew that he couldn't rob people. YOU HAVE BEEN TOLD!

    Is a soul different from consciousness?

    It depends on how you think of it. How are you thinking of it?

    Your thoughts are individual to you and don't travel outside your brain. Why is that evidence that Christianity is correct?

    You don't understand it. Just like the last time. It is very hard to explain. That is the best I could do.

    This is just more circular reasoning, God is real because the Bible says so and the Bible is the word of God, who is real because the Bible says so.

    Oh wow. There are miracles happening. The fact that we are here and had to come from somewhere. You won't take them as evidence. Let me ask you. What evidence is there that the Big Bang, and evolution are real. You can't use the fact that we are here as evidence. You can't use "scientific miracles" like anything to do with dark matter, or anything that lacks much evidence like that. What evidence do you now have? Not once have I said "God is real because the Bible says so and the Bible is the word of God, who is real because the Bible says so." though I have used the Bible as evidence, not as a main usage of evidence.

    This is evidence to support the fact that you didn't read any of the talkorigins links that were given to you.

    I did, weather you think so, or not(though I only read the parts that peaked my interest in the really long one, because I have more important things to do than read all that).

    Why? Is flight the ultimate survival benefit for every creature? Is any creature that flies today better suited to our environment than we are?

    Think about how enormous wings on a human would have to be, and how much more muscle we'd need to use them. Creatures with wings have extremely lightweight bodies with hollow bones. Isn't it better to have dense muscles and arms with hands and opposable thumbs so we can build airplanes?

    Still, how do things evolve? I still think that if you're right we should have wings. Give me an example of something that would, and would evolve. I'm confused about why you would think such a thing.


    EDIT: One of my answers didn't match the correct quote.


    Never, if it is explained scientifically, which even the christian church admits 99.99% of "miracles" are.


    So, if that's the case, why define anythign at all as a miracle? Why not assume there is, somewhere, an explanation, and look for it, instead of settling for "it's a miracle" and forgoing any sort of explanation, until someone comes back with one by accident or by research?


    That's not evidence.




    So you're saying that the only way it can be a miracle is if clouds appeared in the sky? That's too picky. Are you saying that the evidence in the universe that the Big Bang is real is not evidence, because there are so many other ways that the universe could have been created (including by a god). That's what it seems I would be to you if I were like you, which I am not.


    , have you now become an atheist and just funning us?


    You honestly think this is an argument? it's childish nonsense at best, insanity at worst.

    This is the best way I could think of explaining it. It is very hard to explain. You don't get it.

    Why would you expect people to have grown wings?

    I think that it would be helpful for us to have wings. Isn't that how evolution works?

  16. I have gathered some evidence. Before I say it, you atheists really need to realize that you're dealing with something very big here. By the posts I've seen that it seems that you're not 99% (or more) sure that Christianity is false. It seems like 10, 20, or even 30% that Christianity is true. Is this true? The thing is that if you're wrong, you go to hell. I don't want to be mean, but you don't seem to realize how serious this is.




    How many years does it take for an "odd coincidence" become a miracle?

    More evidence:

    Now I've tried to explain this before, but I don't think anyone understood.

    Our souls. How did they become here? You would say that they don't exist, wouldn't you? I don't think that that is possible.

    Now I would ask you some questions here, but there are obvious answers, so I'll answer them myself.

    Me: Why are you you and not someone else?

    You(if you're an atheist): Because I was born in myself, not in anyone else's.

    Me: Why weren't you born as someone else?

    You: Because that is how my brain came to be!

    Me: So you're brain operates on electrical signals that make you know that you are you?

    You: Yes.

    Me: So you feel your sense your brain signals, and not some else's? Why?

    You: Because those are my brain signals, and not yours.

    Me: Why?

    You: Because they are in my head!

    Me: How is that your head?

    You: I was born with it!

    You see how this is? You are feeling your brain signals with something... a soul, electrical signals don't feel themselves.

    More evidence:

    Somethings to think about...


    More evidence:

    This is not much evidence, but I think that to world is too complex, and amazing for a god to have not have created it.

    More evidence:

    Now this may not be evidence, but wouldn't we have grown wings by now if evolution were real?

  17. Working on my fuel cells, I've got quite excited about how all them can interact, but there is one thing that I'm stuck on.

    The Mg(OH)2 made a fuel cell. What can you do with it? You can change it into MgO + H2O, H2O is useful for fuel cells, but MgO is not useful, however Mg would be, and O would be, too.

    Can you change MgO into Mg + O somehow?

  18. " Christianity is the biggest religion in the world"

    And we all know that a hundred thousand lemmings can't be wrong. Really, that's not a valid point. In particular there are roughly half as many atheists as Christians so it's not like it's totally one-sided.

    "I have never seen any miracles from other religions"

    I have never seen any miracles at all. However it is well documented that other religions claim miracles too.

    "I think that it means there will be more of them, and they will be more severe."

    What you "think" isn't evidence: what can you actually show to be true?

    "All unjustness will be made up to the Christians after their death."

    That's logically impossible. And it's also begging the question.

    "It doesn't say you can't."

    Oh yes it does. Look it up

    Leviticus 18 22

    "But there's lots of evidence, it's not blind. "

    show us some then.

    No, you don't understand the verse. Look at it again. If you're in the KJV I recommend you switch to NIV because KJV is even more confusing.


