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Everything posted by TransformerRobot

  1. Then were Velociraptors warm-blooded or cold-blooded? I've heard about the theory that dinosaurs were more warm-blooded like modern mammals, but I don't know if it's right or not.
  2. Did Troodon also have feathers? Or was it not in the same gene pool as Velociraptor?
  3. Some ideas didn't look good on paper either.
  4. Then what else were the feathers for? To keep it warm in colder regions? Or maybe to let it jump higher somehow?
  5. Velociraptor must've been even cooler than we thought.
  6. Would the teeth still be white? Or would they be silver looking?
  7. Could velociraptors climb trees? I know that Jurassic Park depicts their claws as tools for killing people (not that the movie's been all that accurate), but maybe they could also be used for climbing to treetops. After all, if this is one of the dinosaurs that gave way to modern birds, velociraptor would need a good place to rest, assuming it could fly at all.
  8. Would the fangs be retractable so they didn't show all the time? I don't want them to make her look monstrous or ugly. Such a thing was used as a gag in the original The Land Before Time. XD
  9. So if it did come from her throat, her throat would have to be coated in some sort of mucus to keep it from burning up?
  10. Are you sure the fire wouldn't come from the creature's throat?
  11. Are you sure? I always thought it was from somewhere in the abdomen.
  12. Another thing I just thought of regarding my alien reptile character. If she was able to exhale fire like a mythical dragon, what biological traits would she need to be able to do that?
  13. I saw that, right after watching Wreck-It Ralph! XD
  14. Yes, this is also an important part of my animated project.
  15. I never knew that though. Thanks for the formula I needed though.
  16. I've been trying to figure this out for a while. In the F-Zero games the cars are able to travel over 1000 km/h, which would obviously end the race much faster if it was a real sport. The games only depict each race as lasting 3 laps, so obviously that wouldn't be a long enough race to satisfy the audience. Now, let's consider these factors: -Each car is driving at over 1000 km/h. -The track is at least 500 meters. -The race is 30 laps long. With those factors in mind, what total time would the race accumulate?
  17. http://rainforests.mongabay.com/03highest_biodiversity.htm?g_q=Countries%20ranked%20by%20biodiversity
  18. What I mean is do we really have such a short range of animals in our environment? If so, why? Is it because of our winters?
  19. Nah, the closest thing I had in mind to that is that she's adjusting to Canadian winters, not breaking certain things with her superhuman strength, sleeping in trees without getting laughed at, and not scaring people away when she hisses out of anger.
  20. My intended audience is teenagers actually. The back panel of her loincloth is to cover up what's below her tail. She's wearing a bra because I wouldn't be allowed to show her topless even with a PG-13 rating. The breasts don't lactate, but when the females develop eggs in their wombs the breasts get saggy and empty. That's because the breasts store the fat that becomes the baby's yolk sac. I just wanted her to fit in on the Canadian team because I, the creator of this concept, am Canadian. I'm just writing what I know. ...Just realized that, because she's part of an alien race I created on the spot, I don't really have to change her to be more Canadian if necessary. Plus, because she's still a foreigner adjusting to Canadian customs, that gives her a bigger connection to modern day Canada, because we are among the most multicultural countries on Earth.
  21. The egg is almost drawn to scale, so yes, she has the hips for it. It's mandatory for her species. Now will somebody please respond to my idea that she is cryogenically frozen in her back-story?
  22. Well, is it okay if I change her background story to have her crygonically frozen at first?
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