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Everything posted by TransformerRobot

  1. I was wondering about what would happen if an air cushion hovercraft had an air-intake fan that spun at 500,000 RPMs. Would that cause the craft to malfunction, or would it give it more lift and faster acceleration?
  2. How could they tell if they were raptor (by which I mean dromeosauridea overall) teeth?
  3. What partial remains in particular? Teeth? Claws? Feathers?
  4. Were there ever any dromeosauridae in Africa? I've found examples of this particular dinosaur genus in Asia, South America, North America and Europe, but not in Africa so far.
  5. Is Deinonychus officially a raptor? Is it technically one, or not at all? A lot of people have referred to them as raptors, but only because Deinonychus inspired the genetically engineered raptors of Jurassic Park.
  6. In other words; no, they were not.
  7. So they could have gotten somewhere far beyond Mongolia and China, but after they died their remains didn't stay in place long enough to become fossils?
  8. What was it like during the days of Velociraptor and Protoceratops? Was it all just one large, harsh dessert? Or did it have any lush tropical areas like classic depictions of dinosaur-age Earth?
  9. What if there are chances of of Velociraptor being in the Middle East or Africa at one point, but they weren't there long enough to die and get fossilized?
  10. No it doesn't look like it could climb, but it sure looks close to Velociraptor. Anyway, where else did Velociraptor live besides Mongolia?
  11. I still would like to know where else Velociraptor lived.
  12. Another thing about Velociraptor I just thought of: Did they live anywhere besides Mongolia?
  13. Just like how even flightless birds have feathers, right? I've seen emu up close and their feathers are almost furry looking, and not so much for flight.
  14. Well is there a chance they could retain their feathers if they evolved into a more humanoid shape? Or would they loose their feathers and go for a more lizard-like appearance?
  15. So, correct me if I'm wrong anywhere, if Velociraptor were alive today, unchanged from this build, it would keep it's feathers merely for warmth? Is there a chance it could fly or at least glide?
  16. What if Velociraptor had fur instead of feathers? Do feathers have better or weaker insulation properties?
  17. I hope you're not laughing at a little girl's death.
  18. *reads how Abigail Taylor died* That was horrible. At least in 1000 Ways to Die they changed the victim to someone everybody hated.
  19. Well, I guess I should've mentioned earlier that the office was on the top floor, sorry. But disembowelment by a hot tub's drain? I talked to my mother about this, and she didn't think it could've killed Max in real life.
  20. After seeing the sci-fi epic Pacific Rim I began to wonder about this with regards to alien life forms; Could they be found not on another planet, but in a separate dimension? Maybe even one they long ago created themselves through advanced sciences?
  21. Well I'd like to see this stuff applied myself and see if it works as good as the manufacturer says it does.
  22. There have been some deaths on this show that have left me wondering how realistic the circumstances have been. First off, Alexis' death in the segment "Sky Scraped", where apparently negative pressure in the sky scraper, combined with strong winds battering the office window, caused an explosion of glass everywhere into her skin. Then there was the death of a Mel Gibson parody named Max, who happened to have his intestines ripped out by the drain of his hot tub (He sat on it by mistake). Are these deaths really that accurate? Even the woman who drank too much water? I've wanted to ask you since a lot of you here are qualified in scientific fields, and I figured somebody here could tell me if these freak accidents would have killed anybody in real life (I'm not asking anybody to try and recreate them in real life, because that would be a stupid idea, unless you have the proper means to do so).
  23. Are there animals that have genes for avoiding cancer? If so, what are they? Iota said the naked mole rate was one of them, but is it really?
  24. What life forms on Earth are able to survive the conditions you mentioned? They're likely not creatures I've heard of.
  25. I've been wondering if maybe we are the first in what is to be a long line of civilizations across the galaxy. What if we were to maybe colonize certain planets, but would have to be genetically altered to live on them? That would end up dividing the human race into different species, just like millions of years ago when Homo Sapiens existed alongside Neanderthals. If one was to be genetically altered to live on, say, Triton, what would they need to receive in order to survive the cold?
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