    About the first part…

    Do you really have to point out every little thing I say? Does a reason have to mean that it's right? No. Stop look at the little things I say and start looking for the big ones. I've decided to stop posting here, and just post evidence in my Christian Evidence now.


    You don't think it might have been because the dump truck in the parking lot made a HUGE amount of noise and gave a HUGE profile in her peripheral vision? Those are pretty big HUGE clues.

    No. I don't think she have stopped for the noise.


    I was stopped at an intersection. The road perpendicular comes down a large hill to the traffic lights. When my light went green I hesitated. Right as the car behind me started to honk its horn, a fully laden truck went through the opposing red light with failed brakes. Did God stop me? If so, why did God waste a "miracle" on a non-christian? It's simply far more plausible that I noticed something wrong with my peripheral senses and the action they were warning me about happened beofre I had time to consiously perceive the threat.

    I would say it is a miracle. Perhaps God realized that you are going to be a Christian in the future, or somehow the world would be better with you.


    Whilst true, over 2/3rds of the world are not Christian. Most of the humans - which God supposedly holds an incomprehensibly deep love for are condemned to burn in hell for eternity, for not holding a belief. Given believing or not believing in something is not a conscious choice but a position you are compelled to by consideration of the evidence, God will punish most people with incomprehensible severity for eternity, for something beyond their control. That rather at odds with incomprehensibly deep love, don't you think?

    It's the Devil, not God who is punishing you.

    Here's some miracles Islam claims: http://www.miraclesofislam.com/

    Here's some attributed to Budda: http://en.wikipedia...._Gautama_Buddha

    Here's some for hinduism: http://en.wikipedia....du_milk_miracle


    you get the picture.


    Notice how these are so obviously wrong?


    What prediction does the existence of God make and how can we measure it?

    We can't measure it, but we can look at miracles.

  19. How can you tell if someone is lying to you?




    Check to see if what they are saying matches with reality.


    If it doesn't match with reality, then they are lying.


    So, does the bible state anything that does not match with reality?


    Matthew 4:8. Apparently there is a mountain high enough you can see every where on Earth. Mt Everest is known to be the highest mountain on Earth and you can not see every where on Earth.

    It never said that you could see the whole world, it just said that the Devil showed Jesus all the kingdoms of the world, which could have happened with a miracle. Miracles match realality, because many Christians have experianced them, like my mom. Now, it's not like this was impossible, but have you ever been walking, and then you just stop, for no reason? You have no clue how stopped. That happened to her, when she was walking towards her car in a parking lot. She was very close, then, she stopped, and a dump truck ran right over her car.

    There are many religions and many denominations in each of them. Which one then it the true one? But remember, apparently the deceiver will claim to be the messiah, and I am not claiming that...


    1. Christianity is the biggest religion in the world

    2. I have never seen any miracles from other religions

    Umm, Wars, Famines and Earthquakes happen all the time and have been happening since the Earth formed. Now is no different to any other time.

    I think that it means there will be more of them, and they will be more severe.

    This sounds like hate speech to me. To me, what this says is that despite leading a completely blameless life and even one that helps others with acts of selflessness, except that you are an atheist, then Jesus will turn the world against you and get them to kill you.


    Nice guy.


    Sorry, if this is the God that you worship, then this is clearly an evil unjust God. Actually, it sounds exactly like what the Devil is described as...



    Actually, more hate speech and bigotry is generated by religions and by atheists (see this:



    If the evidence (ie: what reality shows) is applied to your arguments here, then religion is claiming falsehoods (that is deceiving) and advocates hate speech and unjust killing (if any killing could be though of as just at all).


    With this line you have posted, that to follow the devil and rejecting God will have you end up doing these actions, and that your religion seems to say that God will do these, then to me it seems that if you were to follow what you posted then you must reject Christianity.

    All unjustness will be made up to the Christians after their death.

    I have a warm and loving family and none of them are religious (all atheists). But organisations that say that two people should not love each other just because they happen to have the same gender is reducing the amount of love in the world, making love grow cold. These people are born hard-wired to love the same gender, but religion states that they must either live a lie (again advocating deceiving) or live a life without love.

    It doesn't say you can't.

    Actually for me, Hell would be knowing that good people would go to Hell just because they didn't have blind faith (and remember, the bible doesn't state we should have blind faith) in a God that advocates hate, murder and sending good people to hell for not blindly believing in Him.

    But there's lots of evidence, it's not blind.
  20. The easiest way to think of it is as mass but in layers or a scale like -1 0 +1 Dig a hole and you have a hole and a pile. The pile is positive and the hole is negative. (I know its not but its the example)

    So with the hole dug, there is still the same amount of dirt, its just transferred from the neutral (0) to positive (+1) and negative (-1).

    Now I know what you are talking about.

    Still, you never take away by making something that didn't take anything to make.

    Physics are "positive energy"(kind of). The thing is that even if matter made itself from physics, the physics are still positive energy, they're not physically here, but I would still call them "positive energy" because they had to come from somewhere

    1[physics]+1[matter]+0[what got used for matter to come]=2

    Where is that 2?


    Edit: If you're then going to talk about the positive and negative energy in an atom, I don't see why that negative energy counts as a negative. It is physically here, and it doesn't cancel out the positive energy.

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